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ro Jul 2020
clock is ticking,
waiting for that question,
am i seeing you again or am i not.
Dayda Jun 2020
Hello there little fella
Why do you look so awfully glum
Is there a reason behind that tiny little frown
Why are your eyes so glassy and bright
What can be the reason you look so down

Where is that huge smile I used to see on you
Where is that loud laugh which fills up the room
Where is that tiny little hops in your steady walk
Where is that cheeky glint of mischief shining in your eyes

Hey there, hey there little dear fella
Come now come here and let yourself free
Don't sit gloomily there in that dark dusty corner
Let me be the ears to whatever your heart dismays

No. No. That can't be true
You're wrong. It can't be. No. No
You're imagining it. Its never true
You don't know what you're saying. No. No. No

Don't cry now little fella. There, there
There, there. Do wipe those poor tears
Don't let them fall. Don't let them flow
This too shall pass. This too shall go

You will be fine now little fella
You will be ok
You will get through this
You will be walking your way

This hug you are in now, it will always remain
This strength you feel now, it will always be there
This courage you hold now, it will always stay
This love you have now, it will always be yours

Even the toughest person crumbles deep inside.
Maja Jun 2020
when people ask,
they don’t really want to know.
they just want you to tell them,
what they already think.
aesthenne May 2020
people always
"how was

or maybe,
"how was
work today?"

why is it not,
"how are
you doing?"

that's more
rather than
And people wonder why some don't open up to them.
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
"What are you doing
to better the world?
What value do you bring to society?"
"Those are not the right questions."
"Why not?
They're questions everyone asks."
"Maybe so. But they're meaningless if you can't answer another one first."
"Which is?"
"The right question is "what are you doing to better yourself?"
If you can't find value in yourself, if you don't think you're the best you can be, you can't be ready to better the world.
Elleanor Cole Apr 2020
What do I stand for?
Such a simple question,
sometimes incessant in your mind.
Gnawing at your psyche
asking, demanding, screaming.

stand for?

I know...
****, I didn't know what I was trying to do with this, but I hope you enjoy it!
دema flutter Apr 2020
i did not leave
because i thought you
would eventually ask me to stay,

yet i spent the night
and you still had not asked
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
Turn away. Now look back.
Is the reflection any clearer?
Does it look the same?
Is it what you thought it'd be?
If it's not, don't worry.
You can change it because you control your destiny.
But just because you can change things doesn't necessarily mean you should.
Before you make any decisions,
Ask "is this a change for the good?"
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