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biche Aug 2021
Bring me back my love
Whom god hath torn asunder
Bring me back my love
I can stand the solitude no longer

Darling come to me
Darling please
Don’t leave me alone

Wherever you may be
Is where my spirit longs to be
Talk to me, darling
I’m still me
I may not be with you
On Earth anymore
I know we said goodbye in one way
That night on that floor
But darling I love you
Always and true
Nothing could take me away from you
Daily and nightly I shall persevere
Until the right day that you find me here
And then we shall continue
The work we began
For the seventh generation
To make its stand
All is well here on Earth
For just one more day
Let us fly off together briefly
Like the pair of
Monarchs we are
This dropped on me out of nowhere as soon as I stopped to watch a Monarch Butterfly in a big Oak tree. It was almost like she was dictating it to me. As she flew around at the end I got the lines mixed up and then had to edit it a little as she came back into view. When I tried to photograph her she freaking hid behind a leaf hahahaha! Why was I not surprised. She finished telling me the poem and then flitted off with her mate, who I had not noticed before then.
biche Aug 2021
Right next to the
Sane and rhyming description
Of the things I keep resisting
Is the wailing banshee of doom
Seething stealthily into this room

You don’t want a sad face!
Ah, but nor do I —
Still I sleep and rise alone
Still I have tears to cry
You are just the way you are
There’s naught that I can do
Floating here in the morning light
Feeling it through and through

And then I think of money
And I really start to sob
I just seem to get nowhere
Although I’m glad to have a job
I do good work, cash comes in
I turn around and it all goes out again

Everyone knows the drill
The Man has pockets to fill
Baby needs new shoes
Mama has the all-time blues

When is the moment of my
Great Escape?
Who will pull me from this
Hopeless Outrage?
Obviously, now, and
Obviously, me
The clouds glow softly
As light kisses the city

Longing! How dreary to the soul!
Perpetually wishing for more
Of your essence mixed with mine
Long intervals filled with pining
The minutes meander through my worries
Words spill out in a flurry
Nothing can contain them
Certainly not the fraying
Basket of my wisdom

Go to the source
Says the voice
Back in March
She tapped me right on the shoulder
And I heard her say in my mind
Heal your inner child!
This child so confused
By not-quite abuse
She still lives in me
She wants to be free
Stealing a tidbit from Sufjan Stevens and Angelo De Augustine, the part about the great escape and hopeless outrage.

Emotions are like water, they flow and they cleanse
biche Apr 2021
Follow the ride
Back to the core
Body of pain
Embodied insane moments
Seared into a young heart
Strength unformed
Will dormant
it wasn’t your fault
Rings hollow today
When the behavior wake
(From his mistake...)
The one that yes, I made
— To cope! I had to do something —
Leaves spots of blood on the floor

Some suffer in violence
Others in perverted love
Either way violation
Can’t be undone
Unraveling the thread
Of that leaden feeling
That deadened feeling that —
Of all the feelings not that
But that’s what it was and
Nothing can ever change
What happened

In the wake
A threshold gets
Crossed and it’s not
Your fault darling
I love you and always have
So grateful we crossed paths
Our East coast West coast magic
Leaves me ecstatic
Our struggle doesn’t have
To be tragic, we are
Just preparing for flight
I’ll never give up
On that, never, and I’ll
Never lose faith in us
If we don’t love, then
Love doesn’t
Even exist  

I’ve been there
So many times
On the floor
Head in my hands
I would wail and no-one would come
Fake, they (you) thought —
Manipulative —
But it’s just this,
This ******* threshold
When the feeling —
When I feel it
I lose myself and seek
Insanity and destruction
I’m so sorry and
For so long I was

But lately I’ve felt
Just how far self-hate
Can go — I know
Take responsibility, yes
But — owning it
Doesn’t mean
Believing your
Essence is a


I did make
A lot of mistakes
Like you - that’s
Not a criticism, baby
It’s human we all
Fail, that’s how
We learn

I promise, though.
I promise to you
On my personal honor,
You know what I’m talking
About — it will stop

I didn’t think it
Was about this
But it is and
Please forgive me!
How long it took!
To figure it
Out since
The Days Inn
Glendale —August and
Everything after I
Just assumed
Because of the dream
I had where he and I were
Just innocently playing
That I was healed
But I didn’t do the
Work, baby I
Didn’t do the
******* work

I expected you
To save me
But that’s my job and
You deserve
Safe harbor, too

Let’s give it
To ourselves
And to
Each other.
Let’s put a blanket
On the ground and
Lay on our
Grandmother Earth
I am ten, you are fourteen
Let Her hold our child’s
(And those of
Our siblings too)  
Let us be cradled
By creation
Let the sky see
Our gratitude  
For this life,
And for our time
Here together.
Childhood wounds — the kind that ******* up for life — can be like a comfortable blanket we cover ourselves in. When the wound gets activated we cuddle in the blanket. Unfortunately, sometimes this blanket consists of harmful behavior, violence even. This “behavior wake” from the original wound is now something that we use to recreate the wound - and to externalize it so that the pain is comprehensible. That core wound has almost been forgotten, now it’s the behavior wake wreaking havoc. And it feels so justified to scream...but it never helps because I’m screaming at the wrong root cause.

Only *I* can take responsibility for the things I do or say. It’s got nothing to do with the person who hurt me so long ago or the person I’m struggling with today.

Brother, when you told me about the dream of a stack of dishes (“dishes break”) it started making sense and now a few days later it makes all the sense in the world. I asked and heard the answer in my head clear as day.

— The End —