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Simpleton Aug 2013
On a journey of self discoveration
Of abandoned exploration
Travelling nations
To find oneself

Search for Solitude
And complete loneliness
Where you feel lost and insane
In that moment

To save your soul
And save yourself
Something to set aflame
That makes you feel alive again
Simpleton Aug 2022
I would give my life for you

But you are not my life
Simpleton Feb 2015
I don't know what you want from me

But alright
Simpleton Jan 2015
confined to the pleas of tomorrow
the sorry that won't work
Simpleton Dec 2017
California is burning
Texas is drowning
Florida is shaking
Harvey, Irma and Maria came visiting

Mexico is trembling
Bangladesh and Dominicans are swimming
Columbia is digging its way out
Sierra Leone is joining

Burma is cleansing
Arabia closed its borders
Qatar is not good enough
Yemen is restless

Manchester is recovering
London is divorcing
Syria is still weeping
Palestine is homeless

Egypt is struggling
Lebanon is trading
Humans as currency
Boko Haram is spreading

The world is suffering
Empathy is needed
Humanity is important
Why did we become so indifferent?
Simpleton Jun 2019
You are my granted prayer
Simpleton Dec 2015
love is escapism in its finest form
Simpleton May 2019
Simpleton Jan 2017
The darkness of the night swallowed everything whole like a vicious beast
Piles of sorrow pointed accusingly at the sky
Transparent swords clung to the jagged edges of the frosty mountains
Waiting to stab the ground
They stood in line to ice the burn of bombs
As houses spat out the acrid taste of fear through the gaping hole of their walls
The ground trembled in fear of being split
The earth gargled on shades of blood
Your hands frantically clenched and dug
To find what was lost
In it what was perhaps the most beautiful secret about life
That it has to end
Peace will come
In the abyss of the afterlife
Simpleton Nov 2014
All I ever do is hurt you 
Just stop loving me he said 
Just stop
And it won't hurt you anymore

But that hurt me more 
Than he could ever know 
And even if I could stop
I don't think I would

Life is all about love and forgiveness
So I'll accommodate all your sorrows
If I can keep you too
Simpleton Nov 2020
I wrote a poem about love
I'm too scared to share
Lest the reader gets jealous
And jinxes my lover
I wrote a poem worth stealing
But I'm protective of it
I'll not have your observant gaze
Look beyond the words and into my life
Rather you accuse me of lies
Than to tamper with my truth
I'm possessive
Of my love
He's for my eyes only
Can have this instead
Simpleton Sep 2016
Barefooted, ragged, with neglected hair, she was a thin slip of a girl, like a new moon
Head hung like a dying flower
She gave herself with open palms
Yet every sorrow and distress found her like flourishing weeds
There was no one I admired and hated more
The way they peeled her to the core
And she revealed she had more seeds to grow
Never was she afraid to show
The unchanging depths of her heart
Worth its weight in gold
Simpleton May 2014
It ends with a .
Just a small tiny dot
It's over
That's it
There is nothing more
To talk about
But you should know
That I will always add
A few more...
Simpleton May 2014
After today
I will no more tread this path
I stand defeated
I won't come to meet you again
After today
You should consider
This all a dream
Now that you've found your own
Think of me as gone
I don't exist for you
After today
I will embrace my fate
Simpleton Dec 2013
Recurrent memory
A gift and a plague
Unconditional vows
For them better and worse days
Simpleton Jul 2014
All for one
And one for All



Came their crying chants
Strong and loud
They bellowed
Even as men bled into the ground
Fear not they remain strong



Outnumbered by hundreds
Yet they persisted
And strode forth
The earth returned their shouts tenfold
As the voices echoed back
From the mountains
Down from the heavens


                     ­               Ahad!

Victorious in their unity
Strength was their belief
They rose declaring truth
Mission liberation
Shall one day be complete


Rockets may fly above them
But the Lord is all mighty
So strive against oppression
Corrupt rulers
And colonialisation




Fight like servants
And die like martyrs
Fight to protect
And serve to uphold
The honour of your brothers and sisters
              Victory shall be yours
           And rewarded you will be  

Simpleton Jan 2016
i. I have died too many deaths that were not mine always saving him.

ii. The best thing about living in a big city was that I could go back to being myself. You would not have to see me on your morning train to work

iii. His accusing finger always found me even when all I had was him.

iv. My tired voice spoke of the cage I was trapped in. Obligatory responsibilities of a relationship.

v. Bury me. I wish you would bury me because a thought of a life without you is unbearable.

vi. Love was meant for beautiful girls with clear skin and a figure that fits snugly into his arms.

