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Donall Dempsey Mar 2019

Motorway sign says:

Sign coming into town says{

Reality appears to be

And there they all are
long forgotten Thursdays

that nobody wants
no more.

So many used Thursdays to
choose from.

A much used Thursday
from 1963.

A forlorn Thursday
from 1863.

Thursdays come and

No one will want a Thursday
their dog died

or the wife
left them

or the Wi-fi
went off.

Rainy Thursdays
that nobody wanted

even as they were

But there's a big rush on
the Thursday to come.

Everyone wants to have

We leave the Thursday

with the next Thursday
in the bag so to speak.

It's up to us
to make a good go of it.

It ticks away.
Time tickles.

Motorway sign says:
Andrew Rueter  Jan 2021
Andrew Rueter Jan 2021
They meet every Thursday
They're a worship team
They meet every Thursday
To develop a worship scheme
To show how the Lord leans
Through musical means

They meet every Thursday
That's not quite church day
But it's their rehearse day
So they don't play the first way
Which would be the worst way
When worshipping on the church stage

They meet every Thursday
To rehearse their music
They've got the Holy Spirit
And there's no way they'll lose it
They'll continue to use it
To save brothers from bruises
They know what the truth is
And they want to exude it

They meet every Thursday
So surely I even heard they
Come in on their birthday
They say it's worth praise
Not of their own ways
But of the Lord's grace
Glorifying Him is first place
So they meet every Thursday
Madeline Bush Oct 2016
It's 6:27 on a Thursday morning 
I woke up with a knife in my stomach and I'm missing you

It's 7:39 on a Thursday morning 
I pull over on the way to school because I'm crying too much
and I'm missing you

It's 8:52 on a Thursday morning
I ask to to be excused 
How am I supposed to think about 
Which constitution was written in 1870 
When all I can think about is the way your lips felt on mine the last time
and I'm missing you

It's 10:12 on a Thursday morning
I'm killing myself slowly because I keep checking my phone for a text from you
I know it will never come because I'm the one who messed up so now I'm broken
and I'm missing you

It's 10:50 on a Thursday morning
He sits across from me in this class
He tries asking how I'm doing
I tell him he has to leave me alone because all I can think about is what I've done
and I'm missing you 

It's 12:15 on a Thursday afternoon
My best friend takes me to lunch 
She holds me while I cry
Through my sobs I hear her say something about her talking to you 
She tells you how I'm broken 
and I'm missing you 

It's 3:36 on a Thursday afternoon
I feel like a zombie. Lifeless. 
I am empty
and I'm missing you

It's 7:58 on a Thursday evening
My friends try cheering me up
They make me dinner and get me to stop crying but since everything reminds me of you, I'm thinking about our first date and the way you made me laugh over a meal
I’m thinking about the way you made my eyes light up while I spoke 
and I'm missing you 

It's 11:56 on a Thursday night
I cant fall asleep because I'm staring at all the pictures of us in my phone
You've infected me
and I'm missing you