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Josh C DeWees Mar 2014
I'm standing at a crossroad
I've stood somewhere similar before
But never one of this magnitude
Like staring death in the eye.

I've always been the kind of man to die alone
I love them but they'd leave me
So I'm touched by nothing anymore
A stonewall of a man.

I'm broken and tired
It's hard to have faith in someone
When you've been loyal to no one but yourself
A rogue knight in a chess game.

I'm standing again in a meeting of choices
Option like poison that all take me a different way
But inevitably to the same place
Or close enough.

I'm taking my time this time
Time that I don't have to think
Love one way
Happiness another
And finally Freedom
Each as caustic as the last

A poison but a **** good
The ******* of my options

Butterflies and rainbows
or really violence and ***** for me
a lovely ******

My own life of my choices
No tether or chain
A free floating **** in the air.

They all sound as good as the last.
But I'm stuck here.

I'm standing at a crossroad
I'm lost and broken

I'm standing at a crossroad
a man with nothing to lose

I'm standing at a crossroad.
I pick that one.

I'm leaving a crossroad
alone and broken

I'm lost but hopeful
To the future I walk
Just writing
Warrior Poet  Feb 2020
Warrior Poet Feb 2020
I walked barefoot on the pathway of life
When I came upon a crossroad;
And at its sight, I let out a sigh
Of sadness and displeasure
For now, I must make a choice

The crossroad looked like many before it
One path was full of light and color
With many leaves falling on the soft green grass
And the other was dark and cold
With many rocks and fallen trees that covered the walkway;

I looked at both and grew quite distressed
Because neither are as they appear;
In past experience, I have taken both
At different times for separate occasions;
Both were quite painful to walkthrough
And ended up making me regret my journey
in life;

The soft grass would ease my feet
Of their burden and pain
But it would make them soft and
Easy to tear and bleed and cause
Me to stop more frequently causing
My journey much delay;

The rocks would bring me
Much pain and make my journey slow at the beginning
But my feet would harden after a short while and
I'd be able to walk with much ease;
But the cuts and bruises still would remain
And I would end up messing my feet up
For the rest of my life.

Both have their benefits
But they also have their consequences
One to punish the weak
And one to punish those who think differently;
So, in the end, I will be in pain from
The decision that I will make;

I tire of making decisions
For no matter how long I ponder
I always seem to make the wrong one;
So this crossroad is no different from the rest
And thinking about it makes no difference
Because I'll make the wrong decision and
Mess things up for myself but,
Alas, I will still sit and think about which course is best;

It might take a second, minute, hour, day or year
To come to a decision that I believe best suits me;
It would be faster and easier to come to a verdict
If I wasn't without a companion and by myself;
Thinking of this choice will take all my thoughts
But for right now I'm too tired and
I think that I will lay down
In hopes that my next breath is my last one

Here at the crossroad, I lie
Dreaming of what would become
If I chose one path over the other;
I have a tough choice before me,
Shall I stay or shall I go?

But only time knows when I'll pick between those roads,
So I must wait until my mind is made up;
But truth is, I wait secretly with much hope,
That death will find me before I choose
So I don't make the wrong choice
And look back with regret at that decision I made
At that crossroad that once stood before me.
Inspired by Robert Frost`s "Road Not Taken"
Louis Brown  Sep 2012
Louis Brown Sep 2012
I came upon a crossroad
I had to figure out
If I should take the road with you
Or take the one without

I came up a crossroad  
I chose to let you go
Not because I didn't care
Because I love you so

You see I thought that we could find
A better road alone
We were born in different worlds
Too different to be one

I came upon a crossroad
And did what I had to do
But the hardest thing I ever did....
Was turn away from you
Louis Brown Dec 2010
I came upon a crossroad
With tears down either lane
I didn't want the parting fork
But both trails led to pain

I came upon a crossroad
Which hurt would I prefer
There was so much love to miss
If I should turn from her

But my heart believed we had a chance
For better roads alone
As opposites from different worlds...
Forever's just too long

