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He looked like sunshine to me
Reminding me of all that’s good in the world
Separating the light from the darkness
And brightening my days
baby, don’t cry.
you’ll be alright.
I know right now, you’re terrified.
I know that you’ve found the best place to hide.

you live in a place where guns equal power,
and where laws don’t protect you so you’re forced to cower.

gunshots fire and you can’t tell if they’re near.
the only thing you’re sure of is irrefutable fear.

you hold your breath, frozen in place.
all you want is to feel safe.
tears trickle down your innocent face.

you question whether or not you’ll make it out alive.
well, baby, don’t cry.
no matter what happens, we’ll continue to fight for your life.
Something HAS to be done. More voices, our words need to be heard, seen... We can be the ones to help contribute the means to keep this from happening.
Walking through the school halls you wonder
Who is the next shooter?
The next victim?
The next family who lost?
The next person's life to abruptly ended in this dream we call America
Your laugh was like music to me
Your eyes were poetry
Little did I know your words weren't that sweet
Until you learn to use the dirt they threw on you
and the tears from your eyes
with the sunshine already in your heart
you will not bloom.
-S. A.

— The End —