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Teddy Dec 2017
When I first read that message,
I thought you were kidding.
That couldn't be true,
could it?
He couldn't be dead,
could he?
The man who made me smile
so big my cheeks hurt.
The man who gave me goosebumps,
just from singing.
The man with the sweetest
and funniest personality I knew.
The man who helped his fans,
when they were going through -their- tough times.
The man who I felt I knew,
even if I only saw him through my cracked iphone6.
And suddenly, he was dead?
It couldn't be true.
I immediately googled it.
The air was crushed out of my chest,
as I read:
"Singer commits suicide at 27."
I read the story.
I cried.
I cried and weeped,
for a man I didn't even know.
And as we all put roses as our profile pictures for him,
I knew I wasn't alone,
but why did I feel like I was?
Thousands of people just like me cried their eyes out,
just like me.
I'm still baffled.
I'm incredibly baffled that no one had any idea.
No one knew what was going on in his head,
only him.
And when he tried to tell someone,
they laughed.
As thousands of fans sung themselves to sleep that night,
I sang along.
A tribute to our dear signer.
Jonghyun, I hope you're in a much better place now. You did well, and we'll love you forever. #rosesforjonghyun
Teddy Dec 2017
What do you do
when you've just been told
that you saved a life?
What do you do when she tells you
that she almost took those pills,
but she thought of your face,
and put them down?
She looked me in the eyes,
and my face immediately crumbled.
The weight of the world came crashing down,
and tears came rushing out.
I sobbed and heaved,
and somehow I managed to stand up
and hold her as if -my- life depended on it.
I sunk to the floor
and we laughed at how stupid we looked,
sprawled on my kitchen floor, crying.
It didn't matter how stupid we looked,
did it?
I had just been told that I had,
saved my whole world.
What would you have done?
Literally all I think of now is that song How To Save a Life by The Fray. -Tyler<3
Teddy Oct 2017
The way your hair falls across your forehead,
and the way your lips from a smile when you laugh.
Your deep eyes staring into mine,
and the way your small hands curl around his.
They're cute,
even if you don't think so.
The way your laugh bubbles throughout the room
and the way you dance as if no one's watching.
Your voice, as it sings.
That's the most beautiful sound in the world.
The way I wish i could kiss you
and hug you
and cuddle you
and love you.
The way you are.
Wow criiiinge. <3
Teddy Sep 2017
It starts with light sprinkles
and I continue walking
not bothered.
But as soon as I emerge
from the woods,
the drops enlarge.
They plop onto my arms and head.
Their velocity increases,
as they come plummeting towards the ground.
and soon,
my arms are coated.
i don't run,
i don't take cover,
but I walk.
i feel the rain
run down my skin.
they drip onto my face
and steam up my glasses.
i stop at a bridge.
i look over the sides
and admire the water.
The crystal clear
creek water,
mixes with the orange
street water,
to make a cloudy river.
The plants and flowers
reach to mother nature's
And I tell the sky to
cheer up.
But secretly,
even if it's a little sad,
I like the rain.
wow this ****** hehe. But yeah it was raining as I was walking home from school today and I mentally wrote a poem while walking. <3

— The End —