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JAC May 2017
I'm not describing anything
Any differently​, anyway
I'm not that kind of poet.
I'm not providing anything new for you
Just another way
To feel okay.
Spenser Bennett Aug 2016
To be alone
is the deepest truth we will know;
**** this empty home.

A false security
in the future of our insecurities,
our shared disease.

Don't you see
how vacant this world would be
without our American,
our American dreams?

We only love ourselves
when we let ourselves
and there's no one else
who could take that all away.

If I'm wrong then maybe there's a reason
For me to **** myself
and take it
all the way.

For all the love we knew
and the lust it grew,
we'll always bleed, **** honesty.

But I'm betting that I can find a way
To shed my pain
And the blood on my hands
won't stain my sleeves.

Distill our happiness from lonely thoughts
and broken hearts;
a life saving alchemy.

If I'm alive then you know you are,
know you are my saving grace.
And if I'm dead well then,
then I can't believe in
grace anyway.
Raquel Butler Jul 2016
Why don't you talk more?
well... you see i-i
You're so quiet, you probably hate everyone.
no actually, i prefer to observe due to my crippling anxiety but-
You're getting so red, calm down!!
i'm trying to, but I'm having trouble catching my breath...
I always used to think you were a *****, but you're actually really nice!
thanks...I think?
So, do you wanna hang out this weekend?
sure let me just check with my mom
You ready to go?
uh actually my mom needs me at home, I'm so sorry!
Hey, we haven't talked in forever we need to hang soon.
yeah let me know when
TBH we used to be close, but idk what happened...
yeah, I really miss you :(
a dialogue- internal reaction poem about how my anxiety often pushes people away
i long for the day
when i actually have to tell someone, "go away"
i yearn to say
"leave me alone" but they stay with me anyway
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
Hip Horray, it's Valentinesday
so you can find me in my room all day
locked up with bottles of ***** and beer
not going out since I know what awaits me out there

Couples walking hand in hand
Both with empty wallets, mostly the man's
whose reward will await him later tonight
If his girl decides that it's only right
to give him something, which he surely will like....

Anyway I don't really care
since I'm busy drinking ***** and beer
I'll probably be sleeping soon
and if i'm lucky then
I won't wake up before noon.
Hopefully this Valentinesday
will be over soon
Paulina Dec 2015
Your eyes
So deadly in the night
Rip the seems of my mouth apart
Oh and sugary kisses have long since turned bitter
Papery touches never leave traces
But words are echoed deep in my skin
Can't you hear
The echoes of our love songs
Spinning round and round
Thinking we could've turned it all around
Your laugh
I can still hear in my dreams
Tensing my muscles
There is no right way to find a distraction
What a cursed fatal attraction
Papery touches never leave traces
But words are echoed deep in my skin
Can't you hear
The echoes of our love songs
Spinning round and round
Thinking we could've turned it all around
When I'm ready I'll say it
God I beg you don't make it think it
Overturned and done
But I can still see through the page
The traces of our bygone age
Light touches deep cuts
Sweet kisses numb hugs
No easy way to find a distraction
What an unfortunate fatal attraction
Papery touches never leave traces
But words are echoed deep in my skin
Can't you hear
The echoes of our love songs
Spinning round and round
Thinking we could've turned it all around
Round and round
Round and round
Round turn it all around
celey Jul 2015
he's the kind of *******
that tells you you're not special
without actually telling you
because he gives everybody
his '**** me' eyes
but you wouldn't want
to ever be special for him, anyway
Emma Feb 2015
He was like
A Ferris wheel
Always spinning
On the same path
The kind of person
You never meet just once
But once
And then twice
And thrice and so on
We weren't meant
to be lovers
Perhaps we were meant
to be friends
But friends become
And lovers become
"Just friends"
But "just friends" become strangers
And strangers roam the world
She takes the right road
And he takes the left road
But the world is round
And he is a Ferris wheel
The kind of person
You never meet
Just once
Some people you can never meet just once.
Lauren Marie Jan 2015
If conquering my fears means feeling the fear, and doing it anyway, then I have always been halfway there;

I’ve been stuck feeling the fear for all these years, and now it’s time to do it anyway.
I hate my body
I walk five miles with my dog so that I can feel
confident one day,  to walk out in a bikini and NOT have the urge to run and hide.  
To look at myself in the mirror without judging
what needs to be changed
quit telling myself that I have to be in love to be loved
And for once, I could throw on a outfit and not change forty different times
I stretch, walk, push, lift
working on it
So that I can have the courage to take a picture of myself without editing or changing it,  
And actually keeping it
Instead of throwing it away
Many women including myself struggle with image at times! We are all beautiful, just realizing it takes a bit. I do enjoy  exercising, walking with nature really helps me think....
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