vii. That time you waved goodbye as I walked away made me feel like a stranger intruding on a personal moment in your life. I wasn't supposed to be there. I wasn't supposed to be the one. We were not supposed to suspend that time and treasure it always.

viii. But you did it anyways. We created something that cant be erased. Lit the fire of a crazy search ahead.

ix. I want that bury me feeling again. It hurt so bad after it was over but I want that drown me kind of feeling. I want my lighthouse and I want to be the light. I want daydreams and doodles. I want the ache and to not be able to place it. I want a litany of your name to fall from my lips. I want us and nothing else. forever forever forever.
Simpleton Dec 2018
Bewitched were they
In a few short days of company
Never did come to a conclusion
For naming the butterflies
He was an albatross
He who everyone waited for, wanted, watched
A powerful energy
A magical aura
And she
She was a Peahen
A dazzling beauty
Irresistibly spellbinding
One was meant for seas and oceans
To fly for months on end
Captured in photographs
A sight for only eyes to behold
And one was an exotic beauty
Alas when the time came to fly
He stood by the seaside
With her by his side
He asked her to tell him what to do
A bud that was ready to bloom
If you ask me to stay; I will stay
And if you tell me to leave; I will go
It was with a heavy heart that she replied
We are but two birds in an open sky
You touch the clouds
And I the earth
Neither doves nor lovebirds
Fate has us not stork nor heron
For you a life that is contrast to mine
Yet here we met at the same shoreline
Call it fate or a dream
I have flown with you
As high as I could
Now you must continue
Simpleton Oct 2016
Out there was war zones
And in here was paradise
Our heads lay on the pillow
Arms brushed up against eachother
I told you I could burn you
And you said my fire gave you the warmest light
You didn't promise me the world
But said a fragmented puzzle was something you were accustomed to
And I wished that I could offer you something whole
With not even a suggestion of "some assembly required"
I read chapters of your skin
An archive of a library
And I wonder if it's a place I could be written into
My fingers trace the section of care instructions on your lips
And I wonder if they're the ones for me
Simpleton Aug 2014
I gave you my all of me
Not knowing you would take it ALL
Then you broke my wings off
So I could never fly away
Like a molly-coddled child
I fear freedom
Can't imagine standing on my own
You were supposed to be the wind beneath my wings
Simpleton Aug 2020
Sometimes the thought of you flits across my mind
And I swear I can hear the happiness in my grin
I can feel my heart elevate to pour out of my mouth
Like a song only I could know
Simpleton Sep 2014
All I can give you
Is my deepest sympathies
My sincere regrets
This is a moment
I can't simply say congrats
So let me mourn the loss of your logic
Of when reason jumped out the window
Simpleton Sep 2016
Be my stubborn wish
My painful truth
The breath in my lungs
Teach me how to live without you
All I want is you alive
Let me hold you close one last time
All I want is for you to be here right now
I didn't think that you'd ever go so far
All that I'd have left was to cry for you in my prayers
Simpleton Feb 2014
I used to care
Way too much
About everyone
And everything
But you changed me
A new outlook
A new mindset
A new soul
I gave up
I don't care at all
Because you make me want to walk out
Chase pavements
Raise my hands to the sky
Ashes shower me like confetti
And I let it burn
I want it to swallow me whole
And end it all
Because you already destroyed me
Frayed and singed
Tattered and bent
The bristled edges sting
I can tell you a story
You wish you could forget
About how there's something about a ring
That feels like handcuffs
Something about a lie
That comforts
Like a balm I welcome
I drown it out
And blur the words that I heard
Just the way you raised it louder
To overcome
It seeps out and
               Keeps on coming out
Leaving a trail
     of smudges
         A ***** trail
And it doesn't matter if its behind me
It follows me
Onto the spotless path ahead
And that's why
I still want to
Follow you into oblivion
Even the hell you show me
Sounds attractive
So I take 10 steps back
Closer to the flame
Close my eyes
And let the truth I now know
Become a truth that I show
Its mine
Simpleton Aug 2018
When I chose you
They tried to persuade me with words
Threatened to cut me off
Then told me to *******
And never look back
They stared me in the eye
And said for them I had died
How easy it was for them
To break all ties
As though my heart was not enough
To keep you all in it
They decided that I was not to be shared
It became all or nothing
So I chose you
Made you my whole world
And everything in it
Simpleton Mar 2017
All praise is due to God
For he made our tears colourless
For if they were not
I'm afraid my pillow would reveal all my untold secrets

All praise is due to God
For I could see you with my heart
Your lips were parched
But in your eyes oceans

All praise is due to God
For only He knows what benefit
That you cannot understand what I write
For I write feelings and you read only the words
Simpleton Oct 2017
She sat on the side of the bed
Knees hugged close
Elbows shaking unsteadily
She watched him wary and heartsick

Her eyes roamed his skin
The longing to touch
Tangible in the static air
His gaze a caress staring at the curtain of hair hiding her eyes from his

He let his back slide down against the door
As he rested on the ground opposite her
Slowly his hands hands crept forward
Seeking permission
Is this okay? May I....

