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Mbali Dlamini Feb 2016
Haunted by the memories of my past
You seem to devourer every dream
Your face so visible in each nightmare
Stricken by fear…. stricken by you

Your hands have left scares so deep
Damaged I am, and yet I still stand tall.

Drunkenness was your world, pain you inflicted the most
Life was never at peace, for destruction was you love.
Truths you never told, killing everyone that surrounds you.
Your tongue was deadly, and your hands where quick
A victim of it all I’ve been, questionable was your love.

Forgiveness I have given…
Freely so, and without apologies
With the scares so deep, difficult it is to forget.
Difficult it is not to feel,
For the pain is still alive.

Robbed a normal childhood,
Hell it was, with many failing to protect me.
In a dark place I grew up, terrified by your drunken moments
Haunted by the memories of you,
Not hating you at all,
I continue to live.
Sometimes as a writer, paper is the only place where you are able to let go of the past, forgive and heal.
//This dates a few years ago when I finaly decided to face my childhood demonds, deal with the  hurt and free myself of the pain//

— The End —