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Apr 2023 · 475
Steve Page Apr 2023
To walk can be fine,
to run takes you further
I know that when I'm skipping
my heart will grow much stronger.

I have walked many paths.
I have made my amends.
I have run far enough.
Now I'm skipping with my friends.
(I'm actually having lunch with them.)
Apr 2023 · 1.1k
Hanwell Community Library
Steve Page Apr 2023
Somethings last longer when kept in cool dry places
and I for one have found the perfect resting place,
surrounded by plenty of taken up shelf space
where I can store up my strength, and sit contented
in this inspired, quiet space, amongst the bookcases
where we are encouraged to slow our pace
in the long-lasting embrace of Carnegie’s generous bequest.

Yes, we’re blessed with quiet, at least for the most part,
apart from the softly voiced query and help at the desk,
apart from the dad reading aloud and reading time’s louder address
to cross legged, momentarily suppressed younger guests.

It’s quiet apart from the regular swish of the obliging doorway
swinging wide its welcome followed by
the vital wipe of wet feet on the new red mat,
punctuated by the unsnapping of buggy straps
and empathetic mum to mum picked-up-from-last-time chats.

It’s quiet apart from the regular slap of scrabble tiles,
clicking knitting needles
and the long considered placing of a jigsaw piece
accompanied by a contented creak
of a chair as someone adjusts a numbing *** cheek.

It’s quiet apart from the buzz of book clubs and poetry recitals
exchanging much treasured lines and long loved titles.
It’s quiet apart from the beep of books returned or issued out
under the arms of rested readers, no doubt
heading home to their own cool dry places,
reading lamps and carefully positioned comfy chairs.

It’s quiet apart from the spoken thankfulness of readers young and old,
each enjoying spending time within the fold
of this, our beloved Hanwell Community Library.
My local library is kept open by the efforts of volunteers and sponsors.  Its a real sanctuary.
Mar 2023 · 529
Moriarty Holmes
Steve Page Mar 2023
Do you see a puzzle?
Or do you see a game?
Something to deduce?
Or something we can play?
I'm enjoying a binge of Elementary Serries 1.
Mar 2023 · 345
Life and story
Steve Page Mar 2023
I wrote a story today
start, middle and end
a tale with a moral
brim full of suspense

I wrote a story today
with purpose and drive
nothing like real life
- the hero survives
A storyteller, at his worse, takes the messiness of life and places it in order – ensures it make sense.
Mar 2023 · 121
Steve Page Mar 2023
The dreaming cod
The rapacious gull
On the shore of Evolution
On the crest of Extinction
Sought harmony and discovered discord

But while we were dulled by our difference,
divided by distinct destinations
over facing horizons, we are destined
to discover our far dateline.
separation and reunion
Mar 2023 · 908
Two words
Steve Page Mar 2023
Two words that are joy and salve to my soul
That have my full attention at their mere mention
Two words that together complete one another:
Mar 2023 · 154
Spring 2021
Steve Page Mar 2023
Spring is a doing word
- quietly, softly, resolutely springing up
through the heavy clay, springing forward
past these ground hog days,
offering an initiation rite
of colour, warmth and new light.
Spring is a doing word – so let’s do it right.
Originally written for spring 21 when we all needed extra spring.
Mar 2023 · 453
The Unknown
Steve Page Mar 2023
Treasure the unknown, the unseen
for there you have untold story,
unsung song and unimagined vistas
waiting to greet us.
And, yes, some of the paths are long,
the climbs hard,
the adventures testing,
but we have good counsel,
and good company
and they will take us
through the deep story to the high chorus
where the harmony will be sweet.
thinking about friendships and the twists and turns relationships can take.
Feb 2023 · 822
We will sing
Steve Page Feb 2023
They say that in London
you're never more than 10 foot
from a rat
and a stone's throw
from a poet.
The space in between is taken up
by stalking survey takers.

The crooked streets
that were once paved with gold
are now peppered
with monochrome gum,
half finished poems
and generous cigarette butts.

But out in the painted parks,
within the chorus of churches
or secured in our community halls -  
that's where you can still hear us sing.
City observations
Steve Page Feb 2023
At least Jesus knew what was coming:
the betrayal, the pain, the abandonment,
the journey down, the climb back, the reunion
with abandoned friendships,
the chance to walk and sit  
with the taste of simple meals,
but no wine yet,
before his departure.

At least we know what’s coming -
the long journey, the ups and downs,
the sound of the latch on that narrow gate,
the weight of our cross,
the chance to walk our paths with him.