And when she did not move
Nor flinch
Or call out
He shuffled forward
Arms outstretched
Like a warm blanket of safety

Gently plucked her from the ground
Resting her against his chest
Fingers stroked her hair
And lips whispered sweet things that she did not hear
All she heard was the low lull and hum of his voice
Felt his chest rise beneath her cheek
He was here
And that was all that mattered
Simpleton Jun 2020
You're immature
And a quitter
Everything I didn't think you were
If I had seen these traits I would have turned my feet around the moment I met you
Simpleton Jun 2020
So what if you were like a star that lit up my life
Plenty of stars are still here
You were like one
Thank goodness you weren't actually one
Simpleton Jun 2014
Can you run this by me one more time
I'm still trying to understand
How nation can war against nation
Man fight against man

When did we become enemies
Of a race that is OURS
Was it when we made borders
Or created offensive words

Like third world countries
Where they are less economically developed
And we are proper civilisations
I see power and status with words there are connotations

Who drew the line to pit one another
The haves against the have nots
Shouldn't we draw on the happiness of what we have
Instead of wanting what others have got

Politics taking control
What they are doing is not socially understandable
So how can it be acceptable
When consequences are irrevocable

Leaving out what really matters
Thinking of us instead of everyone else
Taking the making of religion
From a worship of God to a worship of self

No more hospitals
No more schools
Long gone is law and order
What is justice
When there is no humanity

Look around you
All I see is blood that is red
Countries which are destroyed
On both sides of the fence

The blame is never on only one persons head
The problem goes much deeper than that
We'll keep on digging our way straight into hell
Which is soon all that we will have left
Collaboration with Mike Hauser :) Check out his page and other wonderful works :D
Simpleton Aug 2014
Would you find God if I told you
He lives in non-believers too
Would you believe me if I said
You are already half way there

When you said it would take a miracle, and it did
Why turn your back 
Put it down to good luck
Than accept it for what it is

You were almost there 
When you said Dear God 
Unconsciously you accepted it
And so it uttered past your lips

Going to Mass
Listening to Biblical stories
You were almost there 
Until you said it was all a myth

Maybe the obvious places are not the best ways to start
If you're searching for God 
Look at the art
And search within your heart

The mechanics of wings
The two seas that won't meet
A little more simple
The functions of a tree

There's something unnaturally magical
Spiritually mystical
Delightfully wonderful
In an enlightened world with the words of God

So which of your Lord's favours do you deny
Remove the veil from your heart and refuse to hide
He is the All Powerful the All Knowing
I only wish for you to receive this blessing
There is no compulsion in religion. Some people believe without even realising it.
Simpleton Aug 2017
She turned to face me
With an intensity so deep in her eyes
Her stare sent serious vibes
Her mouth set in a straight line

I want to move away
Start fresh
Where no one knows me
And I can be who I like

I tried to decipher her need
Her longing to go where she can hide
Was it because she wasn't happy?
With herself or her life?

Does she know the demons she flees
Are hiding inside
What is in the future she sees?
The heaven where she can reside

Running was meant to be FOR something
Never away or from
And I know with some things here
Your job is done

But there's commitments to decades
Or a lifetime
That won't allow you to move
These are the chains that bind

The shackles come with a chain
Which you can rattle or shake
But never will it be easy
There will be links that you can't break

So you either break loose
Lose a leg or an arm
Or you try to make the chain lighter each day
Until you stop feeling the weight
Simpleton Aug 2021
You tell me to move on
And even if my mind were able to put you away
Like the photos in a locket
Would anyone build a bridge over a haunted river?
Your body will always be my last address
Simpleton Oct 2014
Whether you remain or not I will remain
always yours
Simpleton Jan 2018
May God create a barrier between you and your sadness, the way He created a barrier between the two seas
Simpleton Jul 2014
My Lord remove from my heart
The love of everything you do not love
Make it so that I have an addiction in my blood to the things you have asked of me
Impossible to purge
Way too passed being fixed to be damaged or wavered
I am forever bound
Forever indebted
Of Your gratitude
Your sustenance
Make me amongst those whom You are pleased with

