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st64 Nov 2013
on the day our eyes match the colour of a hedgehog-sky
released into the ether, will be.. 100 balloons waiting to pop

when these balloons have floated and decide to come down
that's the crucial-time when you'll grow aware of what is to be


the mood of two rainbows will melt into liquid-crayola invertase-lakes
while we find so many nectar-filled spots to sate our hungered-bods

and I'll take that open-honey in me and feed you from my mouth
as you reach forward so easily and make me pliant to your will

S T - 29 nov 13
hectic-times.. yet.. the bees buzz on and flowers blossom.. while that sky still hangs there.. ever goodly.. devoted sun still strikes warmth.. joints may creak, but the right-lines crease..

sub-entry: oh myyyy....

red swan at season-end
where wrinkles are set
smiles in no arrears

oh myyyy... you drive me mad
there's little I won't do......

pop.. pop!
st64 Oct 2013
sense is seen
when scents on scene

jaunty-laddie walked and grabbed the sun out the sky
hid it leisurely in his back-pocket
while the candy jumped out the sweet-jar
and the farmer fed the dog to the food

an elm-tree nearby coughed nervously at the encroaching-air
as the letterbox chatted lively to the ivy-hedge
the wind popped by and whistled out a papery-sigh
that the clouds caught and flung into a blue swing-lasso

working out moves in ab-struck-shin
sweaters and jumpers* at the local gym got all scratchy
and went on strike to protest against the über-cool fridge
and gravity took a break
and we all
a way..!


S T - 26th of October, is it?
spot of facetious ink :)
when the world takes a healthy-break .. much of good doth come.. and larfs ensue :)

sub-entry: paint

bird flew high
so high..

the wind came by
and blew off
all its paint

its feelings got so hurt
it flew higher still
off to Arcturus
36.6 light years away
where candy-souls reside
st64 Sep 2013
a child-heartbeat has such power
to sway ideas
and turn the tide
hence -
show adult-folly

emperor bays the crowd
to flatter
invisible trappings
of grandeur and prowess

when blind to the obvious
talk is no good

och, man
just freaking forget it*

(what good is talk... when the COMMON voice is not heard?
                               ...  when yet another child-heartbeat is lost?)

S T, 5 sept
how many more child-heartbeats will we lose . . . in haste?
it's easy to stand with a (even semi-rallying) crowd behind you, yet -
at the end of the day
when you nicely tuck in YOURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR child,
can you breathe easy
knowing that, due to a command given or act commited
(directly or not) from your remote-hand:
some other parent

We are killing the future !!
Even surviving child-heartbeat may bear bitter memory-seeds, catapulting unbroken-cycle.
Shame on us all.. sis, man.. we have at our disposal so much of ability to DO GOOD.
Man, we have precious chances to prove we can do BETTER.. instead :(

sub-entry: visit

should I visit you
in your home
and you don't like what I say...

would you now show me your ill-placed power
hold a gun to my head?

yes, I'm afraid, indeed
to EVER visit you

not fearing you
but your unwieldy hand
born of folly-haste
and blind-avarice

the balance is not righted
in blood-spill

( would you be willing
to write
a **** poem
st64 Mar 2014
By the time he'd hit eighty, he was something out of Ovid,
his long beak thin and hooked,
                                            the fingers of one hand curled and stiff.
Still, he never flew. Only sat in his lawn chair by the highway,
waving a *** wing at passing cars.

I was a timid kid, easily spooked. And it seemed like touchy gods
were everywhere—in the horns
and roar of diesels, in thunder, wind, tree limbs thrashing
the windows at night.

I was ashamed to be afraid of my grandfather.
But the hair on his ears!
                                    The cackle in his throat!
Then on his birthday, my mother coaxed me into the yard.
I carried the cake with the one tiny candle

and sat it on a towel in the shade.
I tried not to tremble,
but it felt like gods were everywhere—in the grimy clouds
smothering the pine tops, the chainsaw
in Cantrell's woods—everywhere, everywhere,
and from the look of the man
in the lawn chair, he'd ****** one off.
David Bottoms was born in Canton, Georgia in 1949. He earned an MA from the University of West Georgia and a PhD from Florida State University. In 1979, Bottoms won the prestigious Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets for his collection Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump.
The book—filled with bars, motels, pawnshops, truckers, waitresses, and vandals—was recognisably Southern in tenor and landscape.

Since Shooting Rats at the Bibb County Dump, Bottoms has continued to write poems that “communicate the implications of experiences” through clear narratives, natural and animal imagery, and influences that range from church and blue-grass music to the work of James Dickey, who was a close friend.
Speaking to William Walsh, Bottoms commented on his affinity for church hymns and spirituals: “There's so much water imagery in those hymns. It's the whole beautiful notion of crossing over, of getting to the other side. This imagery, of course, is ancient, and not uniquely Christian, but I suppose Sunday school largely accounts for my love of it. Also, as you know, lakes and rivers make such wonderful metaphors for the psyche—the conscious mind and the unconscious, the surface and that hidden realm below the surface. I keep coming back to that, I guess.”

Concerned with apocalyptic “endtime” prophecies, and delving deeper into autobiography, his poems circle and fracture around central narratives,
always filled with Bottoms's very own voice, his gift for evocative images, searching irony, and meditative poise.
David Bottoms has won many awards and honours for his work.
st64 Apr 2013
Yes, like a marble.....

Our splendid globe.

A marvel, indeed.

Blue sky
Seen from space
Clouds trapped neat.

Float free....

So powerful
Sun crowns o'er

Miracle to be-hold.


S T, 10 April 2013

Oh, yes!!

What a beautiful planet ......we have.
(Do we really have it, though?)

Oh, but we are lucky to live on!

Looking at Earth from .....on the planet....and from space, one is so easily humbled by the magnitude of MERCY.....

st64 Jul 2013
round and round
they go

counting, counting
so long....

hardly time to eat
let alone a coffee-on-the-go
yet always make an effort
for two or three daily suspended-
a poor soul will pop in later

no time, no time...

emails by assignment
work-related crap
for this assiduous pair
very* far apart
alive and available
yet caught in
formulae and science
holding sway above chit-chat

no time for play
just punch in digits
and calculate
always counting
without accounting any real loss

computing life-time

then, one day
by sheer chance
he sent her an Einstein quote:
"Not everything that counts can be counted,
and not everything that can be counted counts."

in her tiny office cubicle
she suddenly saw flowers
of all colours
blossom before her
unseeing eyes

she didn't understand....

for one full year
they swopped more than equations:
         deep reminders of life
         such gems of worth
         paradoxical beauts
all encapsulated in
the vessel of silent words

he loved sending her quotes
      to uplift her quiet spirit
she repaid his efforts
     in heart's core poems

PC keyboard playing postman
heartbeats monitor
new algorithms

then, they saw it ....
they finally understood.

work progressed
and presentation due
project done

although never met nor seen
       they felt growing synchrony
       and developing emotions
they battled to chase it off
as they both were
born of discreet essence

they agreed to meet in a year
at the fountain near
the oldest tree in Paris
at the
Square René-Viviani
in the fifth arrondissement

oh, so very long to wait...

many weeks were spent
in daydreams
of delicious crêpes-suzettes and strawberries
with maple syrupy strips
and super-strong espresso
at bistros on
cobbled-****** squares

and munching baguette
with Emmenthal and salade
         walking in parks together
         lancing wish-pennies
         and getting portraits near the Seine
blue skies in dream-eyes
with birds in elm trees

deeply into each other

some shock was revealed
which would spin
so wildly out of orbit
for her

fate was playing games...
and laughing so wickedly
awarding such onerous toll

she understood....

the time ticked by
mails became sporadic
he wondered why

the rendezvous time was close
to meet springtime love
and it took him
enormous trouble to get there

she didn't show

he sat
had a decaf
despair settling upon him
like an overgrown and heavy wintercloak

but the sweet footfall he wanted
did not approach

that's when he assumed some ...truth
she didn't love him
she couldn't
not after this stand-up

he didn't understand....

she had really tried to tell him
but ran so ungently
of time....

he understood
but only
some weeks after that day....
when postman delivered
to his door:
algorithmic package

now, in her inbox
lies a Mother Teresa quote
which remains eternally

“Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow has not yet come.
We have only today.
Let us begin.”  

little counts now
so long

S T, 2 July 2013
saddened by news of p.brosnan's daughter....lost the battle - ovarian C.
may all be blessed, her 2 kids and all her family...and her.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
~ Einstein

sub-entry: 'math in the mix'

yes, sir
we understand
we get it, ok!

now, what could the theorem of Pythagoras
possibly teach today
with souls a-flounder?

actually, a lot
think of that triangle....

a right-angled one!

