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Sprishya Aug 2021
Hope you’re missing me
As much as I’m dreaming of you
Your sweet sounds
Your misty warm caress
I love you too!

(Minneapolis 7/31/2021)
Sprishya Jun 2021
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start loving me?
Craving me the way I crave you
Go insane
Live in a world where nothing else exists
Do everything to make me understand
Fail but keep trying
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you instantly run into my arms?
Kiss my lips and stare at the stars
Forget the world
Forget yourself
Yet somehow remember
What I was wearing the first day we met
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you spend your days thinking about me?
Coming up with excuses just to see my face
Go to the same coffee shop
Hoping for me to show up
Note down ‘dark roast, french pressed, no sugar’
Just so if the day comes
You know what I would order
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start dreaming of the future?
You know,
A small chapel by the sea
Gathered friends and family
Vows and bells
Our kid’s show and tell
A family portrait hung on the wall
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you be mine forever?
And let me die in your arms
Happy and loved
If you would
Then my love
I wrote this poem for you

(Kathmandu, Nepal 12/22/2013)
Sprishya Jun 2021
Have I stopped feeling?
The words don't come as easy
Have I stopped feeling?
The tears don't come as easy
Or laughter...
      Or pain....
      Or love.....
But mostly love
Hatred, I feel
Or stagnant
Or hurt
(Minneapolis, MN 6/17/21)
Sprishya Oct 2019
The fall leaves
Cool breeze
Pink evening sky
A patch of cloud
Creeping loneliness
Wet, slippery road
Open door to a dark void
my apartment
Self doubt
Anxiety stricken loathing
Open the cap of a dark bottle
Potion defining sad attempt at happiness
Bukowski, Rumi, Nietzsche
Occasional Larry David
Some chocolates, maybe icecream
Guitar and ukulele
Facetime with the family
Sweet music in my ears
Realization that life isn't that sad
Soft pillow, firm bed
Sweet dreams
Wake up,
(Minneapolis, MN 10/15/19)
Sprishya Apr 2019
In another life
Maybe you'll be mine
Maybe our stars will allign
Maybe the moon will shine
Its light on what's always been there
But we could never find
Maybe the universe will guide us
Through our paths so intertwined
That we meet each other in every bend
Yet be so blind
To the signs
That we've always pushed aside
With all the excuses and the lies
That we've told the world
That we're just friends
And our friendship
Is of a different kind
Maybe at a different place
And a different time
We could fathom the possibility
Of our unity
A love so divine
It breaks all structure
Our knowledge of space and time
The society will forget
Romeo and juliet
Or Bonnie and clyde
because our love
Is more than just a cliche
We don't need to be remembered
Till the end of time
But while we're alive
We'd have each other
Through thick and thin
Through our climbs and our decline
But things don't always work out
That's just life
And in this lifetime
I couldn't be yours
But in another life
Maybe you'll be mine.
(Dallas, TX 04/21/2019)
Sprishya Mar 2019
Though always a baby girl in my eyes,
You're going to be a woman soon
People will implicate, being a woman connotates certain social structure
Know that you can break them
Infact, make sure you break them
Don't let the brackets society puts you in,
In terms of you race, gender, religion
Ever define you
You are singular
More than just flesh and bones
A conciousness as unique as any other
The emotions you feel, the troubles you may go through
Regardless of how mundane and common it may seem
Know that it's yours.... Own it!!!
Know that it is okay to cry sometimes
Let your emotions out
Don't bottle them up,
As you go through life
There will be dark times,
Don't lose hope
That darkness is where art comes from
Always make art
Through colors,
Through words,
Through music,
Through movements,
Or sometimes just your presence
Always aim to make art
And fall in love
Get your heart broken
Embrace it
Then fall in love again,
And again
Love so ferociously
Even the sun's light may seem dim
Spill that love over to everything
And everyone
Let that love be the guiding light
To everything you ever do
I know you are just turning one
But time flies
In a blink of an eye, you'll be two
Although always a baby girl in my eyes
Darling, you'll be an incredible woman soon
(Fort Worth, TX 3/4/2019)
Sprishya Jan 2019
Dear Maargi,
Be the music people pain to listen to
When they discover the voice within that tells them life is so much more
Be the music that lifts hopes in the darkest of times
Not as a cry for help
But a wave that makes them fly
Be the words they pain to read
Trapped somewhere deep in them
But didnt have the courage to let out
Not words of hate, petty, or remorse
But love, valor, and justice
Be the colors they pain to see
The ones they wanted to paint
But got lost in the pallet of misunderstandings and differences
Be the light that shines the path
The path they've so longed to take
Not as the star that lights their way
But one that lights their conciousness
Be you, be you all the way
Not the character they want you to be
But the character your heart tells you to play
(Fort Worth, TX 12/23/2018)
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