The break of bread, the shared wine,
pointing to a ‘dine with me’ where we’ll feast royally,
when we’ll see him take that long awaited sip
or perhaps simply dip his bread,
nod his head and smile,
knowing there's an eternity of this to come.

At least we all know what’s coming.
[Thanks to for that first line. ]
Feb 2023 · 362
Uncommon Humanity
Steve Page Feb 2023
I don’t know if you know this,
but I'm a tolerant non-conformist.
I know it's easy to have missed this,
but I've found it essential to co-exist
on an island as small as this,
in a city as full as this,
and that if I want to both resist conformity
and live with a degree of grace-ful harmony
I must persist in my pursuit of resistance
against an unnecessary distance
between me and those who live with difference.

And the more I live my difference
I find that non-conformity
doesn't necessitate exclusivity
and needn't be an excuse
for a self-righteous harsh disharmony.
And instead I'll walk with those most unlike me
to find and celebrate the common thread
of our mutual uncommon humanity.
Prompted by something I heard from Trevor Phillips on BBC radio 4.
Feb 2023 · 232
Every Moment Inspired
Steve Page Feb 2023
A rabbit with a pipe sits in their shared space,
like there’s nothing that might move them unless they acquiesce,
like they have no better things to do than do exactly what they’re doing
and they’re doing what they do best
- contemplate the next word, the next note, the next sweep of their pen,
the next throw of the clay and the colour they have chosen to inject
into the next page, the next dye, the next stitch, beat, thread, chapter, adventure
that their maker has placed in their minds eye and it’s then that I realise
that in every moment they’re carefully holding a myriad of holy inspirations
and contemplating their ordering so that beauty may abound
so that their beautiful God may breath out yet more of the Creation.
Feb 2023 · 542
Last words
Steve Page Feb 2023
On your last day,
at your leaving speech
you let your real self show
(just a little)
and then I saw you
stop yourself
just before you got interesting.
An office observation.
Feb 2023 · 733
Hollow Eggs
Steve Page Feb 2023
Even at my young age I was suspicious of the easter confectioners.

Even while feeling the excitement rise, breaking into the thin cardboard casing
and unwrapping the fragile patchwork of chocolate,
even as I found the seam and tried and failed to make a clean break
even at that first crack, in my child-like cynicism I felt the disappointment
of the hollowness of an easter egg.

The half shell cradled the fallen fragments,
allowing me to collect every flake with a wet finger,
but still I felt cheated, more so as my mother insisted
that we save the rest til later,
her words somehow conspiring
with the glass and a half chocolate makers,
seeking to dress up the thin, brittle shell
to appear more than its fragile inadequacy.

Then grandad came

with a two pound purple brick of a bar,
fresh from his fridge,
and he challenge us to a bizarre dressing up feast
where we'd attack the mountainous chocolate
armed with a knife and fork, hampered by hat, scarf and mittens,
gambling against the next throw of the dice, against racing siblings,
to hatchet chunks from the heavy tablet
and shovel as many broken shards into our mouths
before, at the roll of a six, the woollen regalia was wrenched from us,
leaving us with only the prospect
of our empty shell of Easter disappointment.

Happy Easter.
Childhood memories from 1960s London
Feb 2023 · 775
Song, Theme Song
Steve Page Feb 2023
Like a bond song, rising from the depths
catching the theme, casting its charm,
holding the frame, teasing us
giving us just enough of what we’re waiting for
and keeping us all in the moment,
gun shot by shot, brass blast by blast,
until the action breaks across the screen,
drawing every gasp, taking every heart,
holding every gaze, clutching every throat,
- until the strings break in
and bring release and joy and disbelief
as the hero survives yet again
to bring the world its peace
Watchin the documentary ' The sound of 007 ''
Feb 2023 · 107
Steve Page Feb 2023
Give her more time, she said.
So I gave her as much as time allowed,
including much I couldn't spare,
but still she hungered,
eating up my remaining time
and in no time at all
I was left
a commute poem
Feb 2023 · 127
Steve Page Feb 2023
It's easy to be distracted
by each distruction of the past
It's harder to stay focused
on the fight of tomorrow
Feb 2023 · 261
Steve Page Feb 2023
It was hiding in plain sight, yet eluded me for days. It had adopted a 'keep still and maybe he won't see me' tactic, proven to be successful on many an occasion.
When I came into the room with one purpose in mind, that is to find it at all costs, it repeatedly contended with my scan of each surface, employing its camouflage turned up to 'you'll never find me, not if you looked for the rest of your life'.
And then I remembered, I simply had to give up, and as it relaxed, it would emerge from the background, and I'd be able to put it somewhere safe where I was bound to find it next time.  Perhaps.
[who am i kidding?
Feb 2023 · 280
God of the margins
Steve Page Feb 2023
Our God often waits away from the crowd, standing in the margins,
right up against your discomfort of being closer to the edge of others.