(maybe :)
st64 Feb 2013
Alien, welcome art thou not
Depart anon, hence.
Move along now, clear thrown
Thy like's not recognised!

**** saps, with heavy mortal curtain
And suffer their dismal, moral drapery
If only universal context was embraced
So much would harvested rewards be to fit.

But this roundabout lack of courtesy
Somersault delusions fall too cruel
Heavy price exacted; red and spitting moon
So telling on bedraggled souls.

Thy disheveled mind has trod so wrong
Thy mien shod in disrepair; sadly unsaddled
Gorged thus, on fawning ego-laden charges
Thy glutted, overgrown web may implode.

High-handed claims to own such elements
Whose power canst be wield by none!
These petty trips inside the mind
Merely trifling paper boxes rattling on....

Whip away the welcome mat
And shut the door abrupt
Close the windows of the keen spirit
Deaf and blind to soft rain upon the earth....

Cradlesong swopped for craichy flags
Go then, hoist high thy boastful banner
Whilst, all the while, the world will watch
See thee teeter, totter in disgrace.

Yes, the alien has felt the hand of slights
Do spectres then, have not emotions, too?
See the fruits of thy blighted labour:
And this soul now softly tiptoes out....

Star Toucher, 20 February 2013
st64 Feb 2013
Take your time to find yourself
And listen to your heart.

You'll find the Light you've been looking for
Was there all along
Yes, the Light you've been looking for
Was there all along.

So, look inside yourself
Believe in what you feel.

You'll find the Light you've been looking for
Was there all along
Yes, the Light you've been looking for
Was there all along.

You've been pushing yourself aside too long
Let me tell you
Oh, let me tell you, oh yeah.....

Take your time to find yourself
And listen to your heart.

You'll find the Light that you're looking for
Is there all along
Yes, the Light that you're looking for
Is there all along . . . .

Star Toucher, 15 February 2013
st64 Dec 2013
for the growing angel came to visit Earth

beautiful wing-span of such width, white and strong
with powerful-light in the eyes beaming out gentle-rays
hover in the sky’s energy who welcomes this pacific-source

wondrous-silence of the trees and the splendour of the sun
merry-chirping of birds and the secret-gift of the breeze

whispering messages in air-passages Man can no more sense
the angel looks forward to see more of God’s *beautiful creation

and the (lucky) angel is granted the benefit of several landings…..

(on school-grounds)
click.. click.. the sound carries beyond the window
hoisting upward, the bright-light climbs onto the ledge
strange sight to see a grown man taking pictures of a boy
oh, perhaps he is a photographer
but why then, the boy with fear in eyes, has no clothes on.. ?

(on college-grounds)
kick.. kick.. spit.. spit..
young people tumbling around on the ground
perhaps it is a game
no, why then blood on the girl and many sneer-faces beating with brooms.. ?

(at end-of-year party)
presents gaily-bowed are exchanged and smiles offered
but silent-sniggering as the semi-inebriated time the punch-moment
perhaps, this is all jolly, yet some end up hurt and run in shame
no, why engage in harm as this sick-comedy prank gone wrong..?

(in a darkening alleyway)
two young women rush to catch the train ...

(in a young child’s bedroom)
an aged-man makes a routine visit...

(in a moving vehicle carrying a family of four)
vicious arguing in front of children… car veers off…

(in a kitchen where a single-parent feeds two kids)
communication to one kid via another....

(on a construction-site where dust lives comfy in lungs)
on the back of poverty, the well-to-do whip some more.....

(in an overcrowded crèche, gummed-eyes of innocence look up to keepers)
hasty-feeding in queues and abed thin-blankets on cold-floors....

(outside a liquor-store, them who succumb to numbing-promise)
many cold down-the-nose stares on the passed-out ....

(in a geriatric-home, hours before her family turns up)
squeaky rubber-shoes get reminded to do offhanded-cleaning of *****-smells....

angel, you learn much… fast

the boy looks to the window, prays this comes to end
how many more months of this horror
couldn’t even tell his mother of the stern-teacher....
did he sense a grace-light there.. by the window?
(he cannot be sure)
when lightning strikes one heart of one

the girl finds a higher-voice in the grit of courage
redeeming others before their pending-fall
by breaking the ugly-code of silence

(we are gathered here today, dear mourners
to remember our esteemed colleague…)

(what a massive turn-around for that bully-group..
no-one can believe their many sudden-good deeds.. )


a young mother breast-feeds her baby
a father teaches his son to read
a teen helps a crippled-man cross the road
an artist inspires ghetto-kids with free-tuition
a politician privately oversees a park for kids
an addict finds his answers in time
an adult uncovers vital-clues in his deceased-parents' albums
a doctor goes beyond duty's call
a neighbour eases suffering of beloved-pet

dear angel.. / / / what have you learnt?
hazard lurks on the edges of existence

dear God.. / / / was I once there?
oh, what have you created?

dear human.. / / / no words, only benedictions
for tears don't feed the poor

and once, an angel came to lift the grail-heart of purity
thank you, angel

you poor thing.. see how you lift off on heavy singed-wings and..
fly home to grace

S T, 18 dec 2013
hmmm, yes.. perhaps angels can bear the face of anyone ------- who will be the wiser?

sub-entry: mercy-walk

mercy me, oh mercy my..
please.. come take a soporific-walk with me?

oh, mercy be walkin' with me.

st64 Jul 2013
the cost
'a post-strophe fee'
is a pouted heart
placed in parentheses

(yet still on that ledge:)

like the tail of a kite
caught on a wire
or high branch of a tree
waiting to be eased off
and breezed out
it hangs upside down
seeing *'everything'

as its force is slow-drained

this apostrophe
the mere tail-end
of a dragon
(in a pit of exhaustion)
dragged in deepest-red ink
leaving an inimitable trail
with emphasis on sincerest care

brackets are just (two curves)
which jealously guard
all what lies inside
while giving so much
love in indivisible power-curls

better to
let nature runs its course
of rivers flowing
and wild winds
while beetles walk on stones
while trying to make a mark
with missives in the sand
the waves make sure
to wash them all away

best then
to let know
in this now
that some things never die
(it's enough for veracity to flap its weary wings)

flee then
this finest core-duel likely
there's always..maybe
the next now

(all the previous
were not quite squandered
in cold flight
but unexpected loss)

no use hiding from one's (own) shadow
for kites will take off
and fly high
in the sun
where shadows have no place to hide

futile wondering
if it really
(has to)

it does not

(it really does not :)

S T. Saturday. 27 July 2013
love gentle breezes.. spelling serenity and whispered kindness on its breathe while being the hopeful envoy of waxless love.

sub-entry:  'Fool To Cry'

Songwriters: Jagger, **** / Richards, Keith

When I come home baby
And I've been working all night long
I put my daughter on my knee, and she say
Daddy, what's wrong?
I put my head on her shoulder
She whispers in my ear so sweet
You know what she says?

