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They bulldozed the bushland and put up a concrete building

They moved the bushland into the building so the building would look more inviting

I went to find the bushland because it's my favourite place to write

Only to find a building in which I was not allowed inside
she had to find another place to write
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2020
With a hint of death
mingling in the air,
the nocturnal snapdragon is
digging wells,
not just for water,
but also as final resting
places for friends back home,
in the garden,
deep within the soil.

Callous hands and feet
speak of insufficiency
and misery under the sun,
the one lone solace comes
with night,
and the partaking of
her body's delicacies,
bringing her innumerably
to the helve,
as she sings heavenly things
about the architecture
we creatures fall
so easily from.
A true life storey
   Yet to be completed  
Episode of stairs
   That never ends  

Is it still Love when it ends
Kai Jun 2020
falling through the sky
tumbling down now to nothing
foundations lay bare
Aren't we all towers trying to reach higher and high until we compromise ourselves, only to come tumbling down to the cold ground?
Cayley Raven May 2020
I wish I could build trust
towards people
but all
my feelings do
is keep on biting dust
I can´t really help it, I just don´t trust people.
Reappak Apr 2020
"I'm taller now"
the building said
"I'm older" the tree replied
"A hundred years ahead!"

"I carry humans"
The building spoke
"Provide shelter too!"
Oh dear Mr. Tree! What do you do?

"I bear fruits"
The tree told
"I'm a home to the birds"
Oh Mr. Building! This is what I do

"Ah! I'm stronger!"
The building argued
"I'm made of bricks and stones
Oh dear Mr. Tree! How strong are you?"

"I've lived the storms"
The tree responds
"On me the flowers bloom!
My dear brother! I'm whey stronger than you"

"It's the humans I carry"
The building added
"The ones that planted you!"
Now who's important? Me or you!

"I allow them to breath"
The tree sighed
"I give them fresh air!
Yet cutting me down
Is their very pride"

The building now was hushed
Not a single word
All his pride crushed
Now it felt absurd!
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