He invites you to intentionally trust incidental strangers,
because that’s where He’s made his home,
in the threshold of love, in each adjoining reaction, one to the other.

So go to the margins, to the verge of your comfort, reach out
and get closer to your marginal, desert road, cross-border God.

And there you'll find the ordained moment, the precious place of gentle surprise
and the sudden challenge that heralds adventures beyond what you can ask or imagine.

Step outside your norm, but within His plan for this day

and maybe – just maybe
you’ll meet an Ethiopian.
Acts 8 – Philip and the Ethiopian
Jan 2023 · 512
when youth departs
Steve Page Jan 2023
When youth
When wit
When these weapons depart
May courage
May wisdom
May these tools prove enough
"When youth departs, may wisdom prove enough." Winston Churchill
Jan 2023 · 569
Steve Page Jan 2023
If pain was a friend instead of a burden
– if I could make peace with the unwelcome
– if perhaps I could see her as a teacher,

not in a lecture theatre (distant and with sharp echoes),
but in a private tutorial with soft furnishings
and perhaps a vase of flowers.

– If her lessons came with handouts,
exploring, with pictures, the reason for the searing,
the overwhelming

– but no,
my pain is that annoying parent on a pointless trek,
refusing to stay silent,
incessant in her insistence
that we can’t part ways.
a re-working of 'pain free'
Jan 2023 · 2.0k
Make the light
Steve Page Jan 2023
I would make the light.

I'd take it
from wherever I found it.

I'd bring it inside
and make it work for me
and so find the hidden
and show the truth

and so lift the shadows
to their rightful place.
Inspired by a documentary about Jane Brown (Looking for light)
Jan 2023 · 524
Steve Page Jan 2023
Seconds before our first kiss
my clumsy words tore us asunder

and so I turned the rudder
from the sunset
into the full force of rejection.

We said nothing more,
and you did not notice my tears.
Scene from a book taken further.
Steve Page Jan 2023
Her curiosity slipped in,
in silence, viewing
the clear, clean canal, exploring
the slow passings of time,
the wear and tears of years
of rough passage, ready to excise
any hint of a foreign body.

And his body lay, foetal,
while the nurse stroked his hand
assuring him the end was in sight,
but he kept still, his eyes tight shut
until she re-emerged,
and he could blink back into the light.
Over thinking the scheduling of a colonoscopy.
Jan 2023 · 335
Too much
Steve Page Jan 2023
When I pray, I say too much
and he forgives so much
as his restoring touch
seeps marrow deep
lifting my sorrow
inviting me to rest a while
on both knees
Prayer is good for you
Jan 2023 · 551
Under attack
Steve Page Jan 2023
There's moments
when you're at your most vulnerable,
when you're lost
in a moment of release.

Like when you sneeze

- especially when you let go
three times in quick succession
in a fit of complete defenseless-ness.

If your friend is subject
to a sneeze attack
watch their back

(and that way
you're out of their line of fire).
Jan 2023 · 600
When the Spirit
Steve Page Jan 2023
When the Spirit's around - that's the third of the Three -
He regularly raises fresh questions for me:

You see , He's both the sought and the seeker, the truth and the teacher
the help and the helper, the gift and the giver.

He's the breath and the voice, the chooser, the choice
the anointer, the oil, the peace and turmoil.

He's the joy and the cries, always there to baptise
the bearer of fruit with fresh gifts to boot.

He's as wild as the wind, He'll breeze where He will
I've tried to contain Him, but He won't remain still.

I can't ever define Him, can't assign Him a label,
just accept He's my God and that my God is able

to be true to His Word while resisting defining
He'll still leave me questions, but that's not surprising.

He kicked off creation, gave the church her fresh start
and we're just the latest to play our small part.
Written for a Sunday service focusing on Acts 2.
Jan 2023 · 574
Passed on
Steve Page Jan 2023
What I have passed on to my son
is often unclear to me.

I just know
that I had the grace to ensure
the package I passed on
is not the one I received

and that the extent to which
it will be unpacked and utilised
is not mine to determine.

