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K Balachandran Sep 2018
Her frizzly silk mop,
Flowers in sparkling grey fizz;
My Bodhi perfect !
K Balachandran Jun 2017
Each day dawning would
gift me new eyes of wonder,
right from my childhood
a  friend, from this lone and lonely tree,
I'd fervently hope for something different,
rushing  to the window,
I view that  elegance
as the first auspicious thing
to gaze at, as the custom suggests.

After the morning light creates a pool
above the verdant hills at the east,
yet again a regular ritual,
the tree is my magical yard stick
by which I measure myself,
a mysterious pact between us
existed, deep in mind, I had felt
only we know between us
even if the breeze says, that aloud often.

In her presence every thing becomes clear.

As I watch the tree, as usual
after the repetitions of long
years of rain, shine and mist in between,
what I saw that moment was different:
On every branch seeking light,
bristled flowery wonders
songbirds, absent till the day before
in droves sat all over the crown,
in unison singing her paeans sonorously,
purple rays of morning sun
adorned each leaf, in colorful embrace.

Wasn't it the moment I was yearning for?
I stood filled with it's effulgence,crown to root
the connection in an instance, becomes clear,
there is no secrets left unsaid between  us any more--
In a flash , a golden window opens in inner chamber
I feel free from, the bindings of all mundane desires
as one rows the boat, the miseries of Samsara,
the treacherous rapids, are left behind for ever.

Isn't it enlightenment, at the moment
seeking me unassumingly through my open windows?
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I'd be a Prophet or Sage
if only my wisdom
(if I even have some)
was lined up with my age

a reflective Buddha I'd be
I'd be an enlightened one
shaded from the bright sun
meditating 'neath the Bodhi tree

might as well face it
I can't erase it

for me...

age came with no wisdom
that's why it's so lonesome
a Buddha I'll never be
even if I do sit under a tree!

I guess that's okay...
don't mean to be too silly
but  I don't want Buddha belly
it's bad enough anyway!
Gotta be silly sometimes!
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
Ever since my birth,
her stretch marks have caught my age
on sycamore skin.

© Matthew Harlovic
Age does quite a toll on the body.

— The End —