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3d · 138
Moonlight Spell
Softly glowing in dark of night,
Gently charming with soothing light,
Magic is there so feel it well,
When moonlight casts its witching spell.
May 27 · 22
Smile of Loneliness
Shaun Yee May 27
She was hurt, very, very hurt,
but she kept it all inside herself,
looking at her, one could never tell,
unless one manages to see,
those silent teardrops that fell

For she was good at disguising,
keeping all her emotions hidden,
and all the sadness within,
for weeks and months and years,
until she finally passed away,
finally freed of all her fears

And still, looking at her,
one could never tell, all the,
suffering that she had had,
she had not even one close friend,
that she could confide in,
while that tiny smile of loneliness,
she carried till the very end
the lonely
May 19 · 28
Shaun Yee May 19
Falling fast asleep
Mind takes off for foreign lands
Nightmares waking up
May 16 · 30
Out Of Reach
Shaun Yee May 16
Not so wonderful the world today
For madness has surely come to stay

Goodness no longer is in the store
Evil slowly kicked it out the door

Intelligence seems so hard to find
Stupidity often close behind

World wars linger always on the brink
Closer than what we would want to think

No matter what all religions teach
Love and Peace are always out of reach
May 15 · 37
The Crooked Man
Shaun Yee May 15
There was once a crooked man,  
Who drove a big brown van,  
Could heave a heavy sack,  
Though he had a crooked back;  

He carried a crooked stick,  
Though he wasn't sick,  
So he could limp in style,  
For many a crooked mile;  

Thus he led a crooked life,  
Together with his wife,  
And it is also true,  
Like him -
She was crooked too.
A bit of nonsense now and then, said the donkey to the hen
May 13 · 193
Moonlight Fairies
Shaun Yee May 13
By the banyan trees late at night,
Come with me for a moonlight walk,
To a secret flowered garden,
Where night owls do their midnight talk;

I’ll take you to a sacred place,
Wherein a nightingale was born,
And keeping our voices down,
We’ll hear his lovely evening song;

There by silver-watered fountains,
Enclosed by purple-white daisies,
On special nights when stars are bright,
We can see the moonlight fairies.
May 12 · 138
Night Dream
Shaun Yee May 12
The night dream will begin as one,  
To cast its net over my mind,
The shapeless shadows have their fun,  
To fish my thoughts to join their kind;  
These clueless inconsistent waves,  
Will merge and morph with all their might,  
Till daylight brings its dashing rays,  
And day dream shines its dauntless light.
May 9 · 32
Martial Artist
Shaun Yee May 9
He is really very fast
With his fingers, hands, and feet
He practises martial arts
And he's really hard to beat
He's in the gym for hours
And never misses a day
For it is his daily dream
To follow the champion's way
May 9 · 180
Shaun Yee May 9
The laughter, smiles, are all gone,
No exit, from dusk till dawn,
Rainstorms, mist, fog, fill the mind,
Clear skies, flowers, left behind,
The slide into depression,
Logic into regression,
Mental state wavers in gloom,
Brink of destruction and doom.
May 7 · 42
The Light
Shaun Yee May 7
In life we weave through forests dark,
We blunder through mazes blind,
Stumbling through blackness for the Light,
That we hope one day we’ll find.
May 7 · 164
Moonlight Fantasy
Shaun Yee May 7
The dark is bathed in a light so pale,
As moonlight spreads its glowing veil,
Like a bride's silk-covered face,
Tempting with a sensuous trace,
Lights of beauty are dotted here and there,
While unsung music hangs in the air,
Somewhere lovers stroll with expectancy,
As they enjoy their moonlight fantasy.
Apr 27 · 106
Shaun Yee Apr 27
Everyone has secrets to hide,
Their real feelings they dare not show,
Which often lead to misunderstandings,
And sometimes a deadly blow.
Apr 27 · 229
Shaun Yee Apr 27
Wars will never end,
Mistrust reigns everywhere,
Simple folks just die.
Apr 27 · 47
Shaun Yee Apr 27
I will travel the paths alone,
Further, far away from home,
To quench a thirst quite unknown,
Searching for answers beyond,  
I will face the storms and tides,
Of this earthly life alone,
For no one can understand,
What my destiny has sown.
Jan 1 · 59
Shaun Yee Jan 1
Happy New Year Everyone,
Let’s hope the Dragon year
Will bring us lots of Love, Joy and Fun,
And wars and hatred everywhere will cease,
Once and for all, so that all of us can live
Our earthly lives in Harmony and Peace,
So Happy New Year Everyone,
Let’s hope the old is finished and done.
Dec 2023 · 294
The New Year’s Cake
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
I remember when we were kids,  
On new year there would be a cake,  
Dad had bought from the bakery,  
For the new year to celebrate.

