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23/F/Chennai    Writer|Co-Author|Teacher|dreamer|cynophilist|selenophile✌
John H Maloney
49/Non-binary/NJ    Polymath-at-large (poet, podcaster, musician, Photoshop artist, media critic/curator, etc.)
The Lost The Alone
No One Remembers    Just a poet.
Example Alone
San Francisco    I never thought of myself as a poet, but a few years ago I started having issues with my mental health. This dilemma in my ...
Lizabeth Malone
alone lol
:) you can catch more of me at my blog
18/Cisgender Female/I.D.K    I need an outlet.
A trying hard rockstar whose random thoughts are weird and sometimes annoying. Love music, cartoons, foreign TV series, Strawberry juice and random acts, Jack-ass style. ...
Izzy Kat Maloney
Texas    Just a teenaged girl trying to figure it all out and writing kinda helps with that.
17/Genderqueer/Stuck in my room    Not sure where my life starts. And where all this dreaming ends. Shattered, alone, sleepless, and confused.
Meghan Malone

— The End —