Daddy, you're a fool to cry
You're a fool to cry
And it makes me wonder why.
st64 Jun 2013
ouvrez la cage
aux oiseaux

extending wide
so wide
hanging all around
expansive over
quiet latticework
dappled vitality
fusing into
spurts of fine conversion
loving arborescence

attending to dirges
ingesting tedia
accepting indifference
in stark contrast
heaven holds out
a handful of dream-dust
if we but chance
to reach
into *sacred reverie

dare to
from land

slide down
the arum's scape

..into you

S T,  24 June 2013
a lovely day to see answers in ....leaves

a lovely way to sift through ....and reconcile to thought of credence.


sub-entry: 'exfoliate'

a good friend
always welcome
shows new shoots
fine shedding of
valued depletes

why battle to embrace it
when it happens every day?

fear not the flakes
proof of growth
of care
remnants sere
no inadequacy

but offers
in turn
such kind humus

fall dreamy over
the creamy tip
of the lily's dip
give over easy
slip in

lustrous reds
copper peeling off
orange curling

latter offerings
not inattendu
never late

russet array:
intensified brunette palette
st64 Oct 2013
gently fall now
go to sleep . . . go to sleep
it's what you want, anyway
too witless
to see what tumbles into your mind
when your psyche decides to take that funnel-trip
into the curlicue-recesses you hate to find

there, on the edge of your ear sits a world
some troglodytes wait to inhabit

two inches deep into the toe of a steep-mountain
waits a hirsute creature to unlock your marsh-dreams

outside the bulge-belly of your *sick-and-*******-fat
stands an accosting evangelist to sort out your lovely-list of sin

a reticent boy reaches out to catch the flying-thing
between his fingers, he can feel the pulse of fright.. and he lets go

beyond the bland-sidelines of a mall's congested parking-lot
cries a pimply-teen, snotty-tears: get the hell out my head!

adolescent-parents make latent-choices born of lack
baby gets a cig-burn and unexplained accidental head-fall

a sufferer battles to survive the output of night-riding fiends
yet scoffs heartily at their existence in broad day-stacks

brother gabs to brothers, finds poor-sobriety in parochial world-eye
och, no matter - let little sister (s)weep succint-harmony

an unsettled-recoverer spits feverish some colourful flasher lingo-gobs
as nobody knows what threat he carries in his hacking-chest

busker-dreamer-***-star plays and plays to no-pay café-audience
it's called street-corner blues for those in the know

an ageing-dame tarries departure, yet smiles genially at all her guests
****, but are these flippin' noisy folk really related to me?

uninvited chap with wily-scythe comes by to help out some
only the sick can smell the rotting-book of his gaunt-art

there awaits a pestilence within dark-cartwheels you can't see
well, all because you're too blasted-blind to lick that-a crap-wax out!

(mind so asleep)

wake . . . UP...!

guess not, huh?
wait then.. until that moonlight slants your way again
and then, guess whose mind will be sweet-milked
and your fine-assurance be stunning-hostage
as you shut-down wide-open thoughts
the things you close debate on
in the dayyyyyyy-time..
better be ready
to daydream
into your

how elegiac a tribute then
the unwoken..

tất cả chúng ta ngủ..

S T - 25 ox-axe
axe ****** judgment of others..!

yeah, I think.. tonight - I'm a-gonna HOWL at that silent, mocking moon.. wake up all them sad and lonely-monsters inside.. I mean, who do they have to talk to.. ??
ok, relax.. joke!
                          ha ha, said the brown-cow.. mooooooh..
or.. I'll just smile politely.. again.. and wink at the night-sky :)

sub-entry: when

when will we wake up
to see
that the world is NOT
what we think it is
or what we see

when will we
wake UP..
and see that
the cloak is

(nice self-imposed penalty.. just nice)
st64 Apr 2013
You go away
On camp
With big backpack
All ready.

As much we'd miss you
No teary words
As such.

Now, returned
Moody silence
Yet still my boy.

Big boy!

S T,  9 April 2013
Youngest son (11years) has just returned from school camp.
Three days, two nights.
Focus on environment and such.

Upon returning, he seemed so...independent, so distant!
We are so happy to see him and he's so moody.
Maybe he needs time to adjust ....
Says he enjoyed it so much!

Guess it's all part of the growing experience.....letting go.
Wish I could remember who wrote that one cool poem (maybe 'twas Sylvia Plath? can't recall now)....of letting go of one's child....?

Guess it wouldn't hurt to also remember the uber-wise words of Khalil Gibran in his beautiful poem, 'On Children'.

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

st64 Jan 2018
When I went out
The sun was hot
It shone upon
My flower ***.

And there I saw
A spike of green
That no one else
Had ever seen!

On other days
The things I see
Are mostly old
Except for me.

But this green spike
So new and small
Had never yet
Been seen at all!
Sweet chilli tea and Danish cookies.

Illegitimi non carborundum.
st64 Dec 2013
walking along
tormented path

daisies hum hymns in flutter-eyes
weeping willow leans down to whistle
a medley of fifteen-odd tunes you used to know
but never quite did grasp
the axis merry-tilts just a bit and
you try to grab hold of a patch of sullen-sky
but the clouds shift once more
and you're unexpectedly holding rain in your joints
running steady-rivulets in the morrow's wrinkles

you step onto the pavement
avoiding the lines
a knack acquired over years of practice
on the sidelines of others' lives

kerb jumps up like a ***** with no chapeau
its inordinate-syllogism bites your ankle
like a swarm of ants in dread-ire
in disorderly tornado-twirls

step.. step.. step..

walk on*.....


S T - 4 decked / on / double
wave yer flag at the moon, baby.....wave!
I'll be watching :)
st64 Mar 2013
Pedal Verse
O, keeper of the soul, entrusted to your care
Mind where you leave the baby
Cos Mama's gone a-walkin'
O, keeper of the soul, go and mind your back door.

'Cos baby's all a-cryin' , oh no!
And somebody's a-lyin', oh-hoo-oh!
Momma knows not why
Heaven knows how she forgot
To lock that back door in her head!

Momma, go and lock your baby away
Please go and lock your back door
Momma, don't give your baby away
Please go and lock your back door!
'Cos in the doorway stands an ugly beast
Waiting to take him away....

You're guarding the front door, all locked and barreled
Peeping through half-drawn curtains
To keep out, what you know you must face!

Didn't she hear the whispers, behind her prayers, no!
That trusting too easy....would be her downfall
To tempt the hand of Fate?

Don't you know, when you went a-walking
The devils crept into your Light
And stole it away, when you didn't guard that back door!

Pedal Verse
O, keeper of the soul, entrusted to your care
Mind where you leave the baby
Cos Mama's gone a-walkin'
O, keeper of the soul, go and mind your back door.