It was round and really lovely,  
Fully covered with icing white,  
There were tiny edible pearls,  
And sugared flowers on the side.  

So new year’s morning for breakfast,  
We excitedly gathered near,  
The cake with its decoration
Wishing us a “Happy New Year”.
Dec 2023 · 49
Santa Claus
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
Even as an innocent child,
I had always liked to believe,    
That the jolly fat man in red,    
Will fly across with gifts to give,    
Making many hopeful children
Very happy on Christmas Eve;  

For on this holy festive night,  
Santa is real and not a lie,  
So children all over the world,  
Will excitedly watch the sky,  
Hoping to see if Santa Claus  
With his reindeer are passing by;  

It's not really such a big deal,  
Even if it's a fairy tale,
Adults also need something too,
For happiness is often frail,  
Santa will always bring a smile,  
Like greeting cards in Christmas mail.
Dec 2023 · 51
Dead Cell Phone
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
The cell phone was on the table,
Then it was sitting by the bed,
It wandered into the bathroom
Then It was in the store instead,
It went about everywhere,
And then its battery went dead.
fun poem
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
The wine glass sat boldly on the shelf,  
All alone by its lonesome self,    
gleaming cleanly and crystal clear;    
I was watching it very near,    
so could see it had a strong gold rim,    
very elegant and quite slim;    
The glass was reflecting the light    
a nearby candle burning bright,    
and the sight brought back to me  
a distant childhood memory,    
Of porcelain bowls we once had,    
that were bought by my mom and dad,    
They were designed with dragons bold,  
and gently set with rims of gold.
nostalgia of simple childhood joy
Dec 2023 · 187
An Ode To Dog
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
I’m here to help and protect you,
Real friends like me are very few,
Whether you are kind to me or not,
Even if you beat me an awful lot,
I will never hate you or rebel,
Because I love you truly well.

When you are sad, I’m on your side,
If you are mad, I will not hide,
My loyalty is always there,
I will follow you everywhere.

You are my master and my friend,
And I will serve you to the end,
With unrelenting obedience,  
For I have never ending patience,
And my canine species were designed,
To adapt to the human mind.

I have four instincts that involve:
To defend, attack, protect and love,
So please note me well in your log,
For you know me, I am your Dog.
faithful  without restraints
Dec 2023 · 79
Climbing Stairs
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
Climbing stairs was so much fun,
When I was six, seven, eight plus one,
I was full of energy on the run;

After fifty, sixty, seventy one,
Climbing stairs is no more fun,
So I use the lift like everyone.
fun poem
Dec 2023 · 150
Sunset Monkeys
Shaun Yee Dec 2023
Three monkeys swinging in a row
Two swinging high, one swinging low,
Then six more monkeys joined the flow,
Nine monkeys in the sunset’s glow.
fun poem for kids(and adults)
Nov 2023 · 198
Shaun Yee Nov 2023
Wars will never end,
Mistrust reigns everywhere,
Simple folks just die.
so sad
Nov 2023 · 111
Sky Devils
Shaun Yee Nov 2023
Missiles streaking down
Devils raining from the skies
Corpses all around
war scene
Aug 2023 · 54
Living With Lies
Shaun Yee Aug 2023
When we look at things,  
With only one eye,  
We get half a picture,  
Which means we see a lie;  

For to see the truth,  
We will need both eyes,  
Then the view is complete,  
And then the falsehood dies;  

The problem we have,  
Though we have two eyes.  
Most times we use just one,  
And so we live with lies.
many times we don't even look
Jul 2023 · 82
Shaun Yee Jul 2023
I wave my magic wand,
And Mickey Mouse appears,
I wave my wand again,
And he calmly disappears!

I wave my trusted wand,
A rabbit is before my eyes,
I wave the wand again,
He changes to cherry pies!

