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Hunter Sep 2019
My life is turning into the bargain store,
And I hope you don’t mind most of me is used.
For example this broken heart,
If you find all the missing parts,
You’ll be surprised how kind it really is.

The store is open come inside,
You can easily afford the price,
You may find what you are looking for.
I can’t guarantee that’ll you’ll be satisfied.

If you don’t mind that half the merchandise is used,
With a little mending,
It could be as good as new
After being used and abused many times, I start to feel like like a item given to pawn stores. Nothing fancy to brag about, hopefully you'll find in me what you want. I'm not perfect, in fact I'm broken but with a few tweaks I can be better.
Floor Sep 2019
I knew a girl full of joy and peace
Who one day fell down to her knees
And told me with a big ol smile
I'm gonna leave earth for a while
She grinned and looked into my eyes
And told me about all the lies
She had lost all of her sway and glow
And really felt the urge to go
I saw her hands behind her back
And my vision went to black
A mirror appeared into my sight
And blinded me with all the light
'I'm you' she whispered in my ear
Everything seemed to get so clear
I once knew a girl full of joy and peace
Who one day fell down to her knees
And took the pills like tic tac sweets
Appeared to her as a big treat
Because peace she found into the ground
And fear was way too far ahead
For her to catch up after death
So she enjoyed her angel wings
And forgot the painful things
Floor Sep 2019
The lights went off again
The room is completely dark now
I know the furniture is there, but I can't see it
What I do see is a flickering light, a settle reflection of a mirror
I can't see myself
Who even am I?
The lights turned off
The room is filled with black
I can see the shape of a doorknob
Gloomy light touches the surface and there goes my hand
The door is shut
No movement allowed
It was worth a try
I'll wait in the dark
Scratch the door untill my fingers bleed
I'll not rest until I get into the light
Or heaven I suppose
RVani Kalyani Sep 2019
Don't know what to do,I'm left confused.
Is there anything in this world that's less abused?
Can't pretend to know what I don't,
Can't answer world's questions,I just won't.
Corrupted,polluted and wicked world is all what I find,
You are true? Well,u are gonna get down to the sand.
World is just a wicked place with wicked people.
Floor Aug 2019
And baby she's so tired
So tired of holding the corners of her mouth
She's so tired of faking a smile
And baby she's so scared
So scared of all the people
Telling her she can't
And baby she's so angry
So angry at herself
The cuts never went deep enough
And baby she's so done
So done with life
It never was good to her
Floor Aug 2019
I need something
To **** me
I am tired
Of taking
My own life
I need something
To heal me
I am tired
Of helping
My own mind
I need someone
To take my hand
And tell me it's okay
To close my eyes for a bit
I need someone
To **** me
I am tired
Of taking
Alaya Aug 2019
Do you ever feel like you're just an object,
an object that people can throw around without any care?
That's how I feel,
people you could love the most,
can treat you in the up most disgusting way.
You can't do anything about it,
it feels like every time you try to run away from it,
it keeps following you.
Every hit that you take,
the more numb you become.
These hits are leaving big red hand marks all over your  body,
the marks swell up
and make a bump around the perimeter of the
Each hit is feeling like torture,
None of the people you love are helping you,
they are sitting across the room
Every time you scream
the hitting becomes
You're left lying there feeling...

a b u s e d
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