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John McCafferty Dec 2020
Creative minds shine through silent shadows
Freer thoughts run along the edges
Of boundary lines untied
Distracted less distressed
Confinement now a guest
In a safer space to play
Separate states arrange personal traits
To trust the chance of expectations
Enforce the plight of set objectives
Opportunities arise to compliment
Though every aim cannot be met
We suit our direction and intent
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
George Krokos Dec 2018
It’s said that ‘a change is as good as a holiday’
though a holiday might be better than a change.
This depends really on one’s attitude some say
or what appeals to the person who is to arrange.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2017
He saw me in a coffee shop,
He liked what he saw in one go,
He found about me some more,
He started me to adore.
He told his mum about his feelings,
Asian women! With joy she started singing,
Two days later he came to see me,
He was smart,educated and handsome,
More, he did'nt  want any dowry,
My parents asked my view.
I had liked him on the spot
I said,"Yes, why not."
I admired him a lot,
The strings of our heart played the same tune,
Love would follow soon.
It did,
As soon as we were married,
Our love blossomed from a tiny bud into an beautiful flower.
With children a flower became a cluster.
But, the exotic fragrance is still there.
That is arranged marriage,
Each passing year our love strengthened  with age.
With arranged marriage you discover each passing day..Your liking for each other can change to mature love.There are not many expectations.
Sometimes a poet's muse

   ­       r   a
               i c

like     a
                           s  c  a  t  t  e  r  r  e  d
          the            marble

              his     quill

and arranges
his  thoughts
into a poem.
Inside this room, the halls fill with the illuminating darkness,
Where it shines a spotlight on the truths we often hide,
Fall and behold to its witchcraft in earnest prowess,
Cannot seem to unravel the long painted ties,

Maybe it chills to think of the possibility,
Remembering past and futures of an infinite,
Resolute but twisted that is a trap for *******,
To a world only in the imagination where it is not an illusory,

Be careful for naught it is fury of red that will be caught,
Although in this black hallway it would only seem like a pretty thought.
Look yourself in the mirror and ask, maybe dream of the sub conscious and track, where ever you may go it will lie with you, darker than a shadow the temptress (gender and species undefined) may turn you.

P.S. Middle stanza inspired by Jack Black lines.

— The End —