Simpleton Nov 2015
I am standing in paradise gardens
Where you told me to wait
It took getting soaked in the rain
To realise you only loved me in the sun
You wrote my name in the mud
Whist I etched yours into the trees
I watched my love grow
It took being washed away in the rain to realise your love was temporary
For years I had tasted the artificial flavours of your words
And inhaled the ammonia
Of your aroma
Now I drink only water
Simpleton Sep 2014
You only realise the value of someone when they are no longer there
But he was lucky and had the chance to see it as she was leaving 
So he cared and nurtured 
Loved and cherished
With all his might he begged and pleaded 
Because a mother is one you can't live without
And suddenly you regret not spending time 
But a mother's love is quick to forgive
If only you could give her your life to live
But true as something always been 
An end must come to beautiful things

All she left him with was good wishes 
And prayers 
That turned mud to gold
A shade that sheltered 
From all troubles ahead
But as success fell right before him
All he wished was that she could see it 
And be proud 
He felt empty without her smile 
And missed the comfort 
Like a rose without fragrance
Simpleton Oct 2019
If I had known of the floods that would drown me
I would never have prayed for your existence
Had I known that it would be a lifetime of pain and grievance
That my supplications would turn into eulogies
My womb a grave
Or my mind a memorial
I wouldn't have begged at the alter
For the beginning of a life
Which turned into the ending of several
Simpleton Dec 2021
When the dark nights lose the moon
I search for it amongst my ribs
Had it not been for you
I wouldn't  believe I had lived
I would have sworn that I was born inside my grave
I am sentenced to a life with you running through my veins
And exiled in your eyes
Like an anecdote to save the world
And us
I repeatedly launch your name into the sky
Breathe it into the ground
Let us flourish and thrive
Let your gaze strike the Earth
To become lightening
And new moons
Simpleton Sep 2018
My knees kissed the ground
So many years of ignorance
And it was the first time God spoke to me
I held onto you
Both arms and legs
Wrapped around like I could hold you
Forever in my arms
As long as I could feel you
You would be here with me
I buried my face into your hair
Let my lips touch your neck
I squeezed you and felt you burrow closer
Your fingers pressed into my back
I felt your soft shallow breaths in my ear
We left no space for anyone to come between us
To try and part us
Until you became limp like a ragdoll
My lips felt cold against your skin
I felt heavy with dead weight
Your name poured out my eyes
Then they came to take the body away
And you slipped right through my fists


He must exist
You were mine
But you always belonged to him
Simpleton May 2016
The insomniac had a dream
The butcher fell in love with a goat
And the pauper begged for riches to leave for he had a mango dried voice and a sunflower for shade
The bartender was as sober as a priest
But his cup was filled to the brim not to be seen empty

