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Joe Cole Mar 2015
We all look forward to the snowdrops
The harbinger of spring
In many shades of white
Offtimes tinged with green
Beautiful, oh so beautiful
Sweeping swathes of green tinged white
But they shrink into nothingness
Against the aconite
Aconite of deepest gold
Brighter than the sun
Aconite the first to show
Amid deep winters gloom
When the aconite first does show
Bluetits start to flit and sing
You see it's not the snowdrop
Who is the harbinger of spring
Strangely not many people know that the aconite flowers before the snowdrop
Joe Cole Apr 2015
Clear blue sky
Just a slight early morning chill in the air
But the hedgerows tinged with fresh green
Highlighting the gold of the daffodils
Bluetits flit and flutter
And here and there the early bee
My seed trays showing signs of life
Of what is yet to be
My south country hills
Have come alive
After winters deadly hold
Daffodil and crocus
Now in colors oh so bold
Lovers walk now hand in hand
Now winter gloom has passed
Sad grey faces now tinged with a pink glow
Spring gladness
Reborn at last
Spring in my south country
Mary Gay Kearns Oct 2018
The days always had Red Robin and Cyril
And us two sitting on the cold back step
You ninety - four and me in my late forties
Red Robin came forward, hop, hop, hop
And took the cheddar from you old man.

Days of simplicity when the bluetits nested
And the birdtable was filled with seeds daily
Your strong hands, tapped up the peanut tin
Your son shaved the stubble on a rough chin
This quietness was rewarded by many birds.

Love Mary ***
Janet Aitch  Apr 2019
Spring Song
Janet Aitch Apr 2019
The bluetits dash about
The blackbird sings
The robins flick their tails
and bounce
The thrush rustles
through the dead leaves
and the blackbird sings

Soon there will be eggs to coddle
nestlings to feed
and the blackbird will be too busy
to sing

— The End —