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Jordan Frances Jan 2014
She has dated boys before.
Boys who beat her
Boys who ***** her
Boys who did nothing wrong at all
But still did not feel "right."

One of them made fun of her
Told her she must be some kind of lesbian
(As if that was an insult)
If she did not want to have *** with him.
She smiled something sad on the outside
To deflect
To forget
To hide behind.

She thought
And what if I am?
What does that make me?
It's a question that wanders into the unexplored ruins
Of an unkempt mind.

A boy meets boy love story is next on the list.
They both play football
And think that means they must both be "players."
Really, they're falling for each other
With one swift and concise movement.

Boy A cannot tell his parents
As he comes from a rowdy and traditional Italian line.
Boy B is getting fed up
And yet waits, patiently
For his one and only to express this flaring emotion
A love, unexpressed.

Their families, churches and culture
Thinks they can change who they are.
They use different, cruel tactics.
Beat the gay out of him
Force her to have ***, and she will turn straight

You tell the world that they are an

And yet, I ask this.
If the Bible was a Holy deity's, a God's message of eternal love
As any good Christian, as I am supposed to be, would proclaim
Then how can it be used to justify
Acts of such hate and genocide?

"I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak"
(Matthew 12:36)
I hope you are prepared for your Judgment Day.
anu Nov 2015
Unexpressed love is equal to buried treasure.If it is buried then  how it would be called treasure??
Love is not a love when it is unexpressed !!
Daisy Chain Jan 2017
My blood flows with gold
my fingers alight with fire
it propels and consumes me
to an all encompassing desire.
Completely in the wind,
utterly in the rain
A sweet abandonment
into the delightful pain.
My skin - too tight
My movements - too constrained
Even a bellow from a mountain top
leaves this feeling untamed
A power so wild
so ferocious, yet so compressed
wails at the boundaries
of the unexpressed.
Melissa Rose May 2018
I have something to say
but my thoughts scatter
like crisp dead leaves
abandoned by their trees
obscure as ominous clouds
concealing the sun
my wounds bleeding all over time
but these pages remain starkly White
as I’m choking on a mouthful
my mind ruminates
on every last tormenting word
that continues to remain
K Balachandran Nov 2015
A million poems seeking light, I haven't attempted to write,
Create waves and tides in my bloodstream day and night,
Demanding to make them heard blending  words that inebriate,
Before I forget them and chase  other butterflies in my garden.

I feel guilty about my choice of words to weave, later sometimes
Couldn't get the emotions I try to express,in my poems,right, regret,
True, there is no democracy even in my choice of poetic subjects,
Disorder could be  the suited order in making my inner world speak.

It's as if I am some other guy when I write, my heart's real prompt,
I don't even insist to be perfect,an inner voice wants to speak it's truth,
I am stimulated by a creative lust and in the frenzy of inner coitus,
Forget even myself,it's a  race towards ****** and strongly I  *******.
The oracular cascade of poetry, but happens in magicalmoments
Amitav Radiance Oct 2014
Today, the words came to me
Wrapped in their exclusive finery
Ready to take me with them
On a tour of the unknown alleys
Of my heart, not visited by me
Each word is a guide, leading me
Towards the core of gratitude
Being an avid traveler
I was yet to take this journey
With childlike glee I read each word
Feelings which lay unexpressed
Were touched by the magic message
Like each new day brings fresh hope
Each word spoke with such grace
The roots of joy are rejuvenated
And springs to blossom eternally
To greet me with varied colors
Of happiness, gratitude and hope
Living each day in wonder
Soft morning light ushers new day
Gratitude in my prayer
Before I start a brand new day
eigengrau Feb 2014
I have been staring at this blank space for awhile now.
It pains me to see myself struggling to express myself.
I wanted to compare you to the sun, the moon, and the stars.
But I do not want to sound passé nor cliché.

I have been looking for the right words to say,
but it seems that I am drowning in an ocean of words.
I am at a loss for words
but still I keep trying,
             I keep looking,
             I keep searching…

I have no choice but to say this straightforwardly—
           without twists and turns.
Words will never be enough to express how much affection I have for you.

I love you, with all that I am.
And I thank you for giving me a reason to carry on with my life…
to continue going,
                              to continue fighting,
                                                                and to continue loving.

*You mean all the world to me.
Jade  Aug 2015
Jade Aug 2015
If making you understand is the only way out,
I'd rather just blast off my head with a rubber balloon bazooka,
I  wonder  if  it's  ever  existed
It will be a never ending story.
I wonder if this even a poem :p
petalsofhope Nov 2013
I remember you
from your beautiful smile
your cinnamon scented hair
your contagious laughter
your nail-biting addiction
your pointless insecurities
to our silly inside jokes
our dumb little fights
our peculiar bets
our goofy text messages

through tears and smiles
you were the only one who understood
my unspoken words
my concealed pain
my unexpressed happiness
my puzzled feelings

counting your days
we recalled our mischievous memories
when we danced in the rain
when we rang doorbells and ran away
when we pranked the gullible ones
when we stole Ikea pencils
when we fangirled over stunning guys
when we were together
everything turn into excitements
moments with you
I remember them all, Grace

it was a week before December twenty-fifth
when the monstrous cells stopped your heart
a glimpse of smile
appeared upon your face
as you're being taken
far away from us
skin turned pale
body stiffened
tears flooded my sight
there were wailing across the room

time flies like a bullet train without you
it's a rainy day today
you've always loved rainy days
sinking my knees in the dew-wet grass
raindrops whisper in my ears
as I brush off the gray snow from your stone
I still remember you, Grace
I still do
Sk Abdul Aziz Oct 2015
I don't know why but whenever i look at you...
I'm speechless
Simply dumbfounded
There are so many things i wanna tell you...
...things i've never told no one
The way i feel for you..i've never felt that for no one
But each and every time i muster up some courage... look at you and that's it
I simply forget what i wanted to say to you
I start to stammer
I get tongue-tied
The words simply refuse to flow
I must admit though that i can't completely be blamed for this
After all you are the most beautiful distraction i've ever seen
You are like H2O...
No other drink can substitite you
I need you
Your beautiful long hair
Those red-painted lips of yours
Those intriguing deep blue eyes
That seductive stare that you give me
Your sweet voice
Your intoxicating fragrance
They all are tempting and teasing me to the core
Tonight i want to rip my heart out for you
Tonight i wanna do ***** things to you
I've waited for an eternity
I can't wait any longer
Tonight i wanna tell you that i'm yours
You are the only one who makes me smile
You are the only one who makes me blush
You are the only one who makes my heart skip a beat
You are the only one who arouses my body,soul and mind
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2017
Words Vanishing,
Thoughts Melting,
Vision Blurring,
Mind Racing,
Heart thumping,
Love Unending,
How can I express these feelings?
How can I put my thoughts to light,
And my feelings to life?
Do you know my love?
Do you even know,
What you do to me, my sweet?

— The End —