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T A Ramesh May 2016
Playing game is not life forever for everyone;
Playing game is a happy state of life activity.
Living life is an art one has to play as a sport;
Otherwise, life is full of wars with enemies...!

As in game, life also meets with success or defeat;
Both has to be taken in the same way and proceed
To see the victory in the next effort of one's activity,
A continuing process no one has to leave it out ever!

From the game only life's activity starts with a goal
In view based on our interest and desire in the life
Full of opportunities with the scope we have to create
By our broad outlook of world trend we are living in!

Well planned and chosen route will make us proceed to
Our object of life and reach there with success one day!
T A Ramesh May 2016
Ruby is the name of you, my mother!
I am called as Ruby's son, you know,
When we go to our native town ever!

Now, you are no more here after my
Dear father has gone away before you,
My mother, the most loved one ever!

Your innocence is well known everywhere
Unlike your elder sister in our circle,
All my relatives say among themselves!

My love of you increases when I hear
The love you have from everyone here
And the love they show to me forever!

All love me because I am your son and
They enjoy my talks of humour like you!
T A Ramesh May 2016
Without writing something I can't leave the website;
Every time I write something new I am enthralled...
When this is so, how can I stop writing at all ever....?

New ideas flourish as and when I develop on some
Matter of some significance that transforms itself
Into something wonderful, when I finish writing it!

I don't know what I am going to write before I write;
But as I proceed on a lot of new and interesting things
Come up in my mind that turn into words in my verse!

The calm looking high Sky and deep sea are eternal
Spring of many wonders we go on brooding anytime
To have something creative in the mill of mind to grind!

The finished product is the birth of a poem everyday we
All can enjoy, appreciate and muse over forever and ever!
T A Ramesh Jul 2015
The title of Poetry I wrote between 1972 and 1994
And for which my name will last forever in world
All know now as Dreams, Ideas and Realities.....!

The scientist of India called as Missile man......and
Also who had worked as President of India.....and
Noted for children's education is A P J Abdul Kalam!

His message for all to come up in life and work is
Dream, dream..Thoughts, thoughts..Action, action!
Both our wish, thoughts and message are the same!

What you are is Nature's gift to you in the world....
And what you should do is to use it the best you can
So that nation, world and all live in prosperity sure!

Only when all progress, prosper and are peaceful
Humanity can live blissfully better in one world...!
A tribute to Ex-President of India, Mr. A P J Abdul Kalam
T A Ramesh Nov 2014
Kissing in public is being tried to be forbidden by religion;
What is kissing and why is kissing cannot be criticized?
Kiss is a mark of love and can't be banned as an obscene!

Love and truth are said to be God by religion anywhere;
When this is so, how can true love not be allowed in open?

Hugging and kissing are common among friends and lovers
To renew close rapport whenever they meet by chance sure!

This is a natural act of voluntary disposition of any human
Taking place sans any sense of public or private place ever!

Love has no condition to abide by as it's an act of freewill
And anyone has the freedom to act so in any democracy...!

Why do the ******* religionists fail to forget that love is God?
Whether it's Valentine's day or any other occasion or anytime
Love can't be forbidden in public as it's an act of human feeling!
T A Ramesh Nov 2014
How can anyone leave the place that gives mood
To perform an enjoyable act in life, to start a day?
Even if no one seems to care or see such an act, it's
Immaterial for a person of ambition looking ahead!

The record of feats achieved can never be destroyed,
If a replica of them is being preserved for posterity!
Achieving ambition surely makes one feel elated....
Whether others appreciate one or not in the long run!

Self satisfaction is spiritual satisfaction one gets sure
By completing one's plan according to one's wish....!
That may be to the taste of others or contrary to others;
But finishing one's mission gives a sense of satisfaction!

What for we live in this world one must be very clear
Before embarking on a project based on a lofty dream!
For, sans dream no ambition one can have to go ahead
Doing something remarkable or worthwhile in the world!
T A Ramesh Apr 2013
Scholar gypsies are wandering as nomads
Like the yuppies of 1960s with guitars....
Singing as romantic heroes and heroines!

Men and women are living in singles......
With children too fostering like the birds
Learning about life seeing various cultures!

Gypsy life is a free life they feel in world
Having education but loving freedom more
To live independent life ever till the end...!

What a life this scholar gypsy life to live
Sans a family as even the animals like
Elephants and lions too like to live in forest!

Independence is needed to stand alone in life;
But can one live a complete life sans culture?
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