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Odd Odyssey Poet Oct 2021
As she boldly said;

'It only takes-
four words to say,'
              "I'm falling in love,"

He sighed and replies;

'But it only takes-
three to say,'
                 "I'm falling apart."
There's two types of falling.
Annie Oct 2021
Can you pull apart the seems you sewed
When you were once as one?

I felt the high of being nowhere
And everywhere all at once.

We floated in a black space
And in it we combined.

My consciousness reached out to yours
And then, they intertwined.
Marilina Sep 2021
You used to lie right next to me
So close
But now you’re far and gone

I used to think our souls were tied
So tight
But now I think they’re torn
Sharon Talbot Sep 2021
There is one on some loves,
That flourish like summer flowers
And bring seemingly endless joy
To lovers entwined
And hypnotized by the notion
That this will bloom forever.
But as years pass, some flawless
In execution and mutual care,
The flower begins to fade,
As if its color and fluid are drained,
Perhaps by the force of love itself.
And, unknown to the two,
They glide apart slowly,
Like two ships on the tide,
Until one day, they reach a horizon.
Each looks out for the other
As they have done before,
And call out in hope, then despair,
But they are unseen, far away.
They may try to sail back,
Beating furiously against the tide,
And finally, admitting defeat.
They each collapses, crying, shouting,
Blaming life, fate and humanity.
After months spent on the rocky shore,
In tears or questioning why
And often getting no reply,
The memory of passion fades
As new flowers bloom
And life’s garden summers on.
Ivy Sep 2021
When you finally think
Everything is finally getting back in place
It all just falls apart-
Faster than you expect it too
And then you have to restart
And then it happens again-
Its a vicious ******* cycle
And it will kick your ***
And it will tear you down
No matter how hard you try-
It happens again
And that-
Is the most-
I guess you would say-
Humiliating part of it
I didn't know what to title this, so i just called it cycle
Rainswood Sep 2021
On Hands and knees
Three tears fall onto the mat below me
drip drip drop
Emotions Escape
from the cage I have built
around myself

Realizations revelations

Release the Deep sadness of the truth

Oh, How perfectly aligned I am
When I am Alone
On yoga and keeping my issues in my tissues
AE Aug 2021
Remember when we’d fly kites
And your hands bled from the wire
We used to talk about dreams
As you bandaged your cuts
Ready to fly them again

We drifted with each other's names
Still sewn into our hearts
I think back to those days
Praying that every dream I could never reach
Has found you instead
And that they walk with you every step
The distances I could not go
For you
Mark Wanless Jul 2021
we stand apart so
near we perceive under soul
thought just confusion
And we forget how short our life is.
Indonesia, 9th June 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
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