That choice was part of the package.
I have grown up chiuldren - my son reported progress with his bathroom fittings and passed on advice concerning my health today.  Struck me how he's grown.  #inmysixties
Jan 2023 · 344
My dear Theophilus
Steve Page Jan 2023
My dear Theophilus, I want to stress
that this gospel story is ever-present, continuous
and it’s by no means strenuous
to draw a straight true line
from the angelic choir’s ‘unto us’
through to the empty cross,

and yes, past the fall of Judas
to the day the lot fell to Matthias
and whilst Matt may have on occasion
felt a little out of place
and like us, have sometimes undergone
the syndrome that’s imposter-ous,
nevertheless, with the disciples he received Christ’s promise
of a collective Pentecostal renaissance

And so,
no, it’s not presumptuous for you, for us
to stand with Matthias and the rest
of the disciples of Christ Jesus,
to receive this same promise
and for Christ to continue
the same reconciling mission through us,
because my dear Theophilus,
we are, you are the one and present-continuous,
Spirit-filled church
a riff off Acts chapter 1
Dec 2022 · 438
Lovely too
Steve Page Dec 2022
Do you know
how to be
to others?
That's important
Dec 2022 · 102
Steve Page Dec 2022
Do you know
how to be
to yourself?
Figure it out.
It's important.
Dec 2022 · 501
Steve Page Dec 2022
... that is not important.

You’ve spent your time
– so much of our time -
on something that is not important.
And what’s more, you already knew that.
And still you went on
in the hope that it might redeem itself.

We both know what’s important
and what’s not.
We know what is worth our time,
our attention, our tears,
our sleepless nights.
We know what is worth our pain
and what is not.

And yet,
you have near exhausted your time
and, by extension, our time
on something that will never reimburse us.
Something that has cheapened you – us -
and has reduced us to this.

I need to know -
will you fight for something that is important?
And are we important to you?
Relationships  are tough
Dec 2022 · 354
Dunoon on a Sunday morning
Steve Page Dec 2022
It’s before nine.  I have another chilled hour
before the Swallow cafe opens for cooked breakfast
and a day before the family funeral.

The sky is clear to the east, but further north
there’s pre-spun wool resting lightly on the hills,
heavy with possibility and miles from home.
Dunoon is a long way from Ealing.  But far more picturesque.
Dec 2022 · 111
a poem is a flawed thing
Steve Page Dec 2022
A poem is a flawed thing
made by damaged hands,
thoughts yet complete,
words unsound,
but close, like a whisper away,
as close as a line-break,
to the heart of something
Dec 2022 · 926
Fear or Favour
Steve Page Dec 2022
Striving in fear
or living in favour
Feeling the dread
or hearing the angel
Luke 1.30
But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God.
Dec 2022 · 390
The Panic and the Pause
Steve Page Dec 2022
The panic speaks
eloquently and persistently,
telling me that I need a new filter
by which to drink in, to inhale
the good
and like an extreme diver, hold it in
while exploring the dark places.

You see,
the panic we feel on the surface
only serves to take us down,
while it denies us the means of rising again.

But if I can learn to pause,
to take in the good,
the wholesome, the nutritional,
then I can ready myself
to face the dark
and, having done so,
I will find the light again.
Listening to a therapist
Dec 2022 · 506
Ferry over the Clyde
Steve Page Dec 2022
Don't be a local.
Don't deny yourself the wonder.
Don't forego the sunlight,
the movement of the sky
the dance of the water

Don't be a local.
Don't focus on timetables.
Don't get lost in ferry dramas.
Lift your head into the wind
and take in the glacial.
Good advice from good friends
Dec 2022 · 956
Steve Page Dec 2022
"We can't help you with that,
but we can offer you
an open gate,
an honest smile,
a living room carpeted
with warmth
and trimmed
with good conversation.

"What we do have
we can offer you,
rest for your bones
and truth at our hearth.

"You are most welcome."
Acts 3: 6. Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you..."
Nov 2022 · 548
Things I cannot google
Steve Page Nov 2022
There are things of great significance
greatly sought
greatly valued
which I cannot put in a search bar

There are things I cannot place
on a spreadsheet
or in my pocket
which I place above all else

There are things I find
difficult to quantify
impossible to define
but which have immense meaning

And so, I do not try
to capture them
to count them
and instead I invite them in
prompted by the first Reith Lecture of 2022 (on the BBC)
Nov 2022 · 658
Solo Supper
Steve Page Nov 2022
Too tired to give
an egg a clean break,
he crunched
into his omelette,
ready for bed
long day today
Steve Page Nov 2022
I heard music in the night, and voices
- singing choral voices -
and a light rising, proclaiming
a kingdom, a peace, a kept promise

