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Amelia Feb 2020
what a race against time
as i long to call you mine
i try not to eye the sparrow by my side
as we fly,
and with my staggering aside
i try not to think past the blinding realization
that i am put in this position
unable to be first

i try not to endorse
in this full-fronted sob cause
but how can i not
as i turn to look at you
with your beauty
and your spell
i fall under
and obsess
in this full never-ending contest

what makes an epiphany worse
is when you know
you know it's there
but you can't have it reversed.
The world is funny,
It is filled with the memories of a thousand Laughter,
I imagine how intriguing the moments are,
When the world greets you good morning from summer and spring,

I imagine how we live one day at a time,
I just wish at the end our humor is built to live for eternity,
                         Your sweet laughter was born of aspiration and dreams,
As awaken as noon and as conscious as nightfall,
I wish for a generation of laughter
We all dream for tomorrow
We all leverage our will

I miss my past as i stand with my future,
I like to fall in your arms,
I love to sail in your ocean
I love to wreck my harbor with your overwhelming fog

We owe our destinies to our creator,
She builds and waters all souls from glory to glory,
You were never as good as yesterday
You almost lost it for my sake
I raised you and prospered you
I brought you here to read my story

I will burn all my bridges,
Just for you to hold my hands
I know with you i need no plane to walk on the earth

I stood by all and yet the multitude watched,
Turn yourself inside out and watch my movie,
Be my heroine over acts and scenes

A scandalous heart is what you desire,
A wilful past is what you achieved
So remember i love you
I wish you were near
But now it’s noon time
So i must say goodbye to rest my head

If i have written something
That has caused you to grief,
I say a happy Halloween
I wish you a rebirth

A chubby little snowman
Had a carrot nose
Along came a bunny bear,
And what do you suppose

We laugh and make merry,
We look along to the wind,
Ode to what we lost and smile to what we achieved
I will see more of your smiles for i know
All what you desire is joy above all.

Your sweet laughter is the water flowing through my vine
The wind beneath the earth with blowing leaves,
My breath drawn in
And my excavation moves beyond
It is the forces that push all things i assist
Three things that make my life complete

Our love for Mother Nature will remain in our clan,
It will console us at the point of our want,
Your laughter made me a soul humorous to life
The best feeling i have ever known is the feeling of happiness
You can feel it keeping you above us

I wish to keep laughing till you tickle me to stop,
We do not get a chance per day to be famous
As the world feels our joy from a distance
They bless us in a thousand folds
Blessed with grace.

I love a world with you smiling at me,
I know you would not leave me alone
I am happy you found me when i needed your care
I would love your sweet laughter when i can be with you
In the absence of the world

I love you blessing of my youth,
I love what you made me do
You graze the sheep and water my bans
You are blessed beyond your reach
Your generation is one without causes

I will walk with joy and live with laughter for your stand
I am glad you bring joy to my *****
Joy to my world, a nation above the mantel
I build a castle of ending laughter
TS Ray Nov 2019
I pose for you
from a broken armchair
at a crowded fair
crying for freedom,
Is that rare?
TS. 2019.
Jiya Aug 2019
This illness in my mind is terminal.
There is nothing that can cure it.
It speaks oh so nonsensical.
It’s to be honest, quite hysterical.

I shot myself in the end
Whilst lamenting in my bathtub.
The hysteria was just too much
For my shattered heart to handle.

The judge declared her​​ the winner.
I whimpered in defeat.
I didn’t even place.
Maybe I’m just not that unique

Or damaged enough for poetry.

The metallic taste of blood
As I drown in senseless grief​
Tells me I’m not good enough.
To get back on my feet.

Her flared trousers tell me.
She has a great sense of style!
My black eyeliner.
It tells others I’m a coward.
A lamb ready for slaughter.
No Baphomet or Muhammad

Just a lost girl.

Locked in a vault of failure.
Being served defeat.
Getting grimaces from the waiter.

It’s th-the illness.
It’s forming cracks in my bonce.
It’s preventing me from winning.
From ever being at the top.

Y’know what?
She may always win.
With her pale moon skin.
Her suction cup stomach.
Her body so thin.

But me?

Just another **** failure, aren't I?
Laying dead in a bathtub.
poem I wrote (with a couple edits) for a 24hr poetry contest. I was feeling a tad salty about this one chick.
Rozey Mar 2019
You cannot deny your true feelings
Nor can you hide your true thoughts
One way or another it will show
And you won't even realize

The truth cannot be hidden.
I decided to enter an anonymous poem in my college's poem contest where anyone was allowed to enter a poem about encouragement. I entered my haiku "Beauty."
There's this girl constantly putting me down and telling me my writing is horrible. She has always disliked me for whatever reason she chooses.
So, after I entered this contest, I figure out she was on the panel out of three judges and turns out she was the first one to pick my poem out of the bunch.

How the truth comes out! She likes my poetry and my writing, she just refuses to show me support for the sole reason she has a bias. But she likes my poetry!
Aniket Shirodkar Mar 2019
Oh merry townsfolk of mirth and glee!
You have crossed the bridge beyond the sea

To a land where no one knows your name
Contesting to bring your town some fame

Giving evaluations & tickling some nerves
Finally waiting 'til the best judgement serves

Win or lose? Reflect your journey and you will see
No matter the situation, a winner thou shall be
chloe Feb 2019
Why don’t we have show and tell for scars?
They are more important than materials we show
They show the memories we can’t explain
Scars last forever, but memories will eventually fade
This world only looks at materials
Some things you can’t hold but love more than the things you can
Scars show how strong we are
Scars show the hardships you lived through
Scars show all the mistakes we did
Scars show that you got back up again
Scars are beautiful so embrace them as you do to your items
I need feedback so please don't hold back I am entering a poetry contest for school and need help
Aaron LaLux Aug 2018
My new book just came out and it's almost to #1 worldwide.
A few more sales would get it to #1 worldwide!  Please grab a copy, let me know you did, and I will send you the $ you paid for the book. Also I can send you a personal thank you :-)
Here's the link:
Mary-Eliz Jun 2018
wrote a poem about my dad
posted a few days ago
entered into a contest
but not for any dough

since it was for Fathers' Day
it makes me extra proud
it won a place and will be read
to an online listening crowd

on a show tonight 10 pm
Late Night Poets is its name
it's just a little ego boost
won't bring me any fame

but I do hope my Daddy's listening
it's all about him, you know
even though he's not in this life
had to leave it long ago

hope he enjoys being
remembered in a special way
Hey, daddy, this is for you
Happy Fathers' Day!
Mary-Eliz May 2018
Excitedly I drew my pen
to have a bit of fun
to zero in on the ABC's
to take them for a run
knowing that to use them up
is really an endeavor
and that the venerable judge
is known to be quite clever.
For a "contest" challenge to use all letters in poem.
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