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Eve Apr 2023
How is it that I mean so little to you?
When I cry my whole heart out blue
How is it fair that I'm the one crying every night?
When you're out there living your best ******* life
Do I really mean so little to you?
After all these years of us being perfectly dued
To this thing called love...
How can I mean so little to you?
You ******* *******.

I know its selfish. I know it's selfish to want you to ache for me the way I am for you.
samantha Jun 2020
I sit here, four years later, and I know in my heart we will end up together. For now, I must simply endure until I finally inherit the day where I can look into your eyes and see my "reflection" once more.

You have all my "also's"...and you always will.
blackbiird Apr 2019

i wish there was a sanitizer
to clean my heart from which you
tattooed your name on.

Kristina Tan Feb 2019
You still wonder,
what time I get home,
who I was with,
what I was doing.

You ask these questions,
like you're still my partner,
my lover,
my one and only.

Yet you are no longer entitled to.
You made the choice,
to let me go,
to betray me,
to let me down.

I made the mistake.
By sharing,
my night adventures,
late shenanigans.

I succumbed to answer to you.
Because I know you worry.
I know you care.

It comes off as a judgment now,
a scolding,
a lecture.

There is no "us" anymore.
Time to keep my lips sealed,
shut in time,
lock and keyed.
When you share things with your ex and you realized you've said too much.
Elle Laverage May 2018
We loved each other a lot,
but in different ways.

Who would've known our love
was starting to decay?

And to think it all started
when you proposed last May.

When our beginning became our ending
on that fateful Saturday.

It was so grand, so perfect
the island, people--that entire day.

An absolute dream come true,
if I may say.

Tears of happiness,
smiles for days.

This was all I was waiting for,
so why did I keep running away?
The dream proposal that ended us; it's almost been a year now.
Broadsky Mar 2018
right now my chest feels like it has 100 bricks laying across it, my head feels like it weighs 100 pounds and it's going to tip over. We're back where we were when we first started and it's a shame that this is where we've landed. Time after time after time again I have tried to fix this, tried to fix us, tried to fix you. I couldn't save you from yourself, I couldn't save us from this disaster. You aren't the only one to blame, I know I could have done more, I could have forced you to get the help you needed in the beginning, but you didn't want to, you never did. I hope now that I'm leaving you realize you are not okay, that you have never been okay. You're broken and that's alright, just stop trying to pretend you haven't shattered into a million pieces already. You were my world, my moon, the current in my ocean. My soul has never felt more at home in your arms. We loved each other in another life and maybe that was enough, maybe a previous lifetime spent loving you was enough.
Maybe it was enough.
I never wanted to leave you.
Tab Feb 2016
Fuzzy and warm
The feeling spilling over my whole being
Drinking to forget
Forgetting to drink
*Warm wine filling the spaces you once called home
Claire Walters Aug 2015
**** me
**** us
**** that tree
**** what the ******* ******* put me the **** through
**** the birds and the ******* bees
**** that ******* tree too
**** your ******* lame *** excuses
**** your ******* feelings
Because you didn't give a flying **** about mine
**** your ******* walks you ******* use to ******* take me the **** on
**** your ******* knife that you ******* used to carve our ******* names on
**** the lies
**** the truths
**** your secrets
**** me
**** us
And **** that tree
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