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Jack L Martin Sep 2018
I'm not a fan of Superman,
he doesn't know what it's like,
to be human;
a foe he can not fight.
L Aug 2018
What is one plus one.

Well in one case its a child.

One plus another is an angry first.

Two plus one?

Or is it jealousy? Has the story changed?
And now i am lost. Was it one plus one, one plus two, or one plus three?

Two minus one is just sad. Three minus two is straight up depressing. Four minus three would be unbearable.

One plus one can sometimes equal one. When it doesnt equal two.

Two plus one sometimes equals one and also two. Or three. Hopefully not one and one and one. Wait, wasnt there one more? One and one and two? Or one and two and one. Certainly not two and one and one, now that would be ridiculous.

Where am i again? Am i lost? Have i lost myself? Have i lost my way?

One and one can be love or lust. And its nearly impossible to tell the difference. Especially being in the midst of it.

So when adding another variable to the equation, the dimension of the solution is intangible. What is right, what is wrong.

Here i am questioning morals again like some kind of modern day philosopher.

"The ratio of questions to answers in my life is not ideal."
Life is all about balance. And that is one of the hardest things to learn. Cause it takes control. Which is also hard to learn. Then you need knowledge and wisdom to know when to use this control and to what extent. Some people have called me a deep thinker.

JL8 #78 - quote
Aaron LaLux Dec 2017
As the line between our private lives,
& the public eye blurs,
all the old paradigms dissolve,
& nothing becomes as it was before,

only a few months more,
to get this riddle solved,
feeling like The Batman The Joker,
& Lois Lane all rolled in one,

my new name is Nigiri,
on a roll hot like wasabi,
my threads are all designer,
& my hobbies are all hobbies,

I am definitely not sure at all,
well at least definitely not probably,

babbling’ with talking heads,
while jousting with the walking dead,
because we’re up right now up right now,
that's right the life of the party,

& you all probably already know all this,
because the whole time was Live recording,
Instagram Live Streaming all the time,
I'm dreaming at the same time touring,

every moment recorded,
even when it's not at all important,
off script but don't trip,
because we're still part of the program,

so before I even wake up,
you already know the whole thing,
you already know what happened,
the night before the morning,

the Knight Before The Mourning,

sounds a bit prolific & prophetic,
at least a little bit don’t you think,
but what’s it matter the least little bit, if no one takes the time to think,

they’re just getting their nails done,
in the salon in the bottom of the boat,
as it sinks & we just think,
“Well I hope at least the lifeboat floats”,

in a bit of a panic,
like Leo in the Titanic,
searching for my romantic Winslet,
before we both sink in this disaster,

see I see you drowning in this sea,
& I still love you even after everything,
so I swim over & my hand I outreach,
hoping you'll grab hold before you sink,
so I can backstroke with you on my back,
& swim us both to an island beach,

specifically Leo's island,
you know the one Blackadore Caye,
he actually asked me to run the island,
said it was just a bunch of palm trees,

& I know this is reality,
even though it all feels like a dream,
so I close my eyes pray for better times,
then open my eyes to focus & blink,





the camera is always on,
the recording is always running,
this is layer cake no this is pound cake,
no this is the first ring around the onion,

onions in the sink,
got my eyes running made me think,
turned the water off got a wash cloth,
then took a moment to blink,





as the line between our private lives,
& the public eye blurs,
all the old paradigms dissolve,
& nothing becomes as it was before,

only a few months more,
to get this riddle solved,
feeling like The Batman The Joker,
& Lois Lane all rolled in one,

∆ LaLux ∆

from The Sydney Sessions
the follow up from multiple # best selling author Aaron Lux
new book available for FREE here:
Book FREE here:
The witches heart is made of straw,
witches' heart is no heart at all.

The witch ideal a nature's fend,
her heart desires the human end.

The vines contort limb,
Lycurgus' gape.
as a punishment for,
man's unholy ****.

"Earth was once covered in water."
* *-Xenophanes* *

We are destroying nature radically from every angle.
Neville Johnson Feb 2017
I'm a stand-up comic, no joke
Please sit down, give me some hope
This laugh meister has it tough out there
Doing my tight five, flying without fear
But you, yes you, maybe could save him
Give him the courage to carry on
Look, I've got a college education
I'm fun, at least when I'm not brooding about why some joke failed
I know, it's just a bit, but it puts me in jail
Which is why I need you at least to talk to me
I need to sit down
I won't try to make you laugh
I need a friend, you see
Nailed the nail
in the wall

There was a
a metal plate

Emptied entire box
of those nails

Smashed in wall!
Fell on floor

I threw picture
out of win-dow

Eating drywall so
**** on nails

When I wash
hands, soapy, soap

Popping bubbles, rub
clockwise no, yes?

~Alan Moore?
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