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Pen Lux
keep an open mind
William A Poppen
87/M/Tennessee    William Poppen is retired and spends most of his time writing poems, taking photos, and walking daily.
Sarah Spencer
19/F/Indiana    This is the diary of someone slowly falling apart
Parsavagely Kompenere
19/F/Yorkshire    Hello! I write poems (believe it or not) and books and songs and stuff. I like reading poems too (surprise). Any constructive criticism is always ...
Penelope Winter
welcome to my slightly encrypted diary
i haven't slept for days so i've had all of this time
Penguin Poems
18/F/United States    A young poet, wouldn't you know it-- but isn't everybody one of those these days? Writing is my coping and me secretly hoping that I ...
King Dre Pencasso
29/M/29223    Poems are based on real life situations Life, Love, Heartbreak, Anger, & Depression IG: @kingpencasso803 Snapchat @drepencasso803 Book Available:
Spenser Bennett
26/M    Fumbling
Spencer Dennison
The Canadian Maritimes    Truly, this world is a feeble place if we must make this meager shelter to hide our brilliance... My name is Spencer. Although this name ...
Molly Pendleton
Labels are meant for soup cans. These are the reasons I'm a poet. I am: + The type to put your needs before my own ...
Philliphines    Eleanor Rigby lives inside of me.
Campbell Pennington
28/F/here & there & gone again    Life is weird | Writing is hard
Suzanne Penn
Portland, Oregon    I am a creative Urban Renascence Woman both practical and whimsical. I believe in going BIG. I believe in taking pride in what you've ...
Pamela Penta
59/F/Santa Fe, New Mexico    Poet, artist and photographer. Finally living the life I want instead of the one everyone else thinks I should be living. Life is good......even when ...
18/Gender Fluid/Tennessee    Give to earn
Aspen S
22/Gender Fluid/lingering in the shadows    i am merely a being that is infatuated with words and the idea of love. (L)GBT
Spencer Craig
new york    i am a 16 year old guy just looking for a way to leave my imprint on this vast world. i know that is a ...
John Carpentier
United States    Old-fashioned, especially in my love for writing and music. This is a compilation of the works I've written over the years, both in the good ...
Isaac Spencer
25/M/DuBois, Pennsylvania    Just a burnt out, crazy poet.
31/Chaos    Too many interests, too little time. In love with everything, and no-one. All words here are intellectual property of the void, shapen through our pen. ...

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