Star Toucher, 21 March 2013
One of the saddest songs I've ever written.
Penned a few years back.
st64 Sep 2013
odd word, then
it overwhelms so...

no easy answer
assuredly, no easy answer

so much of calamity on the shores of light
hardly surprising
poor visibility

if only..
if only......
if ONLY........

oh, if we could step out.. into space
and *really
see our beautiful globe
look at the wide oceans make up its ironic three-quarter
its lovely, blue smile
look at the earth in wonder
the earth with no border (nor **** boundary!!)

oh, how humbling

how I fall to knees
at that glorious sight of grace
fills the soul and feeds the core

all I'm left with..

basking in glow of uncertain times

star toucher 64..                 4 sept

*(in hope yet.. I persevere sanity prevails us all)
i have nothing to say... after all, who am i?
oh, just a regular human bean, is all :/

sub-entry: TWO QUOTES

“You can walk around this culture now, as a proud supporter of the so called anti-war movement and it's made up of a lot of people I used to know …
I'd like for them to be asked more often than they are, if your advice had been taken over the last 15 or so years; Slobodan Milosevic would still be the dictator of not just Serbia but also of a cleansed and ruined Bosnia and Kosovo. Saddam Hussein would still be the owner of Kuwait as well as Iraq, he would of nearly have doubled his holding of the worlds oil. The Taliban would still be in charge of Afghanistan.
Don't you feel a little reproach to your so called high principle anti-war policy? Would that really have led to less violence, less cruelty?”
― Christopher Hitchens

“We'll fight back, we'll fight back, we'll fight back," a man near Doctor Stockstill was chanting. Stockstill looked at him in astonishment, wondering who he would fight back against. Things were falling on them; did the man intend to fall back upward into the sky in some sort of revenge?”
― Philip K. ****, Dr. Bloodmoney
st64 Mar 2013
Walk thee behind me, woman
Cast down thine eyes; thy mind
Deposit thy wealth in my account
Pay a penny at this coast of mine.

Moonlighting is imperative to survive
Veil thy face and hide thy tongue
Do obey my word upon thy ear
Bother not with thoughts at all, *****....

Seek not a soul to assuage thy pain
Fall upon me in eternal gratitude
I grant you the wherewithal for my pleasure
And always behind me, thy feet shall be.

Star Toucher, 20 March 2013
Sad state of affairs in the world we live in...
Hard to believe that we're in 2013 !
st64 Sep 2013
Scrape flakes off the surface
Doesn't matter one whit, or two
No need to hide any unbidden thoughts
The mirror cannot see the back of your mind.*

Come along and take my hand
Fear not the things which tempt you
Come a long way, why dither now?
Lest you lose your taste buds for good.

Let the tale unfold itself for you
And allow fate to break old sequence
So afraid to step outta that mould
To unravel said threads for a while...

Must make you fully understand
Manic moon is on the searing wax again
Making fools slip on magic treachery
Is perdition really all that awaits?

So, please...lie on your side in the mirror
Look at the shapes I want to hold
Touch the petals I ache to crush
You're letting it go.. yes, getting so bold.

Pushing up against you, under your bra
Do you know no-one can see? Look at me.
Try and relax, come on.. please let go
Stop looking around, there's nobody there!

I watch your eyes as I do that thing
That which I tried before but failed
You were in tune with the moment
But found your hand a tad lively.

You let me do some things I want to do
Let my fingers drift around, over mound
I lift you over me, ever-so-slow
Your eyes rail at me, but make no sound.

You kiss the dip below my busy-Apple
Make me collect your embraces in a deep frenzy
Lucid enough to realise, sad to say
That you sometimes end as abrupt as you please.

You tell me things, how I love lappin 'em all up
Your words enter and sit on a shelf in my mind
As on a throne, they beckon to parts of me
And play jolly games of hide-and-seek.

Yet I feel your agitation gripping at your insides
I try again to make you float away with me
But all around, even with eyes pressed shut
Whose critical faces do you see peering at you?

No, the looking glass reflects not the truth
Like a fish pulled backwards, desire drowns thus
Rudely suffocated by refined conflicts
Usurped by typical ideals set impossibly high.

Twisting in my arms, you try to wriggle out
Why, pray tell.. are you fighting me so?
Super-quick, you're on your feet. What the hell... ?
You can be so utterly fierce in your defense!

I am so attracted to you; yet must I depart hence?
You thwart us at every perfect turn, slit us
You clog beautiful efforts at unity
Placing a huge drain on our collective energy.

So, while the mirror may appear a tranquil lake
No-one does see the turmoil swirling below, down
Hard to hide that inescapable spiral of reality
Cannot sustain that persistent eddy, 'tis all done.

Unbeknown to us both, playing at life thus
Nothing new to humanity, yet so petrified
While taking everything so serioso, we forget
Joke's on us: no-one gets out here alive, ******!

Yes, all that remains in the wake of dying embers
Would be those very flakes you tried to dismiss
See? Told you, no need. Came down all its own
And the mirror still cannot see the back of your mind.

S T - 23 sept 2013
pondering what to do with displaced-energy..

sub: smash it

smash it all to blazes!
dreams are mere tricks.. it seems
hope-smasher / dream-trasher / heart-dasher

look in my eyes, please  - i'm down on bended knee
please -
would you try 2 'see the light'..

catch you in a dream, baby!

st64 Mar 2013
Lost in reverie
Of being with you
So far and yet, so close
No good wishing for what can't.

Hope in words
To redeem found spark
Never assume, always ask
Can't ever know what reward awaits.

So, lark some more
By window ajar, lovebirds
Flutter onward with affection
Whose depth can be but felt in song.

Star Toucher,  22 March 2013
To anyone who's ever felt the futility of a hopeless situation...and yet still hopes, in spite of it!
st64 Feb 2013

Your words drift into my sleep
Just bits and pieces, well
And fragments of you!

Are you close to salty tears
Or are you diving into sweet bliss?

Can you believe how Fate can fool the mind
And are you failing hopelessly to let go?

There must be a secret trail to your heart
Ever caught a rainbow (x3)
In your dreams . . . . tonight?


You  place your flowers in my hand
By now, I'm sure you know my heart is in your hands
Got so many demons, afraid to face 'em all
The only other way, is up (x3)

Come on and rise from sleep
You slumber way too deep
The day offers gems you cannot afford to miss!

Your gems lie dormant in the haven of your mind
Did you catch that whiff of me (x3)
As I stepped into your dreams?              Instr.....

Why give just bits and pieces?
How are you coping, now the world is in your face?
Is that you just losin' your mind!
Doesn't mean you have to hide in your heart

This time, there's no strange getting away
'Cos it's old mad destiny-spinner at play!
Try to be happy, don't get caught in unreal thoughts
No escape in weaving webs

Falling down from heaven will take quite a while
'Cos paradise is way, way up!

Star Toucher, 19 February 2013
st64 Jun 2013
Thought I could venture back
just up the road.

But alas! found to my surprise
falling off my bike...

I ended up being bitten so bad
by so a small dog!

S T,  07 June 2013
Just a bit of a nightmare, I guess lol

No, really!


'what dreams come...'

strange other-world, this
many a wondrous thing.

fall upon accidental stuff
emotion by adventure.

then fall so very deep
what dreams come....

but you don't understand
this is very happenable!
st64 Jun 2013
I got a Black Magic Woman
Yes, I got a Black Magic Woman
She's got me so blind I can't see
But she's a Black Magic Woman and
she's trying to make a devil out of me.

Don't turn your back on me, baby
Don't turn your back on me, baby
Yes, don't turn your back on me, baby
Don't mess around with your tricks
Don't turn your back on me, baby

'cause you might just wake up my magic sticks!

You got your spell on me, baby
You got your spell on me, baby
Yes, you got your spell on me, baby
Turnin' my heart into stone
I need you so bad
Magic Woman I just can't leave you alone.

- Santana

03 June 2013
Just love love LOVE this song!

So many interpretations...

a) It is brilliant. A mixture of African music and rock.
It speaks about being in love with a femme fatale.

b) polyrhythms that give the song a "voodoo" feel distinct from the original. This song has a latin feel to it. The song is based on a woman - who is very mysterious and she is pushing him over the edge. Meaning making him fall in love with her and he is scared she will turn her back on him once she has cast her spell.

c) it's about drugs.

"she's trying to make a devil out of me"
he means he acts bad while he's on it.

