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Hate, anger,
Contempt and loathing.
They're all building up,
I feel like exploding.

I have no release.
I have no relief.
The water is rising,
The tide is coming in.

Losing space,
Losing ground,
Losing face,
All around.

I can't explain.
I can't deny.
I can't confirm.

Copyright From A Poet's Heart
I stayed angry and hateful during the majority of my marriage to my ex husband. This is just another example. The poems i have posted so far are my earliest writings.
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2019
She: Boooo ,I'll infect you too.

He :you already did and I already died but I am happy enough to do it all again, over and over ,again and again,forever and ever,until your heart soaring just about mine.
My love might not be a two way street but sure as hell i knew she was the one the moment i realized what all of my heart ever craves was just to see her wiggling somewhere happily on the surface of this rock ^_^
She is the one that i would never forget
She is the one who i would  always be longing for
She is the one who slipped right through my hands
She is my one and only
George Krokos Jun 2019
I fell in love and lost my heart
and that was why it tore apart.
The love given wasn't returned
by the one for whom it had yearned.

It all seemed so sad at the time
I often thought it was a crime.
But then I could be so naive
early in life's path to believe.

Nature's hand had dealt me a blow
and recovery was very slow.
Everyone I asked was futile
in answering to make me smile.

I sought for love in wrong places
and all I got was strange faces;
looking back at me with contempt
'cause in their heart love was exempt.

Rejection is a dreadful thing
and everyone has felt its sting.
A love you may feel for someone
is best experienced as fun.

Never force love on another
even if they're a real brother
You'll just draw them further away
and who knows what else is at play.
Written early in 2019
Alek Mielnikow Apr 2019
She adorns her face with platinum
piercings, and her azure hair peeks
out of her indigo hoodie. Her
ragged, cinereous jeans reveal
scabbed and bruised knees, and
they’re tucked into jet black
biker boots strapped to her feet.

Without hesitation, she crosses the street.

Tires screech and car horns beep and drivers
scream obscenities that ornament the air
with scorn. Yet like a red belonging in folklore,
she slights their violent contempt.

She tipples from the burn of
self-destruction, and savors the
flavor of rebellion, a savor so
sweet it overwhelms her senses
and compels her to behave reckless.

And as I pass, I throw up my best fist
of anarchy. I wish I was free like this.

Though it takes a tinge of toughness
to stare into the nihilistic abyss,
it takes courage to have fun in it.

Aleksander Mielnikow
True story!

red [noun] - one who advocates the violent overthrow of an existing social or political order

tipples [verb] - to drink liquor especially by habit or to excess, OR, to drink (liquor) especially continuously in small amounts

burn [noun] - a channel of water that can vary in size from a stream to a river

azure - #007fff
indigo - #4b0082
cinereous - #98817b

If you liked this, check out "Dancing Alone" and "Tonight's The Night"
Jamie Greenway Mar 2019
Oh to be self absorbed.
Floating through life thinking you’re the only one worth giving a **** about.
I’d feel sorry for you if you hadn’t suggest it yourself.
Control your illusions of grandeur and I’ll control my contemptuous ramblings.
You’re so vain.
You probably think this poem’s about you.
Sorry for the slightly aggressive tone, just needed to get some feelings off my chest about some of the people in my school. It’s been playing on my mind recently and what better way to release those feelings than through some good old fashioned poetry XD
Rochelle Foles Mar 2019
                     in the quagmire of her self contempt
                     a flame ignites beneath
                     the blackened caldron

                      a frog
                      set to cook in a *** of tepid water

                      was clueless
                      she was being devoured
                      from the inside out
the things we do to ourselves...
Emmanuella Dec 2018
Familiarity breeds contempt.

And she was all too familiar with herself.
I love little 2 liners.
B Oct 2018
You must,
You just must surround yourself with people who respect you,
Give regard to those who do not
The path down the hill of contempt
Is one not well-kept
You might hear this often
I do,
I guess I know it’s a lot easier to write this
than to do
But once you leave,
you will feel free
Your company should never make
You feel hostile and trapped
You’re worn out and
It’s uneasy and uncomfortable
You don’t need an explanation to leave
Havoc and abhorrence
That’s they’re own doing
There may never be a consolation to these type
Of toxic relationships
But that’s the beauty of free-will
You are in charge of ones discretion
It may be unrequited, unsettling for them
But think about you now
Liberate yourself
Respect yourself

let them go
& now, be free
Alek Mielnikow Aug 2018
Promises you never keep,
Dancing in the dark we are
Redeeming what you lost,
Tossed deep into our savage sea.
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