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Sindi Kafazi Jan 2019
The kettle is whistling
That same tune
I hear it everywhere
The voices will
start whispering
I know it’s only
the ghost of you
Sindi Kafazi Jan 2019
In the morning under a sky so rudely gray
I sneak off into a cab
While you smoke your worries away
We are kinda the same
But we also kinda different
Like night and day
I see you and you kidnap gravity
From underneath me

Why do you always smell so earthy
Like a forest
When You trippy
like an alien
I feel our souls are rooted
Your kiss ignites
Something in the air
You are fine
In other words,
a snack
Sindi Kafazi Jan 2019
Those taken for granted
Will fly away home
Those who took them for granted
will be haunted
by their deaths
In spaces
they called home.
Sindi Kafazi Jan 2019
“Eyes are the windows to your soul”
      And while that may be true
         I see an entire doorway
           When I look into you
            Corridors full of art
             Leading to eternal
            I see a friendly door
          With a welcome home
Sindi Kafazi Jan 2019
I lifted you
From the ground
the heart
Sindi Kafazi Nov 2018
we don’t fit into each others shoes
but we walked down the path of many hues

different kind of blues

and we found we don’t need to fit inside
we just have to walk, side by side.
Sindi Kafazi Nov 2018
You wanted her
The way a child wants a shiny toy
Right before Christmas

Thinking about her, the things you’d do if

You got her

You wanted the anticipation
You wanted the present,
wrapped up
with a nice ribbon on top!

You wanted to see her eyes sparkle
If you were to say something funny
Or endearing...

You wanted to taste her hot chocolate

But toys get old!

You should know, you’re not a child any more.
Every Christmas you end up wanting something new.

The only thing that remains is tradition,
Going home for the holidays

I thought I was tradition!
Thought I was home...

I thought a lot of things.

But I do KNOW one thing,
My hot chocolate is Christmas!
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