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Broken Pieces Jul 2021
For awhile now I've been free,
But I feel stuck, drowning in the sea.

I've been good at hiding my emotions and scars,
I've been searching for you among the stars.

Running into eachother broke my heart,
But you say it's better to just stay apart.

I still have my demons I need to fight,
And you took away my light.

You can leave my life that's fine,
But don't blame me when I shine.

I may not have you,
But I have someone new.
Zoe Grace Jun 2021
Who knew I could be so
But so
at the same time?  

It seems like my emotions are chosen at
               R                                      D

Man Jan 2021
there's no need to be alone
so long as someone wants you
no reason to be sad
so long as there's happiness to be had
not for you

not a need to be afraid
unless you live with your fears
one track one line, a straightaway
only left to shift the gears
not for you

this machine
this marvel of a beast
a prize itself
but not for you
Insertnamehere Dec 2020
Though peaceful is the life I attempt to live, to stop the harm I must forgive.

Sitting in the shallows, dwelling on the pain I've caused, inflicted thus so with little pause.

On myself I work so hard, yet setbacks they abound, eating me from within it seems, hope it gleams, but there sits my own reality ripping at the seams, collapsing all around.

Expectations undulating beneath my feet deep within the ground, it appears they cannot be fulfilled.

I'm stuck in the mud that is my own apathy, clawing at the earth trying to be free.

The question remains, why can't I just things be?
Wrote this last night, I've realized my style tends to be more lyrical and rhyming, still not sure if it's "poetic" but it's the way I like to write.
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
You let go without saying goodbye
I never mattered at all
After that can you please explain why
You expect forgiveness with just one call?

And tell me I'm special because you're alone
Missing connection we had
Can you tell me in an honest tone
If life was different you'd feel bad?

Everything makes sense except heart
Still beats for solely your name
After you thoughtlessly tore it apart
Love you exactly the same

I am with you in my dreams at night
Can't control the way I feel
You want me
You must treat me right
Prove emotions are true and real
Falling in love now
Losing control now
Janna B Dec 2020
So much to ask,
ceaseless pull,
moral questionability.
Head is winning,
heart is spinning.
Run away, flee -
avoid catastrophe.
mycah Dec 2020
I look out my window,
and it becomes a mirror.
Warm, humid air rises from my heart ,
and clashes with the cold front of my mind.
Pessimistic thoughts whirl with optimistic feelings.
too heavy.
Condensation harmonizes discordance.
Droplets fall,
releasing unbridled doubt and hope.
Rain cascades
Wind whips.
Thunder crashes.
This storm will clear,
in parallel with my vision.
Janna B Nov 2020
My head and my heart
Are usually at war
My head wins the first round
And my heart
Settles in for a long
campaign of insurgence.
Kofi ye Oct 2020
through my gallery
to find the epitome of throwbacks
to be posted on social media
the struggle
i’m tired
thinking out loud
on what’s really important
the memories gone
the present ?
dear reader please enlighten me
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