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What goes around
will come around.
Usually, to bite you.
Invariably in the ****
and always overdue.
A misheard conversation.
Curiosity over Certainty
breeds Questions
that have Validity.

(Thanks to Ted Lasso
and Richard P. Feynman.)
I get curious when I hear the same short quote from numerous people. Like 'doubt is not to be feared but welcomed'.  After reading more of Feynmans thoughts, I realise I agreed: an honest life breeds curiosity.  Questions are an honest response to the complexities of the world.  We need curious leaders.
Solutions to the challenges of living in community require open, honest and curious conversation.
That's what marks my conversations with God anyhow.
I aspire to the ambition of a mother:
lifelong and untiring. 
Ambition to realise her passion: 
Serving and providing
love without ration.

I aspire to the love of a mother:
teaching and persisting
with no reflection on reward,
but for the pleasure of pursuing
a calling she can’t ignore.

She aspires to serve God’s children 
entrusted to her caring. 
Until united with Him 
after a life of faithful praying,
with lives better lived 
for loving and knowing her.
Mothers Day in the UK is 30 March.
The sun sank down at dawn
The finch returned to its nest
The crocus postponed all plans
And peace went back to her bed

The light might come tomorrow
The birds may return in song
The flowers can rise in the new Spring
And there's hope to be had erelong
Mixed feelings from watching the news.  Added the second stanza  a couple of days later. Theres always hope.
Steve Page Mar 5
Beginning with ash.
Leading to blood and tears.
Ending with love declared
out of the grave
into a new light's dawn.

Lent gives pause.
Jesus gifts life.
Seeing a few ash crosses today.
Steve Page Mar 3
How many poets
Does it take to change a light bulb?

One to hold the ladder.
And one to tearfully consider the transitive nature of existence compounded by the tragedy of the assumption of replacement without true celebration of the individuality found at the heart of the mass produced and the beauty that can be found in a frail light fighting against the darkness inherent in an unfair world.
Yes, it s a repeat but I just needed a laugh.
Steve Page Mar 3
Night Portraits
And Night Landscapes
Leave shadows for us to fill
Or to leave full of potential
Viewing paintings at a local art space.
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