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neth jones Aug 2022
the immersion in media
i feel weaponized
part of an inhuman condition
a heated communal militia head space
gilded with fear but splintered of opinions
sperming             in  a  holding  pattern  
like fish in a overpopulated aquarium
we're stunning ourselves on the sides
batting at it to for an expansion
frenzy of communication
but other life continues
seemingly untainted
see !
and i feel
there is reassurance
the worlds life will outlast us
what's the worst that we could do ?
we'll  not  be    taking  it  to  our  grave ;
a pharaoh      tombed with ornamental company
LC Feb 2022
this day weighs the world down
as we hold a collective breath,
waiting for the future to reveal itself.
we pray to every deity,
toss every coin,
and carry love in our hearts
for all who are suffering.
we are here to lighten the load
in any way possible.
I posted this on my Instagram, but I wanted to post it here as well. I am sending my love to everyone at this time.
Billie Marie Jan 2022
From black robes to white with hoods,
from a red cross to the one burning yellow;
your misdeeds are upon you.
The executioner’s axe is ready at hand.
You must bow. You must confess.
Atonement will be made
and the demons released.
This is how we move through.
There is no more acquittal.
We are here to take back
what was taken.
We are chosen for our sensitivity
and compassion and tender love
for all God’s creation.
We see us in them. We see
all in everything. This is the way.
We are moving forward.
The old ways are dead.
Yes, we are here.
Andrew Rueter Dec 2021
I need my employer
more than they need me
but our employers need us
way more than we need them.
John McCafferty Oct 2021
Most individuals aim for speculative wealth,
these linear channels are paralleled in others
when taught to gain a greater sense of self.
If we continue to grow grouped as a collective,
are the surroundings around you yours alone.
Priorities are often lost in the process of reformation claimed through phased stages and good fortune is drawn in multiple forms.
Step aside for an instant to question contempt and observe at your own mixed objectives,
foreseen in the dreams of who you want to be.
Not visions of anarchy or set enforced orders but a better balance of autonomy in between.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
mel Oct 2021
life really is
sunshine and rainbows
if you choose to see it

even in the dark clouds
that hang over our heads
and the lonely in our beds
there is light that softly
shines ahead

and it is constant

with kaleidoscopic colors
that blossom from the pain
your soul once led
the sunshine that follows
is the blanket of warmth
that you never even knew
you’d been yearning for

and eventually
when it pours
you’ll start asking for more
because you know that the growth
is what you came here for

and when your heart breaks
watch it shine from the cracks
glowing ~without waver~
as you mend yourself back

with more reason .to be.
and more clarity to see

you are all that you need

you are the moment you are
e x p e r i e n c i n g
and it is perfect
sit back and

enjoy the dream
Billie Marie Sep 2021
we are only
what we think we are
better than we imagined we
are more than we might dream
we are with human minds we
are finally only as good as
we dare to experience
without the mind
we think we are
from my new collection, Crowning The Self in the Time of Corona
for sale on Amazon
mel Jul 2021
when (i) became the sun
i felt the trees and rivers (run)
(along) the deepest parts of me
i sang (the) oceans roar to sleep

the (clouds) arrived to give me space
at times, the moon would take (my) place
and i would gladly let her (shine)
knowing it (never) could dim mine

no reas(on) to feel jealousy
for everything is (one) with me
i no longer (fear)ed dark at set
for my own (light) i can’t forget

my warmth (fills me) even in snow
and (when) it falls, my glimmer glows
the contrast~it’s just what (i) need
it is the (plant)er of the seeds
~to (the) f l o w e r i n g
(love inside) of me~

(i run along the clouds
my shine never on one fear
light fills me when
i plant the love

—sun  stories
thankful for 27 magical years
in this tripppy little life  ✨🦋
John McCafferty Jul 2021
Freewheeling connections on belief
to lead, rule, follow and support.
Decided through a latent separation of sorts,
the choice in course for self determination.
Collective motivation from individual status,
with less regimented offers of conceit.
We transform when our shadows are shown,
as the clarity of transparency can aid growth.
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
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