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talaina sorensen Jun 2018
Beggers cant be Choosers,
Winners won't be Losers,
Early birds can't be Snoozers,
Dont'ers won't be Do'ers,
More or Less but jus not Fewer,
Ugly is ugly.. It won't get Cuter..
If it's Old, it ain't getting Newer,
Roses are red &
Violets are Blue'er,
If you give them an Inch..they will take the whole Ruler
This world is Cold
And just getting Crueler .
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
While I crossed the road
In the middle of a crowded village
I saw an aborgine tear
Falling from her crimson eyes
She carried a *** of water
Above her grey head
She looked at me
While leaving a shop nearby
The dweller stared at her
Walking away from him
He looked so pathetic
He had feelings for her
How does she feed her family?
How could she beat her poverty?
How blessed we are but unkindly
I'm too, helpless
Please forgive me
Help the poor people
Mane Omsy Sep 2016
Under the street light
Staring at the dust bin
Let the dogs get away
With all the meat left

I'm hungry, thirsty
No droplet of water
Found clean anywhere
Am I the only one?
Help the poor and needy
Sapien May 2016
Wandering around the streets barefoot, picking up leftovers from the garbage piles to satisfy the hunger is mere part of a begger's myriad privations. No matter how talented he is born, begging is the only job which he has to perform.

Luxuries? They dont even know something like this.
Roaming around the road with their innocent smiles,
Getting a note of 10rs fills their world with joy.

When asked where they live,
Road was the answer that they give.
Do they own that road? Do they own that street?
Hardships don't scare them anymore,
As they are the free souls.

How strange is it that a smile always find its way on a face of a child who has born with no privilege. How can an eye which has seen only sadness can sparkle like a sunshine.
How can somebody have a carefree slumber knowing the fact that life will always remain cruel to him.

Maybe that is the irony of life, On one hand a person sleeping in king size bed cribs about the quality of his mattress and on the other side a  torned blanket is like bounty to

Why our happiness has become so expensive? Why all of us have become so materialistic? Lets learn something from these innocent smiles. Lets not be a slave of money lets try to see life beyond luxuries.

— The End —