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Shadow Dragon May 2018
I once discovered,
a dark place.
Hidden beneath
all the fear.

Crawling up
the ladder.
To drag me down,
and let me drown.

Shaking pain,
and nothing else.
no rescue,
because I chased it away.
Gale L Mccoy Apr 2018
you see it crawling to you
reaching out and dragging you down
you let it
and you love it
till the claws dig in and the sun disappears
and you know what happens next
a bit of drunk poetry i forgot i wrote last night
Tony Luxton Nov 2017
They come in their hundreds of thousands,
floating magic carpets over our seas,
drowning, crawling up cruel sands,
bringing raw life, fuelling unease.

Salt for our wounds.
Tonic for our lethargies,
exorcizing the liturgy of myths.
Earth's orary grinds on.
Katelyn Billat Oct 2017
Its name is sadness.
Violent sadness.
It's creeping up again
It is giving me anxiety
Because I don't want it
To crawl in my skin
Again and be comfortable.
With the anxiety brings depression.
It's always been there,
Never completely going away.
But I can ignore and it slows,
Grows smaller everytime
I smile and laugh.
But every time someone leaves
Me for someone shinier,
The sadness spreads like wild fire,
Like the mold on strawberries
I cannot eat.
I wish I was born thin like her,
Perfect like her,
Golden like her,
The one who steals them away.
As I watch the monster crawling
Towards me,
I analyze it.
I watch the way it moves slow,
Trying to not be discovered
Like the way I do.
It moves swiftly,
Not in pulses.
I watch it creep,
Pulling itself from
Whatever depths it came,
Like the way I do.
And that's the scariest part.
I watch it's iridescent
Nails crawl closer.
It has a diamond ring.
So do I.
Meg Oct 2017
I don't want them to fill the empty parts of me. 

I don't want them in the space they have already consumed and made their home.

Yet they still crawl around my mind like they own it.

Insects that cant just be flicked off.

Filling every space,  till i become them and they become me.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2017
Brown beetles, shiny shells
Embedded into my skin.
Burrowing, these crawlers
Find their home in my flesh.

I tear away, in a frenzy
For fear they'd make a stay
But this twisted dream
Ended, with the sunrise

Yet, much to my demise,
The itch, scratching, scuttling
Many legs, swimming among
All of me, an awful psychosis

I feel the digging, controlling.
Betrayed, I cannot trust where
My own extension , begins
And where insects end.
Àŧùl Mar 2017
Though my life changed that very day,
Good guitar I can no longer play,
But I have started crawling back there,
And time willing I will get back.
May 7th, 2010 was a day that I wanted not.

My HP Poem #1468
©Atul Kaushal
Hannah Reber Aug 2016
It festers in your ears,
It grows in your tears,
With each tick tock tick tock second
You live with that one fear.
Don’t try to hide,
For those who live within the pride,
Will someday find,
That one day where they will surely die.

You see, with your own eyes,
The pale, the white, the sticky, the slim.
Those maggot flies,
Which fill your mouth,
Slinking down your warm throat,
Now they’ve gone south,
Deep they swarm within your core,
Where you once were warm,
Now you are frigidly sore.
They flood in a panic,
Multiplying in a frantic,
Their slim drips from your ears,
Then the tears,
Finally all you can speak is that one fear.
They eat you alive, feeding their bone breaking selves,
All you can do is break your screaming cells.
You’ve met the thing that eats the dead.
Welcome to your 2 foot wide, 6 foot deep, wooden bed.
AJ Jul 2016
Some days she looks at me
And bears a smile that shines like light
Other days she looks away
Forgets I loved her at first sight.

I promised her I'd never leave
Unless she told me twice
And now she's told me three times
With that distant look in her eyes.

Beauty hurts and beauty maims
And memories never fade
I look out the window, watch the sky
Fill up and pour with rain
But I can't leave
She's stuck in mind
Some days she stays
And life passes by
And nothing stings worse
Than crawling back.

She told me that she'd never love
Someone as good as me
'Cause good men tore her heart apart
In these cold, dark city streets.

But pain can't last forever
And neither can father time
So take a chance or two or more
And life won't pass us by.

Beauty hurts and beauty maims
And memories never fade
I look out the window, watch the sky
Fill up and pour with rain
But I can't leave
She's stuck in mind
Some days she stays
And life passes by
And nothing stings worse
Than crawling back.
Alan S Bailey Apr 2016
Beyond the whole of all we see,
Before our lives we carefully lead,

And at the top of the mountain
Looking down upon our land
And at the bottom of the dunes
Looking up at the hot sun and sand

Before looking at everything point
Blank, why not face it, ever looming,
Overcoming both Heaven and Hell,
On the horizon, our hands tremble,
Stomachs crawling. Here I'll soon lie,
*In darkness...
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