"So blind I can't see"
he's tripping doesn't know reality and what he imagines.

Stop messing around with those tricks"
The drugs messing with him.

"Yes, you got your spell on me, baby,
Turnin' my heart into stone;
I need you so bad,
Magic Woman, I can't leave you alone. "
He means the drugs has a spell on him and it's making him crazy, but he needs the drug so bad that he's addicted to it.

d) A special woman, perhaps she doesn't exist, but she's like no one else.




new ground
shifts as loosened bedrock
moves turtle-slow
yet, moving forward
all the same
into unanticipated growth.

mind over matter
experimental scratches
on grey slates
bring truth closer,
scrape the tenth-tip of
brighter vision
no cause for fear.

wind and hail
hard deluge
black nite
may tease

this is the time
only now
with no guarantee.

so beautiful the hour
which streams on
journeying forever
climactic roaming
against all odd
disbelieving tidings.

escaping swift into
cavities so tiny

remembering our future
clear-cut of defined perspicacity


flying so easily through
the colours of your being.
st64 Sep 2013
a whole town goes dark
all cars stand still
lights are out

silence . . .

then, something rushes by

or is it?

looming out of the jet-black inkiness
knees shake in cold moon
the sudden-roar of a impossible jet for five seconds
tinkling of three pedal-notes in the distance
a child's laughter calling from behind a deserted playground
sinister swirl of seeming-piranha inside the dark sky-folds
a half-dead bulldozer on the rim of a quaking river
murine-teeth ferret in a SUV-carcass long abandoned by instant-gratifixes


birds chittering about the secrets of the night
while leaves embrace the wind*

S T, sun - 22 sept
love birdsong :)

sub-entry: bring me a bird

bring me a bird
who sings out so clear

yes, bring me a bird
who's not in a cage
st64 Apr 2013
time stands still....yes
awake at last
much less hurt.

superb splashes of colour
ingenious maker dabs
deep strokes

no words needed
silent canvass
bold moves
timeless heart.

riding on a wave
yet to be discovered
such delights....

reality tilts in surreal way
no apparitions
pitch-black night.

atoms split
from unexpected quarters
so, grateful for support.

in your eyes
not yet seen,
layers of
insane aliveness.

sweet and simple sounds
lead to redemptive road

affording faith leaps
believing strains of truth
finding forever sought.


S T, 27 April 2013
sure ain't nothing like being ALIVE, hey!

ultra :)

happiness button missing from keyboard, so meantime juggle an assortment of combinations....until

always hope to get right sequence - just don't delete so quick.

contrast is amazing; thank heavens for diversity.

oh yes :)
st64 Jun 2013
there once was a poem
who climbed into a paper boat
             and sailed on to the moon
             not a moment too soon
for they came to lock the sun away!

best not mount this whippy one
rock-a-billy wild carriage
              ride me to the city's end
              don't drive me round the bend
we can always try a bold bovary-move!

look into the fire and sing a song
about the lonely, tarrying sea
               oh sailor, make it sweet
               then I'll put it up on tweet
and nary mind; make your children's lullaby.

I gives ya posies bright and gay
come sit by me...closer, dear
                she smells, then sneezes
                oh, he didn't know how to please her
her floral allergies packed him off for good.

there was a lazy man from Shadder
who said 'twas too cold to empty his bladder
                  so, he sent it a-walkies
                  off alone to the loo
well, it just drove his wife madder!

S T, 30 June 2013
ha....was I trying to do limericks? lol

oh, holy mother of all!


time to disco, guys......get ready, man......whoo-hoo!

sub-entry: "Rock the boat" by Hues Corporation

So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
said I'd like to know where, you got the notion

to rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
rock the boat, don't tip the boat over
rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
rock the boat-t-t-t-t

Ever since our voyage of love began
your touch has thrilled me like the rush of the wind
and your arms have held me safe from a rolling sea
there's always been a quiet place to harbor you and me

Our love is like a ship on the ocean
we've been sailing with a cargo full of, love and devotion

So I'd like to know where, you got the notion
said I'd like to know where, you got the notion

To rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
rock the boat, don't tip the boat over
rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby
rock the boat-t-t-t-t

Up to now we sailed through every storm
and I've always had your tender lips to keep me warm
oh I need to have the strength that flows from you
don't let me drift away my dear, when love can see me through

Our love is like a ship ...
st64 Jul 2013

If you’re given the jolly gift of a green ribbon
Would you use it as a link to answers
Or to hang your pretty neck?

If a tree has been yearning to the sky for more than sixty years
Would you now stub out your ciggie in its folds
Or embrace its giving energy?

If such books have been written many millennia ago – saying a multitude
Would you shut your ears to debate and follow blindly
Or respectfully ask bold questions?

If a man kneels repentant in the dust to wipe your shoes
Would you offer a hand up
Or trample on his fingers and spit on his bent head?

If the insipid cashier annoys your sensibilities
Do you leave it unattended
And later sickeningly vent and shout at the wrong one at home?

If a once-beautiful cat lies dead in the road
Would you let your rapid wheels contribute to its *messy mince

Or do the ***** job of humanely scooping away its remains?

If a powerful dream comes mayhap to honour you
Would you ignore its seemingly-confusing message
Or follow its signals (in a maze)  to certain life-enhancing enrichment?

If constant calamity touches your being on stretched resources
Would you keep popping those three sublinguals with alarming ease
Or try to surrender and accept the pain under arborescent canopies?

If an old woman suffers a stroke in the heart of festivity
Would you refrain from visits while sending easy bouquets and fruit-baskets
Or take the time to help her struggling steps to the toilet?

If the moon shines tonight on your wretched suffering
Would you hurl silent abuse and curse its half-light
Or glance up to catch perchance the echo of your deepest wishes in the air around ...?


S T, 16 July 2013
something to be said for intrepid wayfarers out there ....rock on!


sub-entry:  hide

face the wall
stand in the corner
don’t want to see your shame
hide your eyes

how do you hide a wall?
easy…. see right through

close the shutters
and hide light in the mind:

but not so easy to protect
a floundering candle.
st64 Nov 2014
it saws old rain in my skull
and your thoughts take a tour; wet and heavy
and quietly, the dirt shifts in the metal tracts

you break me every single time
my internal spilling is entangled

my summer-psyche enmeshed in your season
and forever swallows a few more ribs
don't wake the children of the light
for their feathers will burn beneath my nails

a storm hangs patiently on the wall
like a delighted painting made from frantic crystals
and I skitter from your towering moods
yet the moon dances in and out of every calm abyss

the lid is no more vacant than my veins cursed with
your silence
like algae, I slip on

my terror squeaks like a vehicle possessed
cheeks go ashen in my gay smiles
you will blush, in secret at what I will do
to you

sails lift on garlicky air in a port where ships don't wait
and my tongue loosens another melody only doubt hears
I'm completely in your hands
and willing for that crush

my acts for coins fall meaningless in embedded frustration
       don't come to the table, then
       keep the shades drawn
only the sense of phantoms
will be hanging in my smoke
intoxicating me to radiance
racing through to the ripples in your day

I'll keep lancing pebbles across the ocean's surface
they will never really reach the riverbed
frosty comes in agonising diamonds
a feast of distress sitting urgently
a shudder flutters through me, imperceptible

reduction of sweetness
a date with the cherubs from a netherworld
my nose feels the snows you carry
and I know you constrict still
my language falters and thinking shatters
and although slumped and vulnerable, it flourishes.
st64 Apr 2013
Let floodgates open wide
Heaven's gate ajar
Blind to your tears.


S T, 12 April 2013
Just love the rain, such a season, whatever the reason.  

st64 May 2013
Once, they rode strong on the plains
Before conquistadors bent their will.
Strained their backs, cracked their whips
Made them wear strange hides and speak strange tongues.

