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Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
Do I still take your breath away or has that power expired?
Leave me to my own devices because I’m growing tired
And for a little while you lead me to believe you’re done
Until the moment I start losing interest in which direction your feet run
And I say I no longer care but we both know it isn’t true
Honestly I do not give a ****...
About anything except you
The only thing ricocheting against my set of bones
Is your name bouncing like drumsticks on xylophones
For once I get to perform our song
Music to my lonely ears
Skeleton an instrument producing every note brain hears
Have my mutilated perception record melody
When finished play it over so I can sing off-key
And leave on your doorstep to remind you of what we had
When I am done realize I still feel just as sad
And screams bottled up press on the walls of my insides
Threatening to expose the place heartache hides
Slide shapeless secrets even deeper down the *****
Drowning damaged moments in a mess of distraction and dope
I count numbers to ground racing thoughts
Break the anxious flow in a failed attempt to untangle mental knots
I will go to extreme lengths to relieve madness in my mind
Waiting for comfort desperately needed but can never seem to find
And my own flesh torments with mocking memories
Using tattooed ink for leverage to ridicule and tease
A traitor amongst body parts equally writhing in despair
Breath inhaling solitude coursing through the stagnant air
Lifeless eyes exhausted from overwhelming cruelty they view
You put up careful facades but ******* is easy to see through
X-rays of faithful adoration reveal commitment a disguise
Well-rehearsed remorse when stripped is nothing more than lies
And crumpled promises fill the trash can with empty words you said
Same old disappointment cuts
Blood staining hands bright red
Stomach full of excuses violently crammed down my throat
Those plus dead butterflies swell causing my tummy to bloat
My heart now lies in throbbing pieces scattered across bottom of my soul
In the exact spot you used to reside within my chest is now an unfathomable hole
This one needed to get out of my broken *** heart
Poetic T Nov 2020
I was told I had nice ****,
         but they were a tad on

the hairy side...

A Woman can be so judgmental..

they aren't sagging,
                            and yes I may be an A cup,

but anything is more than a waste to my wife..
Amanda Sant'Anna Nov 2020
Let my love be so brutal
Let my love be so wide
Let expansion make a home
Inside my chest;
And let the doors be always open
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2020
Am I not deserving the truth?
Know how you actually feel?
Are you so desperate to hide from me?
Begging you to be real

Who are you underneath lies?
Best friend or simply a fraud?
Play such a convincing part
Tempted to applaud

Where you go without me
You leave me here alone
Is it so ******* difficult
Answering your ringing phone?

When did you start losing interest?
Was it there in the first place?
Was our relationship only a distraction?
Grew to take up too much space

What changed us into someone else?
Love used to be deep and so strong
Asked the question a million times
You refuse to tell me what I'm doing wrong

Why must you play games with my emotions?
Trust you break like a toy
Say one thing then do another
You're like every other boy

If you want
See other people
Why bother telling me you don't?
What good does getting my hopes up do?
Promising to do things you won't

Am I ugly?
Do I get on your nerves?
What is driving away?
Not too late to turn this around
Do you want me to stay?

How can you love yet rip my chest open?
Silence and the absence of your touch
Back and forth puzzle is driving me crazy
Can I stop loving you so much?
Haven't written a part to this series in quite some time.
Alicia Moore Oct 2020
I wonder how someone
with such warm cheeks
can have such a cold heart.

your face flushed red
as if the blood meant to settle in your chest
has taken a wrong turn on its quest.
Amanda Hawk Aug 2020
Love is delicious
Lingering deep in your chest
In a heart-shaped box
Pulsing slowly
You glow, flickers
In your gaze
And love finds a way
To communicate, deeply
In rhythm, and unspoken words
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