I'm ready for the highlight now,
To saw a girl in two,
So I wave my magic wand,
The girl appears in blue.
I put her in the wooden box,
I close the lid and saw,
The trick is ended now,
The girl's now Sue and Maw!
fun poem
Jul 2023 · 232
Natural Medicine
Shaun Yee Jul 2023
Nature surrounds us with lasting beauty,
If we will open our eyes to see,
It fills the air with soothing music clear,
If we will adjust our ears to hear,
It helps us live with comfort, joy and ease,
If we will only try to live in peace.
Jul 2023 · 87
Tropical Rainstorm
Shaun Yee Jul 2023
The distant sky was gray
Above me the sun was weakly shining
Weather prediction was a wet day
Heavy rain was surely coming
I see the gray wall drawing nearer
And the landscape quickly turning blur
While the sound of rain was gettiing clearer
The storm is almost here
Jul 2023 · 61
Shaun Yee Jul 2023
I don’t want to live on forever,
I don’t want to outlive everyone,
What is there to enjoy and live for,
When all my loved ones and friends are gone?
immortality could be acceptable if everyone were immortal, otherwise it would be a curse
Jul 2023 · 72
Fairy People
Shaun Yee Jul 2023
They are tiny people
Living in rainbow lands,
Where time is not counted
by glassy hourly sands;
Life is constantly filled,
with laughter, dance and song,
Throughout the days and nights
and throughout the whole year long
fantasy poem
Jun 2023 · 115
Unhappy Monkey
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
Little Monkey was just not happy
With worldly things that were happening,
So he questioned all the monkey chiefs,
What would be the world's final ending?

It would seem that from earliest days,
When History was carved in black and white,
Evil always seemed to have the edge,
Darkness clouding Goodness from its light.

Is there really a Super Being,
With worldly affairs He oversees?
Or are all human prayers to Him,
Just a bunch of hopeless fantasies?

All the Monkey Chiefs sat down to think,
What convincing answer they could give,
These leaders have always prayed in vain,
Goodness hasn't triumphed with blind belief.
from my Litlle Monkey series :-)
Jun 2023 · 943
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
The angry heart does know no peace
The fires burn and nothing can ease
the feeling for violence great or mild
for Anger strikes the man, woman and child;
When we give way to our temper
Our reason this beast will hamper
and make us throw caution to the wind
for Anger is truly a hideous fiend;
So we have to tame and tell
this fiendish creature to go to hell,
We must train our thoughts to rise above
Animal Feelings to Gracious Love.
Jun 2023 · 70
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
I could be from another planet,
Though I walk upon this earth,
I have always been so different,
From the early days of birth.
My ideas always seem to fight,
My mind does not accept,
The selfish earthly life around,
For me loved ones have wept.
Jun 2023 · 91
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
Falling fast asleep
Mind takes off for foreign lands
Dreams and nightmares here
Jun 2023 · 173
Bird Music
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
Listen to the sounds of singing birds,
Smoothly soothing sending one to sleep,
The musical notes that they mete out,
Will pave the way to a slumber deep,
At night when a tired workday ends,
Enjoy some music from feathered friends.
Jun 2023 · 97
Street Juggler
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
He juggles sticks, bottles, hats and *****,
Catching them all, nothing ever falls,
Confident as could be,
His act a sight to see,
Performing in streets and shopping malls.
Jun 2023 · 62
Shaun Yee Jun 2023
Sea shells washed ashore,
Hermit *****, shellfish, starfish,
Typical seaside.
May 2023 · 74
God Man-made
Shaun Yee May 2023
Little Monkey thoughtfully asked,
"Does God really exist?"

Old Monkey casually replied,
"I don't think so"

Little Monkey perplexedly said,
"Then why do humans pray to Him?"

Old Monkey thoughtfully replied,

"God was really made by early man,
Surely not the other way around,
For mankind needs a super presence,
To maintain a healthy lifestyle sound;

Evil is not made by the devil,
Truly he does not exist at all,
All horrors have always been man-made,
And unchecked will lead to man's downfall;

So man had wisely created God,
With promise of heaven to attain,
For without the threat of punishment,
Evil in this world will spread like rain!"

Then Little Monkey nodded happily,
and continued eating his banana.
A monkey's thought - from my monkey series
May 2023 · 126
Thoughtful Monkey
Shaun Yee May 2023
Little Monkey was thoughtful that day,
And he had very little to say,
For he was feeling rather crabby,
Why many humans are unhappy;

Why do many constantly complain,
As though they were in perpetual pain?

Though it seems they have so many things,
They keep hoping for more wealth that brings,
Ultimate happiness till they die,
Money, more money, their daily cry!
When many others less fortunate,
Have accepted their ultimate fate,
And they make do with their daily lot,
Thanking the good lord for what they've got;

So he concluded true happiness -
Is not having a mountain of wealth,
But having good friends, real love and health.

Then he saw some peanuts on the ground,
And was delighted with what he'd found.
This is one of my Little Monkey series of philosophical and satirical poems. a reflection of the human world
May 2023 · 61
Little Monkey Perplexed
Shaun Yee May 2023
Little Monkey was most perplexed that day,
He just didn't know what to think or say,

So to Elder Monkey he went to find,
To get an answer for his dubious mind;

He asked "Does God live way up in the Sky,
Would he really meet me if I should die?"