But when the time is right
To turn the tide
But not without great loss
To turn the tide!

Part II:
Come again, oh strong one
Strengthen your will, stand tall
Remember the Lost Ones and the glory!
Restore freedom in your heart
Replenish well your table, love the earth
Ride free again and tell your story!
Pick up your arrow, shoot it straight (x2)
Forced to swallow all the shame
And leave dying ashes and broken pearls
So once, they rode strong on the plains
But now, there's dying ashes and broken pearls
Broken pearls
Broken pearls.....
Just a few words on mental decolonising.....maybe.

Modern take on the Pocahontas tale.
st64 Feb 2014
in the silver of morn, little bird joyful trills
five lines remain blank
the notes won't play on
its breathe lies below the sand
where tranquil bulrushes grow

in the hue of sombre afternoon
    knees drawn up to chest
    memories intent on knocking loud
cold harbour between these sheets
   no blotting out that light -- it has to be faced
there's no silver in the clouds.. so bulbous and so there
only a tie on the path

can you please let me be?
need to be left alone a while
while I clean up the righteous-mess of this dread
           hours to make me presentable before that
which must be lived through

smiles can be pasted on.. by old-habit, so well-mastered
it's an old tale caught in a twist by its own wick'd-tail
perhaps some gale to shake up the roster
and relieve from parallel track.. liberate
surely, they can hear the stylised bass-chords inside me
             leave their odd-resonance
boom.. boom

treble is missing..
your laughter, I can still hear your tinkling-laughter
         even as I see you being lowered slowly, slowly, slowly
s l o w l y
down into the bowels of where we all go to rest one day
you take with you.. the *one clef
needed for clarity to live

shut eyes tight against that bright-red insolence
        struggle with the process of accepting the impossible
reliving anguish through swollen eyes in a clip of vision
imposing terror.. grips tummy-muscles and twists
eternally deforming galaxial-dust in my eyes

in the grey of eve.. no hunger, no thirst
    place food in mouth - must
    shove fluids down constricted-throat - must
..baking sun waves at me, setting in gilt-smiles

clean out the navy-attic of my overdrawn-mind
find your blue bubblegum on the counter
and suddenly, my arms are clad in shivers-cold
                       head is spinning
I pick up the morsel, turn it over and unwrap
stare at it, discovering you.. again
tears well but never fall..
         I place the gum inside
         chew and chew and chew....................
it is you.. not lost
place the bubblegum on silver wrapping
'cause the clouds.. they offer no solution

I have to eat, my hunger grew
my sanity is toast

yes, smiles can be pasted on.. by old-habit
        but not this time
why let love be secured so.. then harshness steps in
to wrench away.. leaving such monstrous-gaps?
perhaps it's safe to just.. not love..
close up the heart - pack away in congelator

(weird.. a heart is just a piece of meat)
love-letters and sweet-poems are for the eyeless
hearts for eyes.. render blind-suite
tenderly hack out these.. hack, hack!

the only remnant now.. a hard-ball of gum found stuck
      hid as a half-moon under the pedestal

still.. earth turns again
          birds sing on

your laughter never lost.. completes the score
        the symphony unfolds
as sage doth reveal..
one step at a time :)

S T -  14 Feb 2014
hello, earth.. can you dig it?
I so like the smell of Eden.

sub-entry: pedestal

when these toes finally quake
feed my heart and brains to the birds
that way, I become useful.

developing allergies to this century's din
erstwhile kings and counts climb on
today, pedestal is.. a false-friend.
st64 Aug 2013
blistering day shuns a walk
all flock to recycled air-con of malls
few venture out* . . .

walk along a mountain path
dislike snakes
wear heavy ankle-boots
rough route
craggy stones
grow tired

head on stone
fall into drowsy slumber
baking brains gathering aches

huge mountain appears
espy a cut opening along the side
a welcoming slit
enter slowly
step by step
seems to brook entry to no more
wonder what calls inside

distant drumming
not afraid
joy fills supreme
reducing epicenter
gentle hands touch and pull in
negating every fear
melting away bleak thoughts
sink deeper into the earth
down . . . down . . . down
into cavities unknown
follow secret canal away from here

sweetest eyes greet and kiss
fall into soft furrows
carried along canal of warmth
close the eyes
fall in heart with glowing ambience
subtle humming felt beneath the soles
sweetest honey-lake
deeper . . . deeper . . . deeper
sublime cocoon - always dreamt of
what supreme bliss
falls in lap of bearer

all cares washed away
known memories seem to float off
as a dinghy to a waterfall
lost over that lip
free fall
free fall

conscience takes a bobbing nap
on waves which lull the senses
into drifting buoy
as conscious dips
utter serenity
spirit moves freely
totally unencumbered

/ /
[awareness - jolted - sudden - open
as corporeal fetters take hold once more
teeter into rude awakening
rub eyes to verify
faculties catapulting in greedy succession
/ /
find a hessian bag on rock
half-afraid to check inside
seemingly empty
lift the edge and peer inside
/ /
the most silent rainbow of inner dreams
long-forgotten wishes flow
into being
as rains come down]
/ /

no more fear.. again
no more tension
no answering to
no deprivation
no derision

two pure doves hover
quite high
a pale-blue
buoy ~
the only signs of hope

blistering judgment dissolves
beautiful buoy floating
a way.... to marve cut of pure crystal

on an endless ocean of calm

S T, 20 August 2013
sometimes answers are found unexpectedly - in strangest and most unlikely places.
******, what the hell... ?? lol
other times, we gotta CARVE 'em from ... adversity!

sub: heed

do I listen to my inner voice enough?
do I miss out on the true messages?
will I heed its call
yes, I do wonder . . .

(lesson to self:
best to first shut the hell up, in order to excel :)

and also shut out . . . the noise of the world!

(note 2self: get ear-plugs)

now, time for me to heed that sweet advice

st64 Mar 2013
You don't much like me visits there
But scarce do you lament
For, I bring you home the finest cuts
To sizzle in the pan.....

The lovely ladies behind the counter there
One grin vies to meet me, all doe-eyed
If you knew she had a one-tooth denture
I guess you'd smirk away, ungreen ....

But I get the chops I want to eat
Nicely packed pink; no seeping blood
And succulent steaks indulged on me
Saucy supervisor slips me secret smiles.....

Hot and heavy glances jet my way
By sly lady-workers in the back row
When you turn your skeptic back
Regarded by none, but cautious me......

Cute cashier rises on fleshy thighs
Slow she sits; lets her skirt ride high
She eyes me hooded, lashes long
Then, downcast when you join me.....

Can feel the electric tingle from her touch
As I fumble redly, to pay the coins
Deliberate counting, her scent assails
Her hungry heartbeat..... oozing charm.....

But, for all the alluring looks and promising smiles
There's you, my love..... to grill my viands
And hardly home, I fall on you...famished;
Devour every morsel, shred and piece of you!

Star Toucher, 27 March 2013
Written in Jan this year....just a facetious morsel to....chew
st64 Aug 2013
a whole life
the world's a stuffy place

Down the street you can hear her scream, you're a disgrace
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?

Against the door, he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green

And so castles made of sand fall in the sea, eventually

A little Indian brave who before he was ten,
Played war games in the woods with his Indian friends
And he built up a dream that when he grew up
He would be a fearless warrior Indian Chief
Many moons past and more the dream grew strong until
Tomorrow he would sing his first war song and fight his first battle
But something went wrong, surprise attack killed him in his sleep that night

And so castles made of sand melt into the sea, eventually

There was a young girl, whose heart was a frown
cause she was crippled for life,
And she couldn't speak a sound
And she wished and prayed she could stop living,
So she decided to die
She drew her wheelchair to the edge of the shore
And to her legs she smiled, you won't hurt me no more
But then a sight she'd never seen made, her jump and say
Look, a golden winged ship is passing my way

And it really didn't have to stop, it just kept on going...

