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روبرت Dec 2018
You are my citronella
When my thoughts hover like mosquitoes salivating for a bite
You say, “not today ladies”
You are my natural remedy for a challenging foe...
Keep smelling sweet with a hint of citrus
My mind depends on it
روبرت Dec 2018
Chamomile and roses
Their warmth circles the frosty air
My nose is tickled with comfort and grace
You words steeped in love
Could life be this simple?
روبرت Dec 2018
Backwards; maybe
I'm not upside down
I'm looking for a new perspective
When you are down; you're really up
So perk up; all is well
روبرت Dec 2018
You have asked me to love you like you love me
How can one love anything without the "love of I"
I is for me and me only
You so loved the world so I could love myself
The winds of change scatter the feathers of my heart
Your outstretched hand catches them
Finger tickled by their softness
Your touch warms them
May I love as you love
  Dec 2018 روبرت
if you’re the sun then i’m the rain
which colour should we be today?
روبرت Dec 2018
Love handed to me on a silver platter
So much indecision
My head and my heart are plagued with internal tug of war
Feet slip
Face down in the mud
Love lingers like the smokey taste of last nights cigar
One never forgets the best
Love is hard
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