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Katrice Dec 2013
I have it,
to me.

I was born,
brown hair,
green eyes,
fair skin,
and hungry.

But oh so privileged.

To speak up in whatever company I choose,
To walk late at night with a hoodie pulled down, just over my eyes
To strive
without others being surprised

I know no threat
from cops,
or admissions advisors.

I see no intimidation
from statistics,
or slurs.

I have the privilege
of being completely unaware
of my own

I'll use it,
for everyone
you'll see.
Melody Claire Jan 2016
I wouldn't want to read your mind,
I would prefer to see your mind.
To see the world through your eyes and get lost in the dark creases of your folded memories ...
To see what you see when you look into my eyes ...
That would be the real privlege
Lisa Hudak  Oct 2013
number 1
Lisa Hudak Oct 2013
Don't try to tempt fate
you can't push for whats not there
Here I stand alone
but I'm not in despair
always learn
always grow

Its a shame to see
not all can keep up with the show
privlege makes you weak
take it all away
start from square one
and build everyday

look down at your creation
that is all your own
stand tall
stand with pride
what you have is yours

yours alone

no one else can lay claim
to what you've become
John F McCullagh Jul 2020
It is cool, dry and very early
on this crisp September morn.
The General’s orders were quite succinct:
This man must die at dawn.

We’ve erected here a gallows
On the street for all to see:
This man will die a traitor’s death
For what he calls” Liberty”

With the Parson in attendance
He is brought here, grave and pale,
This spy posed as a teacher
His name is Nathan Hale.

I placed the noose around his neck
The knot was tightly wound
The condemned was then allowed to speak
before the drums would sound.

“The cause for which i am dying for i did not take up in an idle moment
i was born it as are all my countrymen
if the belief in man’s right to freedom is held on any other place on earth
i have not heard of it
i am proud to have lived in a country where freedom is a reality
living it has been my privlege to fight for it
in death i shall hold it forever
if i were to be born a thousand times i would choose no other life
but service to American freedom
i have only one sorrow
i only regret that i have but one life to loose for my country”

At that, I heard the drumroll sound.
My captain gave a nod.
I pushed the brave young traitor
to his meeting with his God.

We left him hanging several days,
As a lesson to the town
Of the fate awaiting traitors
Who take arms against the crown.

At dusk last night we cut him down
When no one was around
And laid him in an unmarked grave
which never will  be found.
Although we were taught in school that Nathan Hale’s last words were “ I regret that I have but one life to give for my country., speech I give him here is taken from a transcript prepared by his executioners. Nathan Hale was 21 when he gave his life for the cause of Liberty.

— The End —