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sinagtala Jul 2019
I always think of you
most of the times
on how's your day went
or on how your weeks end...

I always think of you
during day especially in night
right when I am staring
at the moon.

I always think of you
on when will I ever meet you
because you're too far
and seems to be
out of my league.

I always think of you
because you're something
that makes me happy
and at the same time, sad.

I always think of you
that you made me
write this poem
out of the blue.
i don't know what is this
Mystic Ink Plus Mar 2019
Sun shines from the east

With respect
Let's raise
From the west
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Mutual Understanding
I don't want to be
The center of attention
There for all eyes to see
I want to be acknowledged
And recognized for just being me
I don't want to be known
For my struggles
But I want to be noticed
When I'm struggling
Not for everyone to see
Just one is enough
Just one who understands me
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2018
Why can’t I write anything?
Why I need to write something?

Between those two questions, I found my way to ink my thoughts being fascinated with words addressing a soul inside the human body. Being a part-time dreamer, full-time realist I tried to reflect human psyche, social-issues, clinical journey, and so forth with an interdisciplinary approach. White Words invariably explores the hidden depths of a human, set free by either circumstance or the truth. With every new day I felt writing is not just an art, It’s a social engineering with thought exploring the boundaries of our mind. Words could be a medium to achieve inner peace, sometime embraced with an autobiographic element. Nevertheless it needs to be visualized with holistic lens, being near and far off from the distance with curiosities to get the true meaning of it.

All forms of arts are work in progress, where artist tries to reflect the craftsman’s imaginations and emotions, other time control it with an armor and conceals things using words easy to say in the comfort of expressive outlet. Honestly, I never cared about getting it right, now the same thing is inspiring me in the form of catharsis to make a free verse of a poetic trail.

I feel blessed to be around the people I've come to admire.  I remember mom for providing much needed optimism and endless devotion. There is always something new to learn and there is a constant effort to evolve with a better reflection. I want to thank all those who enjoy my writing, and open enough to hone honest  criticism. I  am  accountable for all the errors in bringing this up.

Let the White Words be the life to live by. Until we are blind to foreseeable future, live until we die, laugh until we cry and write what can’t be said. Lastly for a moment just imagine, how good it is to have a voice and being heard, and heeded.
Genre: Experimental
Theme: 2nd Anthology Press Ready, Blue Canvas White Words
Carl Webb II Sep 2018
'tis acknowledgement, more than thankfulness, that allows a being to reap all of the glorious benefits that this life has to offer.
it is seeing. it is believing. it is acknowledging
. . .
all that exists . . . acknowledge it. so that its existence does not go unnoticed.
and, notice, i am not asking you to focus on it, i am not asking you to give everything in life more attention than it deserves but be aware.
when something pops into your realm of awareness, acknowledge it;
that's how you stay aware. don't ignore it, don't overdo it.
universal acknowledgement will do
. . .
and once you've acknowledged the presence of the object, only then will you be able to decide how to feel about it.
only then, will you be able to truly understand what is going on around you.
'tis acknowledgement that is the key to our emotions.
before we know how to hate or to love, before we know how to be happy about, before we know how to be sad about, before we know how to feel indifference towards
. . .
we must have acknowledged the object of our feelings . . .
before we are able to be thankful for . . .
before we are even able to thank . . .
we have to acknowledge
. . .
i've fiddled with this idea for a while and i believe i've finally come to a temporary conclusion, just bear with me.
. . .
we pray and we pray and we thank all day long.
we speak to God, or any other entity that will listen, to send us some help or to appreciate.
yet, how do we even know what to appreciate . . . if we are not aware, if we have not acknowledged all that is present in our lives
. . .
how can I say "thank you" for a blessing I know nothing about . . .
how can I know what needs to leave my life if I have not acknowledged it as such - simply a thing that is no good for me - how do I feel no good about something I have not felt
. . .
if I keep my eyes shut long enough, will all of life disappear without ever giving me a chance to be thankful, or without ever giving me a chance to see what is necessary and unnecessary.
will things ever change if we do not open our minds, our eyes, our hearts, open up our ears, if we are not open to all ideas, will we ever be able to see what is truly right and what is truly wrong
. . .
acknowledgement. an automatic ability of a being but there is something that keeps us from acknowledging the presence of the ability to acknowledge, within ourselves . . .
pt. 1
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2018
The reflection  
Looking at the mirror  

If you are  
Not comfortable with
Your own shade  
Who else will?  
You know how strong  
Your soul is  
Remember the time spent  
Building up  
You know yourself  
Like, no other has
I acknowledge  
You are more than  
So many somebody else
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: You are enough
little Sep 2018
Secondary thoughts from the present
My life isn't all that pleasant
Pills, doctors and self-analysis
Honestly, can seem like paralysis

Thinking about my growth
My need to continuously provoke
A freedom from the oath
That ego that I stroke
A need to be better than both

The illiness and the routine
I was only a teen
I've fled from the scene
Can I wipe my slate clean?
An internal dialogue about understanding my mental illness after a decade of monitored stability.
Willow Aug 2018
I haven't written in a while
not in lack of words to say
but in a constant denial
of words to feel

I haven't acknowledge my pen in a while
not in lack of physical location
but in constant denial
of words to stay

I haven't acknowledged my book in a while
not in lack of ability to open
but in constant denial
of words to revisit

I haven't acknowledged my feelings in a while
not in lack of valid emotions
but in constant denial
of words I was

that seem to take part
in the line next to my name
alongside my hidden definition
its been a while, constantly working. sometimes on myself
sometimes one others. its been a while. but I'm back and ready to breathe.
mikumiku Jun 2018
I’m ‘bout to work my fire *** to ice
No need to guess, baby, or roll the dice
I pray like “dolla dolla make me holla”
That’s how I build it up with every caller
Ain’t no one’s gonna motivate your ***
You’re either sweatin’ or you get no sass
I earn them dollars just to stack them good
I don’t mind grindin’ as I know I should
I works from Monday straight to Friday night
Pick up the calls, fill up the tickets right
Here I acknowledge your sincere applause
Don’t touch my money with your ghetto paws
I’m way much flyer than the God’s big curse
If you can’t handle it then call a nurse
I came to work it down, Lord is my witness
Yeah, I gon’ slay like it’s nobody’s business
Mystic Ink Plus May 2018
Even If
My name is there

You know
You are, the co-author
Of the Anthology

Appreciate you
A lot
For the topics

You will stay forever
In the memory
Genre: Love
Theme: Getting daily dose of inspirations
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