I came upon a crossroad
I did what I had to do
But the hardest thing I ever did....
Was turn away from you
Copyright Louis  Brown
Suzanne Penn Jun 2013
There is a point in life…
when you get tired of trying to fix everything…
when kindness gets mistaken for weakness
so often…
that it becomes your own fault
for letting it all continue.
Eventually, you start accepting that
you can not make everyone happy
and that no one at all
is trying to make you happy.
This is the moment…
that you reach a crossroad
and make a decision
as to which path to take.
And that decision…
made at a time of
great frustration
and relinquished dreams
can become the filter
through which
your perception of the world
and the motivations of others
will be discerned
from that point on
Choose thoughtfully…
that crossroad is
where character is born
empathy dies

_Suzanne Penn__
Shan de Vries  Sep 2013
Shan de Vries Sep 2013
I was standing on a crossroad while I had to choose between wrong and right
One side of the street was full of colors, the other one darker than the night
And I felt so close to you, I felt your heart in mine
You asked me if I was okay and I told you that I was fine

But I lied, I was dying and there was nothing left to say
My heart got filled with hatred while I took your pain away
And I'm still standing on this crossroad, I still don't know which way to choose
But I can't stay out of the darkness if my choice goes out to you
Mike Hauser Aug 2014
Could we consider this point a crossroad
Where we either turn left, right, or go straight
Taking us all in a different direction
Take us all to another place

Could we rise and call each other brother
Learn to love instead of fight
Have respect for one another
Give each other the benefit of doubt in life

Not place judgement based on falsehoods
Especially the color of ones skin
Black or Red, White or Tan
No matter a persons pigment

Realize it's not the outside that matters
But loves depth within a mans heart
Here were we stand now at this crossroad
Which way should we go and who's going to start
Belle Victoria Apr 2015
my liver may be ****** but my heart is honest
and that is something you could never say
I loved you for the person that you were
not for the person that you are trying to be

you always told me that demons were haunting you
and that you couldn't do anything to stop them
except to give in, give them your life, your soul

he just never understood the things I said
how badly I needed him and only him
I didn't care about his demons and his dark moments
I didn't care about him not easily showing his emotions
he just never understood how much I loved him

one day at twilight the girl woke up at a crossroad
she could choose between two paths, one time, one path
one path was filled with light and the other was filled with darkness

the devil whisperd softly in her ear to choose the dark path
and she knew she would, her demons were stronger than her angels
her love for this boy was stronger than the will of going to heaven

her choice was darkness
her choice was to be his forever

and maybe hell wasn't that bad
because from the start he was her only light in this broken world.
it may be a long time ago but you are still giving me inspiration, thanks for ******* me up.
Paul Hardwick Aug 2012
Leave me girl
move on down the road
when I think about my life
and see the crossroad
that it has been my life
i know that for you
it is the right thing do
but in my life with roads left a right
it does not mean I will not
bitterly miss you
so for old girl friends
this dark and lonely night
I miss you
Hank Van Well Jr Dec 2014
The final crossroad

Look behind you at all the occasions you had , moments of truth , and forgiveness the times you tarnished the innocence of an affection.
The lies , infidelity, and unenthusiastic attention to moments special.
And yet their was still a chance , a way forward , and outstretched hand, and open embrace.
Corners , crossroads, in our journey.
Streets where unconditional love, fidelity, respect awaited at every turn.
Yet you chose to pass buy , this last time ,The eleventh hour , our final hope , you've turned your back on us , and said goodbye to our forever , my road has its own corners now , and your road without me , as you have just said goodbye to our
" final crossroad "
Eddie Starr  Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Each of us are on a crossroad to choose which are road to take.
Are we going to choose  the road that lead toward worldly.
Or are we going to choose the road that will lead to Christ.
It is your choice, but I have chosen the road toward Christ.
For I want to be able to praise him and worship him in heaven.
I want my life in the end to be meaningful and beautiful.
One that other true believers will be able to say yes he belong to Christ.
that one girl Mar 2014
Sitting at a crossroad with decisions to be made, that conflicted feeling is one of the worst mindsets. A debate with yourself is the most pointless thing on earth. No matter how vast the victory, the defeat is also resting on your shoulders. So then, the question still stands. Which path will you travel? What turn do you take? Who is it that you really are, because if you don’t know, who will?

— The End —