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Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Being strong has nothing to do with strength.
It's about your ability to adapt to
And overcome obstacles.
If you look at it like that,
Anyone can be strong.
And with all the challenges
We face this year,
you'll have plenty of practice.

Nobody has
chance of
got to
learn to
learn ahead
of trials,
order to
make hay
mine word.
comes by
time, while
Cherish time If
you really
to succeed.

David Dec 2020
Im standing on a cliff,
Endearing the drop of terror.

As I let out a painful laugh
Filled with fright,
I sit down in spite.

It’s a deep pit,
I wonder whats at the bottom.

Should I jump down?
And see how I turn out?

No, to crazy
But I cant stay here,
Yet why wont I move?

Why wont no one guide me?

It’s ok, Ill just sit here,
And wait for what will betide.


Where - Heh - Am I?
Raven Blue Oct 2020
Even if I'm swept away;
I will always find a way.
I'll accept the challenges;
With bravery and courage.
Stalwart Dull Oct 2020
She was full of courage when it comes to challenge
As she face problem on every stage
But she gets tired and it's strange
And so she did, she made a change

She always show her side of weakness
When it comes to the stage of darkness
She felt nervous and selfless
Knowing that she is nothing but disappointments
Faizel Farzee Sep 2020
The night i was born there was a crimson moon.
There was lightning and thunder, not different to a monsoon.
The wind blew eerily while wrapped in my cocoon.

Then suddenly...

She came to me in a blinding light, told me about the power of word and its endless might.
I listened intently at the tale she recite, asking me to repeat after her
under a silver starlight.

She said, I bestow upon you a thirds mind eye
You will see the pain of this world through a poets eyes
you will marry the writing craft, it will course through veins
the oxygen you breath you will need to survive

I obliged, I gave them wings and made them fly

So i started training these words to thrill
My craft pure, refined, distill

None of this hippitty hop ****, look I use alliteration quite frequently
I think I'm the ****, well like a candy isle  in a convenient store i need bars you ***.
These words running through my mind, a marathon of thoughts
It's  is on training schedule, they ripped and fit.
This to me a game of chess, I play with finesse
you all toddlers, so easy to outwit.

Like taking candy from a baby, your defense unfit
i think you cold, here is some wool and needles leave the writing game, a new hobby for you, knit.

I see these guys with alliteration for days but ain't saying ****
Weak like trumps wall missing its bricks.
I need medical assistance my brain sick, you have no flames, a candle without the wick.

anyways, for now i'm done, i wrote this in 15 mins
ahead of myself, myself i outdone, I'm Ra
myself i out-shun.

After reading this i know you  will be brooding, I am divine, A angelic presence in a world of humans.
So don't confuse this, I'm not in battle mode yet, my demons was asking to give you some lip.

This my conclusion, sinners get down on your knees and pray for absolution.
For a written battle contest, I tried.
Charlotte Ahern Sep 2020
every man looks bigger than they are in the shadows
it takes courage to step in the light
and really be seen
Do you agree?
Anthony Pierre Aug 2020
From which old, cattle ****
my dearest child, you've found
the tongue that cried a silent entreat
on perilous miles, those perilous miles
peeled out from under your feet
your soul unmended and worn... gone
never coming home to reconcile

What indifference has time gifted?
that empty score you left...
...for the old hearted man
deafening him, with its silence.
He sobs for you, my child, he sobs
with battered old scars, so gray he dreams of you
the child from whom he ran away
Don't be too eager to become an adult... enjoy your childhood
Orategile Jul 2020
To my dearest self,
Most of the time I yearn to be you again because growing up is weird
Growing up is having to adjust to each an every event that occurs on this planet
You lose yourself for a moment then fight for your sanity
Well, atleast half of it
You grow up to be a walking contradiction
Because society itself is contradictory
" Be yourself ": they say, " but not like that"
Now you tune into your survival mode just to get through the day
You lose friends, yes even the ones you called "bestfriend forever"
Because "Forever" now has a subtle "hopefully" prior to it
Everything now is shortlived
There's too much violence, malice and deceit
Many lives are taken
Many people are unhappy
Ego is the new 60% and 40 is figuring out what 20 could be.
We feed each other pain like it's a daily bread
While trauma is the new normal
And being cool means hurting the one you love.
We lie so much we end up lying to ourselves, then we go into a battle of trying to know ourselves.
Crazy right?
Growing up you find yourself in an academy, "a real life academy", a Wise one once said.
You learn, you unlearn and you survive then you learn again.
It's a whole neverending vicious circle.
But trust me when I say, you are going to be alright.
Because amidst the chaos, you will find a beautiful and deserving love.
You will lose friends and gain new precious ones.
You will find perfection in your imperfections and make it work.
You will find peace within yourself
You will understand the meaning of being in the moment.
Mostly, you will be happy and find healing.
Just be patient
Because life can be beautiful when you alienate yourself from the norm and just be!

Remember to love yourself always!

your older self
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