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Jeett Ratadia Jun 2018
Fabricate    the world,
tile                     by tile,
Until the towers sway.

     Overlook the foundations,
     in your                     frenzy;
     cement them another day.
           Let the buildings descend;
           frightened            humans,
           their lives        in jeopardy

                They felt         invincible,
                now are            vulnerable-
                their lives have become tardy.

                               *        *       *
                 the bird soars high above
                 the streets are         empty
                 its screeches                 for
                 we are no                   more
This is a poem that symbolises global warming: we are our own bane.
The poems structure is like a fallen building and the stanza below the Asterix is the foundation (its got a crack in it- : )- )
Anxiety... the bane to my existence
At the opportune time opposing my resistance.
Dragging me into an uncontrollable state of stress,
Where I stand idle, where I'm a mess.

All my insecurities resurface, and
I think that I can't handle this,
That I'm not that great after all.
That I'm not desirable in the eyes of all.

So I stand silent in desolation
In a state of isolation.
Where I wonder who would put up,
With this mishap of creation...

That happens to be me.
Whether love is a blessing or just a bane
But it travels in my blood veins like a pain
Faith is enough to carry along even a grain
It makes assault on heart again and again

Beauty is a miracle,magic to play with strings
All the universe sings like in blooming springs
No one is saved when by love it is but it stings
Love, beauty are flying in a chain with wings

I want an eternal embrace from my sweetheart
We intend to be together never ever to depart
Love intends to read book of love part to part
Let me love fly to some other world on love cart

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2017 Golden Glow
Sheenanigans Dec 2014
Everyone can't be tame
Like they're insane
Living life a hell of a game
Fame is such a bane
1 stanza poem
Deon Nov 2014
If you stop stalking me,
Then I can think clearly
Maybe I'll have peace of mind.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I won't be talking to myself
Maybe people won't call me crazy again.

If you stop stalking me,
Then I can go to sleep
Maybe I won't wake with you staring

If you stop stalking me,
Then my doctor will know I'm sane
Maybe I won't need my pills.

Once I was filled with life,
Now all I cause is strife
If I could be the same,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't be so lame.

If I could sleep at night,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe I won't fear the light

If dogs don't bark when I'm near,
Then I'll stop stalking you.
Maybe you won't shriek like a deer

But I can't stop stalking you
For I shall be stuck alone
I can't stop stalking you
Because I have no hope on my own

I can't stop stalking you
For no one will see me ever again
When my time is due,
Then I'll ease your pain

I wouldn't stalk you
If I'd died with ease
And my flesh put to rest
For my soul would be in peace
And free from this torment

And when you die
Maybe you'll  find peace
Then you won't feel my pain
But until then, just like everyone else's
I'll always be there
Lurking  in the night
Staring at night
Your stalker and your bane

— The End —