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aha Jun 2021
I think people are like cookies
not in the way that they are
the best thing ever created
(because in way they are and are not)

they are like a cookies because just walking by one
you will never know what's on the inside
you will only find out by
taking a chunk out
analyzing the insides

seeing if there are any raisins in there (ew)
or if they're more of an M&M kinda person
maybe they look just like a chocolate chip
but have a dried apricot in the middle....??

or maybe they're more of a chocolate brownie bite
with fudge inside and a chip on top

maybe they're a double chocolate cookie,
or maybe a jam thumbprint

or maybe even a store-bought, ****** Lofthouse style
you know the kind
with the icing that tastes like pure chemicals and
pink dye
with loads of soft sprinkles on top

those cookies have got to be the worst
this was a very old poem that i just finished. i started it in February 2020, before the covid lockdown.
aha Dec 2019
That moment

There is a moment in your day when

YEET that empty can into a crowd full of people and SCREAM
乁(ಥ ͜ʖಥ)ㄏ
I was writing something serious but then I said why not and wrote something hideous. I happen to enjoy spicy crunchy juice water.
aha Dec 2019
sometimes when you say things
I wonder if you know
just. how. much.
what you say matters to me

other people's words I can brush off
and forget
but your words cut deep
they sting and ache for a while
and maybe longer
until there is only a mark left
only the mirror knows how many wounds
you have inflicted

when you insult me
I will spend the next few days
looking at myself different.
did you know that?
no, you didn't.

you're inconsiderate, to put it nicely
but even our friends note
you're nicer to me.
I wonder why, honestly.
There may or may not be an individual I admire. Hypothetically, if there was one,
they would be/are a piece of trash, emotionally and to others, even to those they don't know they affect. Then, in turn, I have mental breakdowns just thinking about how they were crying or whatever. I personally like not being emotionally decimated, but can't do anything about it.
aha Dec 2019
they say home is where the heart is
but then what is a house?
is a house the absence of a heart?
you don't have to like where you live to live there
I'm lucky enough to have a home
some aren't
be nice to all people. merry christmas, yall. happy holidays.
aha Dec 2019
(insights by 15 year-olds on the known universe)
1. ovens are just spicy refrigerators
2. Costco stores are Karen energy
3. tumblr is just depressed kid's Instagram
4. muffins are just tiny cakes
5. soda is just spicy crunchy juice water
6. caffeine is a psychoactive drug
7. oatmeal cookie batter is crunchy slime
8. arson is just community service
9. tik tok is for unintelligent people
10. ugandan yobungus
Some of these are factual. Some are not. Take 8 for example. False.
These are samples of conversations I have overheard.
aha Dec 2019
I am in the personal belief that
making myself someone different
will make more people enjoy yours truly
However, will it really?

the only movement I feel in myself is my
(***** for circulating blood)
little drummer man in my chest
keeping me alive
social anxiety is exhausting.
aha Dec 2019
words are things people call beautiful
but really
is it the words or the order that we admire?
I am in the absence of knowing where this came from. I just have been thinking about it, and... it is factual.
aha Dec 2019

oh. my phone.

connecting with people is hard
high speed data makes it look easy
idk. phones and tech are weird bro.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
aha Dec 2019
well, I think the meaning of life
goes a little something like this

love everyone you can. no. not like that.
appreciate everyone's efforts to live
and love others

"survival of the fittest"
more like survival of the happiness
pondering existence is tiring. can I take a nap now, please?
I'm just kidding hahaha I'm so funny...
aha Dec 2019
im in school
I dont like school
it's really crowded
theres all these people.
People people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people (me) people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people people
social anxiety anirite ;)
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