And so castles made of sand slips into the sea, eventually*

st64, 24 augussy 2013 ... a mild ole (still-time ...) saturn-day song!

James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix (born Johnny Allen Hendrix; November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970) was an American musician, singer and songwriter. Despite a limited mainstream exposure of four years, he is widely considered one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of popular music and one of the most celebrated musicians of the 20th century.
In 1961, Hendrix enlisted in the US Army; he was granted an honourable discharge the following year. In 1963, he moved to Clarksville, Tennessee, where he played numerous gigs on the chitlin' circuit.

In 1967, Hendrix earned three UK top ten hits with the Jimi Hendrix Experience: "Hey Joe", "Purple Haze", and "The Wind Cries Mary". Later that year, he achieved fame in the US after his performance at the Monterey Pop Festival. The world's highest paid performer, he headlined the Woodstock Festival in 1969 and the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970 before dying from barbiturate-related asphyxia at the age of 27.
Inspired musically by American rock and roll and electric blues, Hendrix favoured overdriven amplifiers with high volume and gain, and was instrumental in developing the previously undesirable technique of guitar amplifier feedback. He helped to popularize the use of a wah-wah pedal in mainstream rock, and pioneered experimentation with stereophonic phasing effects in music recordings.

sumtime-entry: gonna come cryin'

playin' you my mean ole axe
gonna be whippin' up a crackin' storm
come on, you sweet thang
hand 'em smiles to me
hackin' them steamin' strings with me teeth
and rakin' these nails 'cross your back...ooh

you gonna come cryin' to me, sweetheart o' mine
and layin' your body over me
my flickin' fingers gonna find you
yeh..mind your hidin' away

(hey, fry me up some brinjals...while I make some coffee)

oh, I gonna be wipin' them tears away
and you're gonna come flyin' my way
don't cry none
don't you fret none
world, she is crazy

we gonna go ridin' em purfling-waves, too
'cos I'm-a madly in love with you!

Jimi Hendrix - Once I Had A Woman;=RD02W3JsuWz4xWc
st64 Jun 2013
stripes and spots can change..
growling inside

teasing a cat in a cage
even a small big cat
can prove a pretty hazardous thing

wait till it's free....

S T, 12 June 2013
st64 Mar 2013
Just woke up now
My eyes still puffy
Can't believe this lovely dream
I had of being with you.

I dreamt I took a plane to you
And stole into your house
Crept around in search of you
But heard voices, hid beneath a bed!

Then some granny came into that room
Shuffling in and mumbling low
She lay down on that bed and tried
To wrestle comfort from sagging mattress.

Her nagging complaints drew them all
While I froze in fear, yet so alive
I shut my eyes and waited bated breath
While they tended to the dame.

Then you leaned down and saw me there
I turned, you looked right into frighted deer eyes
You ensconced the granny to another room
All left the room, turned out the lights.

Then fifty minutes later, when all asleep
I felt you pulling out me
All stiff by now, we rubbed a bit abed
And settled into shy embrace.

You kissed my eyes by sullen moon
Raking crescent fingernails over me
Barely hold the delight; no more
Dazzling slivers of light dance in your eyes.

But with time not on our side
We subtly reach that exquisite point
Where I hover twixt your crux
I wait and wait, then gently ****** ....

I yearn for you to move with me, oh!
And when you do, you writhe and twist
Then delicious thrills outwit in surprising bend
As you . . .


(Daddy, daddy, please I want some ice-cream!)

Ohhhhh, crap!
This sure is one bedazzled catnap I did not want hijacked.

Star Toucher, 09 March 2013
Based on an actual dream, which is true
Except for the parts which are not! :)
st64 Mar 2013
Paving the way into the future
Sharing Montmartre songs
With painters on the side
Picturesque ideals....

You were once with me
Scarred by words of yore
Said beauty was all yours
Said I'd never high cheekbones.

I look'd within and sought light
And mixed colours, all from white
Temerity to stare life in the eye
With pain(t) dashed across my cheek.

So, now the years have roll'd
And many a canvas sold
You pass by...gaunt, high cheekbones
Wanna buy a painting?

Star Toucher, 22 March 2013
Kind return of a slap in the
You should see the painting....
st64 Mar 2013
Can I have a crystal-clear hour?
Please give me the gift of warmth...

Why do I feel as if I were two people
Oh, why do I feel as if I were two people?
At once rotten...and then, heaven-high
At once so rotten and then, heaven-hi-igh!

Could we unwrap a little bit of happiness?
Would you pour us a tiny tot of tenderness?

Why do I feel as if I were two people
Oh, why do I feel as if I were two people?
At once rotten...and then, heaven-high
At once so rotten and then, heaven-hi-igh!

Why won't you, and only you....follow me
Why won't you, and only you-ooh...follow love?
Why can't we....yes, only we-eeh follow love?
How is it that you're so sure to be carried along?
That may be your supreme gift, but only part of it.
Just erase the chill, put reality in pure starlight.

Suppose you wouldn't speak with me
So we skirt around issues, so close, can't cope
Can we ever pierce this stubborn membrane of confusion?
And not hesitate to take that steep road together?

Are we too involved see the picture?
Gotta defy that slow chill....
To thaw, to release, to be someone else now.
Don't wanna know that.
Suspect it's too alone.

Gotta break down that wall, gotta thaw that chill
Really gotta explode into life - E R U P T ! !
Yeah, gotta burn that chill !

Star Toucher, 18 March 2013
Make no mistake:
Miscommunication leads to confusion, when ego is well-fed.

Drop-tuned song written in 2009.
st64 Jun 2013
So. You like me as your pastime?
Hmm, please take another look
And see there's a person attached to it
With a full life and dreams, fool!

Being such the ardent lover of liver
She alit the bus and sat square across a damsel
Carrying happy burden; spontaneous loss
And on this day, witness to the leaking full......

Teeming thoughts rage on inside
Sees a man spitting ceaseless into a mug
Spitting, spitting, spitting...!!
Now a china teacup .... is all she'll have.

Frustration climbs the walls like spiders
Leave behind dangling webs of duplicitous ire
Spray its viscous poison everywhere
A smack, an outburst; ugly scene.

Hard to see where it ends, where it starts
Tumultuous energy always kept in check
Surreptitious trafficking in serendipity
Split desires sport with silken threads.

Embracing pain which dominates so
Heartache elemental dogs every move
See you leave, go off alone
Hide high grievance, suffocate.

Seems this loveware needs reconfiguring
Sittin' pretty, like a duck in the water
Ain't the way; keeps the target on yer back
Life's sometimes quite the storm..... in a Chinese teacup!

S T, 03 June 2013
Fancy some java?


My fave is Earl Grey, then camomile, green ....

Tea is a great (meditative) companion, not so.
st64 Jun 2013
I wanna live
with a cinnamon girl
I could be happy
the rest of my life
With a cinnamon girl.

A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.

Ten silver saxes,
a bass with a bow
The drummer relaxes
and waits between shows
For his cinnamon girl.

A dreamer of pictures
I run in the night
You see us together,
chasing the moonlight,
My cinnamon girl.

Pa sent me money now
I'm gonna make it somehow
I need another chance
You see your baby loves to dance

- song by my all-time favourite artist ....the inimitable NYoung :)

4 June 2013
Life is brillz with NYoung on the planet still :)

We are amazingly lucky to have this Canadian living legend....
I do fervently hope (as do some fine poets here) to meet the guy one day.