The doctor had a dream
Pain had mercy
And God had time
Bandages wrapped souls tightly
To the bed, to the table, to the handle on the door
To the hand clamped to theirs
Anywhere to keep them here
Simpleton Jun 2016
The earth it is dry
The lips mute
The eyes blind
Lovers of letters
Words fell on deaf ears
Take out my hand
The heart it is cold
The soul wracks against a ribcage
The one I offered so much freedom to
It is hungry and it weeps
The moisture is clammy on my skin
But my mind protested
I am right
My Lord knows
He know it for sure
He know the insides of my heart are pure
Yes He knows
I dream of the blessed days
To catch up with Him
Eyes closed. Mind numb.
My heart it melts in an inferno only He could create
His month arrives like an operation of the emergency kind
Like a flat field where there's nowhere to hide from the truth
So that a believer may find Him
Even the careless stumble upon His way
My footsteps falter at His doorstep
My head it bows in defeat
I am helpless to my shame
Regretted never taking His name
Every fibre of my being supplicates to the almighty
Fill my mind with a humbleness that is a dying art
Fill my heart with a loyalty so strong it cannot be watered down
My Lord fill my lap with righteousness so I don't leave you empty
As the month it nears to an end
I bid farewell consoling my heart it has been sealed
Praying it sewn tight enough to last longer than before
I look ahead prepared for another test
And just when I start to fail beyond repair
Your month comes around again
Like an operation of the emergency kind
Breathing life into the walking dead
Save me before I am lost for sure
Arrogance it purges on my skin
Pride licks at the edges
I am ugly with sins threatening to swallow me whole
They chew on my balancing scales
Attempting to plunge me overboard
Suicide or ****** I can't tell the difference
Simpleton Feb 2021
I know my success chokes in your throat
I know my happiness burns your eyes
I know evil things labelled with love
And people who want my demise
I hear the words you use to disguise
The past you have with me
And how you shove the rewritten version into the world
At an attempt to hide all things vile
You think I have forgotten?
That I believe your lies?
But I let you spin your tale
And choose to keep you nearby
So I can see your traps in front of me
And side step everytime
Simpleton Aug 2015
the antidote to everything wrong in the world is
Simpleton Sep 2014
It's like an anxious feeling
That grips you
Where nothing else matters except that moment 
The inability to feel anything else
And your body starts to give up on itself
You forget how to breathe 
It's like there is not enough oxygen 
But you're doing all the right motions 
And it speeds up 
Inhale more frequently 
But it's not enough 
Something is not working right 
And then panic sets in 
Why can't you control your own body?
Break out in a cold sweat
The numbness seeps through
Creeps throughout every limb 
Untill you become stiff
Like a corpse
Your chest heaves 
And it's like there is not enough space 
For your heart to expand 
The tunnel of your throat is squeezing tight
And you head is too heavy for your shoulders
White dots blur your vision 
And on one last inhale
It's over
Simpleton Oct 2016
I have long since forgotten your name
But even now still
When my breathing labours
I remember the pressure of your hand
Holding tightly onto mine
Keeping me in the presence
I can still feel the coolness of your skin against my clammy palms
The way you brushed my hair away from my eyes
And held my head against your chest
So that I could align my panting breaths to the steady beating in your chest
When all I could hear was the rushing roar of blood against my ears
And feel the numbness right down to my toes
When my eyelids strained to remain open
I remember the edges of your body pressed against mine
And how even though it felt like I was dying
I was glad that I wasn't alone
Those moments felt like a lifetime
Through slow motion I heard your soft murmurs
I can't remember what you said
But it was as gentle as your knuckles
Brushing lightly against my cheeks
Your eyes calm in contrast to the desperation in mine
As they stared at you
Silently commanding
Imploring that you save me from drowning
Begging for you to understand my demons
Without asking any questions
Embarassed that you were witnessing me self destruct
In an uncontrollable manner
I wonder if you can see my lungs caving
My heart is being squeezed through its cage
But it can't fit through the narrow gaps of the bones surrounding it in a painful hug
I can feel it
It's trying to escape and be free
But it can't
And that makes me panic

My heart is caged
I can't feel it
I want to reach down my throat and rip it out
But my throat also conspires against it
It tightens its passage
Refusing to let it burst through my lips
And splatter in all its glory at your feet
My blood boils in protest
I am left gasping
Out of breath
I feel everything
I've never felt so much
It overwhelms me like a suffocating blanket
I welcome the darkness
To escape this feeling
Simpleton Jun 2014
A place where everyone knows
One more day
Is not enough
And no one longs to go home
Because you don't have to close your eyes

You can count the feathers of a sparrow as it flies overhead
And tune your heartbeat to the pace of a hummingbirds wings
Faint to hear as the world melts away

It's a place where flowers
Need not be sacrificed
Plucked and shortened from life
All in the name of love

People give plants and seeds
Of trees that last a lifetime
Year on year colours will splash
And they forever will bloom

Springs of water
In individual gardens
Doves roam freely
And gnomes are all the safety a home needs

A persons tongue can give you
The taste of his heart
And there you will be bound
Dancing on the tip
Unfolding a mystery
Beauty beyond reason
Simpleton May 2014
Are you
An ice lolly person
Or rich creamy
Ice cream

Chocolate chips
Or nutty treats
High five
Or a thumbs up

Jump for joy
Or tears of rejoice
Hide behind your fringe
Or hands on hips

I want to know
Are you a nights in
Or nights out
Lights on or off

Style over comfort
Or comfort over style
Relax on the beach
Or adventure trails

Outdoors or indoors
Jelly sweets
Or hard boiled
Fruity or minty

Shower or bath
Would you rather
Be too hot
Or too cold

Do you prefer tea or coffee
Words or numbers
Are you a fight or flight
Hugs or kisses

God or therapy
Life or theories
Books or the world wide web
Lie in or early mornings

Do you live for today
Or plan for tomorrow
Lead or be lead
Give or get
Simpleton Dec 2013
There's a rough patch
That's in my way
And I can't see too far ahead
Just that its worse than grey

I don't know what I'm doing
Where I'm going
Or who its all for
I never wanted to be the brightest flame

Or even dreamed of fame
Never wanted the world to know my name
Everything is like a dream
I'm on the outside looking in

No sense or purpose
No aim beyond today
And distant

I'm stuck and confused
And don't even know what about
It like I don't know whether I'm coming or going
Useless days and pointless time

No motivation
I'm going to let myself down
Then what will I do with forever
If my life doesn't fly

*What if it doesn't work out like it's supposed to
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