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Andy Chunn Jan 2023
The misty murky forest deep
Forewarned his frantic finding flight
A chance to search without a peep
The misty murky forest deep
The only chance her heart to keep
Was finding her to make it right
The misty murky forest deep
Forewarned his frantic finding flight
Triolet form
Danica Dec 2022
I cry to you
as you drive miles
underneath the stars
where we hide
this undying love
for second chance
Wishing all the stars to win you back -12:49am 12.27.22
Zywa Dec 2022
You'll find pointlessness

when you search from the outside --

for any purpose.
"La distruzione dell' uomo" ("The destruction of man", 1912, Luigi Pirandello)

Collection "Cance"
Timmy Shanti Oct 2022
when the time is right
when your heart is healed
you embrace the light
searing truth to heed

when the moment calls
when your conscience's clear
beauty to behold
you protect what's dear

when the angels sing
when the die is cast
you are everything
make this moment last...
Zack Ripley Sep 2022
Today, I'm going to give you a chance
I never gave myself.
A chance to understand that you don't have to compare yourself to anyone else.
A chance to understand that you are enough, you've done enough, and you will do enough
to make your life worth living.
You may not feel like you deserve this chance. But you need it.
A M Ryder Sep 2022
What is beautiful
About reality
Is what is beautiful
About math
There are
Many things
That have happened
The things that have
Produced this moment
Are at most times
Meaning so big
It renders itself
Yet.. it happened

Even if the
Numbers against
Stand taller than
The daisy itself
Ever could
It still remains
In the meadow
For you and I
To see
i was late
through no fault of my own
at least
that's what i tell myself
just one of those occasions
where try as you might
the universe won't allow you
to leave on time
standing at the threshold
one final pat of pockets
to check i had
all that i needed
looking up
to gauge the need
for coat or umbrella
i witness
an inhumane globule
of avian faeces
viscous and creamy
in colour and consistency
exploding upon the path
two steps ahead of me
i see no sign
of the culprit
hearing only its cacophony
of enjoyment
or maybe disappointment
into the distance
Ken Pepiton Aug 2022
Part 8.

Yeh, yeh, yeh, sneer, to cool, hot to never, back down,
if and or but you did, or
you could have, had you had
half a chance.

Let's dance, two-step slow,
and watch lies we unbelieved slip as buckyballs,
on ice.

Twice told tales, told in time, ad another just
in time.

Oh, gnoshit, this just in, as ice, on ice, just, too

cool, you know. Ecklbarger, mulleted east-coaster,
show me your ticket on this Virgen line,
or walk

Boom, dose two, dose y duo, rock on.

- the story rests, at millions of words,
use in any other order, however you wish,

twist right to tighten, left to loose, just to hold the pressure,
Archimedes *******, too tight, loose the letter t, t, see tiny t

tict..ticket. Punch it good to go, tickt
Announce first here, soon, all we know is known another way, just watch.
Niamh Aug 2022
Sitting here waiting.
For what?
For a sign or a chance or an invitation.
I don’t really know.
But maybe it’s time for me
To become a sign or a chance or an invitation.

To stop waiting for the world to love me,
And instead learn to love myself
Rei Nikolai Jul 2022
It all starts with an idea, that you can
Feelings come between now and then
Thoughts come running through your head
All the time is ripened for what could be said
Then it takes what was yours
It just breaks all your core
And you'll never know why
You gave in just for more
All the sights and the sores
Painful cries as they court
And you'll never know why
You take in, lust yet torn

Sometimes I fear the feeling of contentment
Of completion and accomplishment
Because afterwards I'll never know
If the passion dies, or if I'll still grow
Then it stops what you start
It just drops from the heart
And you'll never take back
What you gave just for art
All the lies and the lores
Faithful eyes now they tore
And you'll never know why
As you come back for more

And it starts as it the ends
The idea that you can't
As you say one goodnight
The last of all goodbyes
To the brush, to your pen
To all books that you've read
To the lovers that come
To the letters you've read
As you'll never come back
To create, you just can't
One last time, one last sigh
Close your eyes, one last breath
All the doors closing in
Right where we all begin

Our dreams come pure with uncertainty
When all doors are closed as answers can be
When everyone has turned their back on you
While the chance is null and you have no clue
That dream you have is yours alone
It only comes once, yet with you it's grown
It all starts with an idea, that you can
You were passionate once, embrace dreams once again
this poem is for the poets, writers, artists who have lost their passion;
may you find hope and inspiration and pick up that pen (or keyboard) again.
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