"And does the Devil really live Below,
Waiting for me, my final day to show?"

Elder Monkey carefully did confide,
"You won't meet them at the end of your ride!!"

"So God and Devil don't exist at all?
That means that all our beliefs just fall?"

"They do exist!"  the Elder made it clear,
"Both of them reside inside you my dear!!!"

Little Monkey was even more confused,
"I think Elder's lost his marbles!" he mused.
Introduction: This is a philosophical poem from my "Little Monkey" satirical series. Little Monkey (our hero) is growing up in the monkey world and he, being a bright and thoughtful monkey, is alays intrigued by all things around him. The Elders are the older wise monkeys who give advice and educate all the little monkeys. It is a monkey reflection of our own world .... :-)
May 2023 · 55
Shaun Yee May 2023
The end may come one dismal day
Before we can have the final say
It make take us by surprise
Even before the next sunrise
We must accept that life will end
Make all preparations beforehand
So we can greet each new dawn
When all our worries are gone
May 2023 · 184
Shaun Yee May 2023
Life is too short for discrimination
We have grown up not too cleverly
Human mentality has not been that great
The fault lies in norms set by society
May 2023 · 72
A Winter’s Day
Shaun Yee May 2023
This early morning I got out of bed,
Found it was zero degrees centigrade,
And the air outside was crispy and cold,
A candid crispness had taken hold,
Feeding a feeling of freshness at play,
Surrounding this wonderful winter’s day;
Outside I saw rooftops covered with snow,
Also the shrubs in the gardens below,
Icing was on green leaves and trim tree tops,
And parking spaces where the squirrel hops,
A scene to keep in memory always,
When I do deviate to depressing days.
Apr 2023 · 111
Shaun Yee Apr 2023
I was in the midst of doing something,  
When I heard the phone in the room ringing,  
So I stopped my work to answer the call,  
And when I went back I couldn’t recall,  
Whatever it was I had been doing.  

I had gone to the post office to send,  
A mail that I had written to a friend,  
But when I reached to take out the letter,  
I realised it was  left in my sweater,  
Which I’d given to the tailor to mend.  

So these are just two incidents needing
Attention like a garden needs weeding,  
Because when we get more advanced in age,  
It gets easier to forget the page,
Of the what-was-it that we were reading.  

Forgetting things often can be so sad,  
And with ourselves we really get mad.
Apr 2023 · 299
Magic Wonderland
Shaun Yee Apr 2023
Follow me far, far away, in search
Of a mystic wonderland sublime,
We'll find the map of ancient design,
Lost through the ages of our time;

The map is used in the spirit world,
By goblins, elves, gnomes and fairies too,
With a dozen fantastic places,
Where human beings haven't a clue;

Grinning griffins, cantering centaurs,
Laughing leprechauns, dancing dragons,
Hippogriffs, unicorns, imps and all,
We'll find them in the magic gardens;

Does this dauntless dimension exist?
It sometimes appears in our dreams,
We have to translate the secret signs,
And follow the shining silvered streams.
positive fantasy
Mar 2023 · 97
Black Seaside
Shaun Yee Mar 2023
Outside, the sea was black, as was the night,
All was quiet, just a lonely, fisherman’s light,
As unseen waves washed the unseen shore,
So my thoughts grew graver, more and more.

The black, though so peaceful, was tinged with gloom,
A wistful solitude hovered in my room,
And I thought of us till the lamp was gone,
Then waited in silence for the light at dawn.
One night in Malacca (Malaysia) 2007
Jan 2023 · 80
Entry Denied
Shaun Yee Jan 2023
Tapping ******* pane
Rain trying to get inside
But entry denied
raindrops hitting window pane
Jan 2023 · 141
Shaun Yee Jan 2023
Falling fast asleep
Mind takes off for foreign lands
Dreams and nightmares here
Jan 2023 · 67
Shaun Yee Jan 2023
Each of us entered this world
Totally **** as a wintered tree
A bundle of nerves and emotions
And all worldly knowledge free

Each of us will leave this world
Perhaps clothed as a summered tree
Still a bundle of nerves and emotions
Knowledge gained or knowledge free
Jan 2023 · 349
Shaun Yee Jan 2023
His charcoal black eyes seemed slightly near,
A twiggy grin spread from ear to ear,
A light frost covered his carrot nose,
With his branchy arms in open pose.

A red coloured hat sat on his head,
While a soft rope was his belt instead,
A yellow wool scarf lay on his chest,
The snowman did look his handsome best.

But with the hot sun he would go down,
And his melting face would wear a frown,
Then one evening he would soon be gone,
Turned to a bundle of snow forlorn.
winter time
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