Like a new shoot from an axed stump
Like new fruit on a dead branch
Like laughter in the silence
Like a new star, with a most singular spark

and then I saw a child rise up
from the long dark
clutching a fresh old hope
and he led us
Isaiah 11.6
"... and a little child shall lead them."
Nov 2022 · 262
Like before Babel
Steve Page Nov 2022
He sits in your downstream
and, despite a list of jobs
sitting in his back pocket,
he sits and as you talk at him
in his second or maybe third language
he shouts back his still focus
on your dignity rather than your tears
while the weight of his hand on your shoulder
and the intensity of his eyes on your face
ensures he doesn't miss one sob.
the kindness of a friend from another continent
Nov 2022 · 435
Come and Behold Him
Steve Page Nov 2022
I sit in the light of my phone,
with memes numbing my mind
I search the fields for answers
I don’t expect to find
I don’t find very much of use
amongst the scrolling screens
They lead me down rabbit holes
where I’ve already been

I ask for better light by which
to see the greater truth
by which I might find something
to push away the gloom
and the answer comes from above
in the silence of the night
a sign drawn by the flight path
of a west bound starry light

And the star delivers a summons
to shepherds and kings alike
to Come and Behold a greater king,
timing it just right,
bringing east and west together,
offering peace on earth
- a peace in the light of a greater truth,
enlightening the world

This light’s an invitation to you
to come and behold a child
But I think I better warn you,
he’s no longer meek and mild
Baby Jesus is now a Risen King,
and no better light you’ll find
to set a brighter truer path,
for you and humankind
For the carol service at
Nov 2022 · 260
He loves me
Steve Page Nov 2022
[written with Isaac Cornford. Thanks mate.]

He loves me because he loves me
He loves me because he can
He loves me because he chose me
He loves me - that’s his plan

It’s always his plan to love me
To cast out all my fears
His love will always surround me
He loves when no one’s near

He loves me most and loves you more
His love will never run out
His love is true and gets truer
His love is never in doubt

His love is nothing that we’ve earned
It’s nothing we deserve
His love’s a perfect gift to us
A gift we can return
Nov 2022 · 602
Things Unsaid
Steve Page Nov 2022
Some things I will not say
I will not form those words
Lest they be heard
Lest they be believed
and the truth of self
be known.

No, some things I will not say
I'll keep their silence
Keep my distance
and stay quiet
safe on this side
of my deceit.
self deceit is a powerful thing
Nov 2022 · 374
Spoken Word
Steve Page Nov 2022
This is spoken word
(that’s words aloud)
freed from the screen
sent out proud

words finding voice
sounds in word form
finding new ears
words outperformed

When words stay inside
they fester and blister
they poison and kick
sour and bitter

it’s only out loud
that’s words pass the test
it’s when they’re outspoken
they get off my chest

This is spoken word
loud words out-loud
ready to be heard
above the crowd
we have an open mic coming up - got me here
Nov 2022 · 266
A good child
Steve Page Nov 2022
Was he a good child?
I mean good at being a child?
Was he good at play?
And was he loyal to friends
come what may?

Could you tell by the bruises,
his scrapes and cuts?
Was it obvious by his defiance
and by his reluctance
at the close of the dance?

Was he a good child?
I ask because I want a man
who’s good at living,
who knows his own priorities,
a friend who will stand by me
long after the music ceases.

So tell me,
was he good child?
(after watching ‘Living’, a film adapted from ‘To Live’, by Akira
Oct 2022 · 402
Burnt Oak Lane, Summer 1966
Steve Page Oct 2022
One of my earliest memories in my history
(if not THE earliest)
features a tree.
A stump of a tree
in the middle of our back garden.

And my dad and his friends removed the tree,
maybe an Oak, I don’t know,
I just know it was there first
and we removed it to make room for growth.

That was an unnecessary necessity
and the start of something that lasted.
Not as long as the tree, but still,
you can’t have everything.
All true.  Suburban desecration.
Oct 2022 · 1.1k
Fairy Tails
Steve Page Oct 2022
Fairies knit tales, but they don’t have tails, I don’t think.  
Dog’s do.
with an abrupt end – that’s usually moving,
while never escaping its tether.
Is that the idea? – that no matter how far the tail goes,
it will never get out of hand.
Unless it’s docked of course – that is the saddest tail,
a stump of a tail that still tries its best,
but is destined for a short and disappointing end.

If I were a dog without a tail, I think I’d think it was the end of the world.

If I were a fairy without a tale – I would be sadder still.

The End.
Written in response to a poetry group given theme - fairy tales.  Thank you to Amy for the 'end of the world' line which I've misapplied.
Steve Page Oct 2022
I don't care what you think.
It works – just - fine.
Probably too well, all considered.
But that's a heart for you.
It breaks.
That's the way you know
it's fine.
Next page