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San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
You're a fever dream
I'll never fully wake up from
Sending shivers down my spine
With just one look into your eyes

Heart rate escalating
Temperatures rising
My heart afire
In the darkest hours of the night
annabel Oct 2016
i will never understand
why you held me
when i was the fire
and you were afraid of warmth
Lizley Apr 2016

He's fire, red flames on
Incinerating bridges
To my distant past
© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog) 
A newfound blazing love.
Cori MacNaughton Jun 2015
Sky Afire

It started as a tendril snaked
And quickly caught my eye
That beckoned me to come partake
The bright majestic sky

From turquoise into indigo
And all the shades between
With molten lava spreading slow
As far as could be seen

With orange and corals juxtaposed
Against the deeper blues
And silhouetted trees in pose
Amid the great bamboos

The clouds were piled in tumbling flow
And darkened as they fell
To charcoal black, blood red aglow
At meeting with the swell

And as the skyflow met the sea
And seemed to melt within
The sea took on its vibrancy
And flow began again

And as the skyflood reached its peak
Engulfing and aflame
It seemed directly to retreat
As quickly as it came

The ashen grey began above
And slowly spread below
Till all was left in pumice drifts
Within its final glow

And now the show has ended
With the sky once more a sky
And the clouds and sea appended
For a witness such as I

3 Oct 2000
Quite simply, a poem about one of the most gorgeous and amazing sunsets I was privileged to witness.  I have read this in public and this is the first time it appears in print.

— The End —