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Àŧùl Jan 2017
The desired gene could be found
In each cell of the body,
But it expresses positively in few cells.

A trefoil factor encoding gene I mean,
It is found in the intestine
TFF1 is found exclusively in the intestine.

TFF1 is also known as pS2
Meaning protein for specificity 2,
2nd gene discovered for specificity protein.

TFF1 protects gastrointestinal mucosa,
From any injuries that may result
Out of pathogenic invasion.

The trefoil factor 2 encoding gene
Is also found in the intestine
But TFF2 plays a different role in the body.

TFF2 is also known as pS1
Meaning protein for specificity 1,
1st gene discovered for specificity protein.

TFF2 protects gastrointestinal mucosa,
From any cancer that may result
Out of oncogenic activity.

And the third trefoil factor encoding gene,
It is only expressed in the female womb
But TFF3 is crucial for a successful pregnancy.

I love my field of study very much
And I respect my major guide,
Dr Ashok Kumar Mohanty, he is so wise.
Genes translate into proteins which are crucial for life.
Also needs to be mentioned is Dr Suman Chaudhary who helps me greatly in following the directions by Dr Mohanty.
My HP Poem #1386
©Atul Kaushal
Swanswart Aug 2016
I bought myself a gun today.
I’ll give you a moment to process the mental paper work.
Is he serious?
Is this guy for real?
Is this a metaphor? Is it loaded?  

Are these questions
you might ask?
Isn’t this supposed to be a poem?

I said I bought myself a gun today.
Do you feel better?
Do I
seem more dangerous?
Are my words more weighted now--
with violence?
with virility?
with *******?
Are you looking at my crotch
for an extra bulge?
How do you feel
about me now
knowing that I’m packing?

I bought myself a gun today,
And just like that
I’m a gangsta upholding the second amendment.
I’m a citizen of the constitution
holding up my right
to bear arms,
and raise my hand in a fist--
a fist, that’s gripped in tension
a fist that’s an extension
           of man and invention
           and I really should mention
          I can blow your ******* head off
          without the slightest intention.

I bought myself a gun today,
Are you scared:
that I don’t know how to use it?
That it might want to use me?
That I might become
overwrought with emotions,
and respond to an argument
“Arnold” style with, an,
   “I’ll be back?”--
that I might settle things
once and for all
with my noisy neighbor
in a language he might finally understand?
Are you scared?

I bought myself a gun today.
Does that make you worry?
You know what the statistics say,
That I have a better chance of shooting
than some intruder,
or mugger, or ******
or therapist even.
Are you worried about my self-destruction?
that I might I might accidentally
have an
Or, maybe, you may think,
that it might be on purpose?
that I might be singing
the, “Barrel-in-the-mouth blues?”--
not just fantasizing
about ‘em,
but singing ‘em with a with my mouth wide open,
and feeling them for real for real:
feeling the cold steel ‘cross
my tongue,
on the taste of cordite,
really singing, “I can’t breathe,”
and how much
this ***** and having
the means to put and end to it all--
Are you worried about that?
If you are
then don’t,
‘cause I’m not thinking about that at all.

I bought myself a gun today.
Wouldn’t it be great
if we all could say:

I bought myself a gun today.
yzel Apr 2016
No words to say...
All I can hear is her sobs,
And her pain...
Quinton Oct 2014
never date an artist:
for they’ll find the beauty in the fight -
they’ll grow to remove themselves from all the light,
knowing nothing lasts forever,
it’s all a stroke of fate -
or a pen’s dance on a paper’s grate.

never date an artist:
for the moment’s together will be exaggerated into a shakespearean play -
love’s trance will be in every date,
never knowing if the words spilled are the beauties of your’s or estranged gains of a moment’s escape,
for everything is painted by the beautiful eyes of an experienced guide -
is it real or a work of art they’re just trying to explain.

never date an artist:
they’ll miscommunicate everything they care to say -
not knowing how to communicate beyond the artistic escape,
an artist will rejoice in the gain of a moment’s grace,
finding every reason to hide from the honest’s truth -
for an artist is nothing but a fairytale’s goof.

painted, writen and expressed to be everything they wish people would see,
washed up and beaten by reality’s plea -
never date an artist, for their life is nothing but a conglomerated mess -
of how to escape the stress of the everyday and live in hopeless harmony,
they’re nothing but an anomaly:
never date an artist.

trust me.
Arcassin B Sep 2014
by Arcassin Burnham

the sweet kisses of an true love,
even though in the end,
it wasnt true enough,
faced a life time trying to make her happy,
and it just didnt phase,
because i wasnt adapting,

did i not do anything right,
did i not give her what she needed,
thinking she was the perfect stranger,
too much insecurity,

not much i can say,
seeing as how this is about past girlfriends,
but how we really ended,
is something that cant be explained.
Frustrated Poet Jul 2014
Oh what will you do,
if you see my shattered soul?
A song with no rhythm,
a thing without meaning.
I wont act like i'm perfect,
cause i'm not.
I've know that since,
I've long thrown the mask.

I'm broken, shattered to pieces
Fragile memories crushed by stone
little memories burned to ash.
There's nothing left of me,
Just misplaced shards.

The years faded like the wilting of a flower.
It was so fast,
i never realized it getting slower...
Now that you've come back,
I don't feel gravity affecting me.
I'm afloat, lost in my tracks
Its been a blur and you're the one i clearly see.

When you were gone, I've been a wreck.
But my love for you never broke.
Its the one part of me that's strong,
You're all i needed to be fixed all along
Faith in fate keeps me alive,
that burning feeling inside.
I was lost and you found me.
Lost in transition and serenity.

Oh what would I do
if you leave me again?
No. I've been given a chance to hold on to.
I'd cherish every moment,
every sentence of "I Love You."
first poem :) newbie here. hope you like it :)
Derek Leavitt Jul 2014
"There is no forgiveness for any kind of unspeakable Evil that one has already committed... but redemption.. at any cost.. may not be forgiven.. but shall help proceed, one, onward in the journey towards something that might be suffice. To become something.. 'better'."
Fadhrullah Yusop May 2014
I will write about you every day
in verses, in words, in peculiar lines.
First, about how you never left
my tiny center when
our eyes first met.
And lastly, to no end,
how you will, in that space,
(would every day for this year) stay.

I will write about you every day
and hereupon, I lay my words
in my behalf.
Revolutions happen like refrains in a song, I guess?

— The End —