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WendyStarry Eyes
Life to me is a never ending change! "Whose walking down the streets of the city, everyone knows it's Wendy!" —-██—— Put this on ...
21/Alive    "What's the good resisting temptation? There'll always be more" -Mae West Insta: @this.poet.does.not.exist
Katrina Wendt
I write what I feel- it's how I'm most comfortable expressing myself because there are always the right words. I have a blog at ...
Riley Lavender
Round Rock, TX    "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." ---Robert Frost I published my first book of poetry several ...
North Carolina    Enjoying life in the mountains. all poetry is original material,©(2022)All rights reserved
24/F/British Colombia, Canada    I'm quiet until I'm not. Excuse my absences, I've been happy
Timothy Kenda
Worcester    When all else fails, you have to set yourself on fire.
Aviendha Goodrich
21/Cisgender Female/Maryland    so it goes
Rafael Melendez
28/M/Austin, Texas    A writer in the dark, usually in bed. Thanks for stopping and reading my thoughts.
Brendan Watch
Michigan    I've found three things in life: people, books and love.
Wendell A Brown
67/M/Ga    I am a disabled veteran, who enjoys sharing the poetry I write each day, for God and my wife, and many other life events. Words ...
22/F    Curiosity is a thief, robbing you off, your Sanity. ~NE
Lavender Menace
18/F/A Loveless World    Your Local Mary Shelly X Sappho Enthusiast
Filmore Townsend
"Again she saith: I give unimaginable joys on earth, certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death."
Molly Pendleton
Labels are meant for soup cans. These are the reasons I'm a poet. I am: + The type to put your needs before my own ...
Glenda Lee Woodson
East Texas    I am on a journey to find my voice and muse again. I let it slip away and I refuse to let it go once ...
E Townsend
I will write happy things once I am happy.
29/F/Ohio    Simple country girl
letting these words guide me
Fritzi Melendez
23/F/Texas    i'm forced to deal with what i feel.
Kendal Anne
The Earthly Planet    "Crinkle cut and star crossed" said the Raven. But we all knew he was playing foul. because silence is not intolerable, but mostly, magnificently implacably ...
Friends for Dinner
Some Strange Nebula    Rearrange me to your liking.
Kendall Rose
i believe in the good things coming

— The End —