I must, must believe that it's possible!
Or probable....
Or perhaps, it could be likely that it's..... a possibility of a maybe! lol

Note: (alternate interpretation)

cinnamon girl could be ******, brown spicey substance, that looks like ******, ****** or ..... heroine is FEMALE cinnamon girl.
I could be happy the rest of my life with my bag of ******!
a dreamer of pictures, means nodding out,
you see us together chasing the moonlight means when he shoots up he feels beautiful and mellow ....
the ten silver saxes and bass with a bow could mean the price and a syringe.



'beyond chameleon love'

jumping so many hoops
to make things happen
yearn for the ability to make sense of
real space
beyond rusty masks

would hate to lose out
but would rather ye roam free
than ever feel confined
by anything.

wide open spaces
appeal so
fear sits tall, reigns
towers grandly
over all
a too wide umbrella
like the vast desert
under an azure sky
offering blossoms of heat
within the

together, rivers flow in earnest rush
once there, and come
mixing a never-before ....palette

such a range
zest springing so alive....

wait for it....
yes, believing the unbelievable.

(oh, yes yes yes!
you'd better believe that
'impossible' is but an envious expletive.
yes, we will sport in such myth-dismantling,
idea-befangled, silence-breaking ..... riding:)

.......uh-oh yessss!
st64 Jul 2013
Claw beneath your ribs
Hold down wild you
Just for a little while
Feel the anguished flutter
Begging these gruff hands . . .

Fear takes commotive hold
Makes wooden legs
Delayed dance… delayed
Causing silent attendance of synchrony

No use stepping out for flight just yet, if alone
Will meantime practise wing-span
                           iron out brittle energy
                           attempt to fortify links

Careless snubs to fragile sapling
Did *absolutely nothing

To the course set out
Only hypocrites squander even half-truths
and wallow in obsequious words
rendering paralysis and decay

I will continue to claw beneath your ribs
Covert trove awaits us
In the tormented form of
Crashing waves on a broken coast
Hacked to near-distraction by potent searching

Loss is not wasted
unseen by its absence:
evocative presence felt …with penniless eyes

I challenge you to visualise our melting:
                 perched on fate’s right shoulder
                 re-sent to this basic arena as buoyant token
                 summoned by that primordial, blue light

the sun may well baulk and melt
at the ruddy sight of
such intense clawing beneath your ribs
(like your customary digging into my bristling blades)

To find my foetal place
within the calling drumbeats
of imperative you . . .

S T, sunsday . . . 21 July 2013
What is loss?
Just cos we may not see a person any more, really doesn’t they aren’t there: why, they’ve just assumed a different form, not so.
But we persistently fail to accept that change lies at the heart of progress…letting go.
Why do we battle so… with the inevitable?
Always acquisitive….acquisitive…must own… yet, we own plain SQUAT !!

(just yesterday, I was astounded to read that M. Jackson owns a piece of property ...on the MOON!!
Who the hell sold it to him? Who on earth owns the moon? How's this even possible?? lol
Yeah, we're crazy, really....that's for sure.)

Hey man, I’ll see you …on the other side…if I’m lucky enough to recognise you! Lol

Sub-entry: You're A Lady  

Now the evening has come to a close
And I've had my last dance with you
On to the empty streets we go
And it might be my last chance with you
So I might as well get it over
The things I have to say won't wait until another day

You're a lady, I'm a man, you're supposed to understand
How these things are often planned to be
You're romantic, I'm a fool,
You're the teacher, I've come to school
Here I sit and hope that you'll love me

You're pure magic, unlock my chain
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
And so I say with no restraint, be mine, be mine

Hard to answer, I agree
But then, I've got to know
I'm not asking you to marry me
Just a little love to show
Oh, I know I could make you happy
So the things I have to say
Won't wait until another day

You're a lady I'm a man
You are supposed to understand
How these things are
Often planned to be

You're romantic, I'm a fool
You're the teacher, I've come to school
Here I sit and hope that you'll love me
You're pure magic, unlock my chain
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
And so I say with no restraint, be mine, be mine
st64 May 2014
How it is fickle, leaving one alone to wander
the halls of the skull with the fluorescents
softly flickering. It rests on the head
like a bird nest, woven of twigs and tinsel
and awkward as soon as one stops to look.

That pile of fallen leaves drifting from
the brain to the fingertip burned on the stove,
to the grooves in that man's voice
as he coos to his dog, blowing into the leaves
of books with moonlit opossums
and Chevrolets easing down the roads
of one's bones. And now it plucks a single
tulip from the pixelated blizzard: yet

itself is a swarm, a pulse with no
indigenous form, the brain's lunar halo.

Our compacted galaxy, its constellations
trembling like flies caught in a spider web,
until we die, and then the flies
buzz away—while another accidental
coherence counts to three to pass the time
or notes the berries on the bittersweet vine

strewn in the spruces, red pebbles dropped
in the brain's gray pool. How it folds itself
like a map to fit in a pocket, how it unfolds
a fraying map from the pocket of the day.
Joanie Mackowski (b. 1963)

Joanie Mackowski’s collections of poems are The Zoo (2002) and View from a Temporary Window (2010). She received a BA from Wesleyan University, was a Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University, and received a PhD from the University of Missouri.

Her poetry is marked by precise details and attention to the sounds of language; the lines of her poems echo with slant and internal rhymes. Sometimes eerie and often grounded in scientific facts, her poetry scrutinizes insects, plants, animals, and the self.
Of her work, Mackowski has said, “I try to ask questions about what makes us separate individuals and also about what brings us together, in love or in community.” She lives in upstate New York.
st64 Aug 2013
take a chance
on .... the unlikely
and wake unto
deliverable posts
to magique

cyber dream to life
green grid illumines
when portal's engaged
in tele-heartbeats
well beyond sky-wishes

go forward
think openly
touch the improbable

no holds barred
as con-tac-tix
pure contact //
tactile pleasure
lively ... tactics*

S T, 14 August 2013
imagine a time ...when little is impossible.
st64 Feb 2014
(Blackened tissue beside debris of bleachd cocktail
Power pundit in cubicle
A ship in shadow-pieces passing by, unnoticed

smoking water.. now costs getting kickd  out ur xafe
Your blood lies in a high-account and all the stampz areMelting
Crawling in a desert, accusations shave the top off my black land
Did failing the test lead to a power-packed punch in strands
No time for treagedies clogging up the freeway
Twenty watts up the waterfall and your ride is here
Befits a ceremonial decapping
Catch ur vogue latte on the way out
Come aboard by jet and then expect a red carpet, soaked dry from the spoils of erstwehile-smugglers
Let em bleed green notes till the moths all come round the flame
Wait for it… the flame grows hugher… and int it all…………****!

That was easy.
Don’t chuckle out loud when expletives slidie down your back
Like champagne off the shoulder of your ne-xt planet’s ride

Duck in time cos the butters hard and the toast is dry

Four friends over six decades carry grudges heavey enough to pump oil to lakes
And the unexpected happens.. the one they didn’t watch, wwent missing
All eyes on the little one.. no, you didn’t catch them all.

You became immunes to the skills you advert-tarted and sqeueamish set in
you didn’t know casn host violence in a putrid-robe?
One finger pointing out, makes at least three in.. to the pointer
How can one planet swallow so wide a dichotomy in plasticky degrees?
It’s too wide this time to make that jump  – we will ingest what weve been giving all along
And some end up well-funded while others simply dwell..  as frogs in a well.

sun can climb in sometimes, but for half an hour
their fingers are small for the mine, keep small the issue
don’t cry when it rains in expectorata
I think frogs can swim.

when do I ever learn that..  
I am simply a frog in a well
near craxks )*

cant make this jump.
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