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To understate,
You are a seed,
The beginning of a tree.

You will grow and you will blossom,
And you will bear fruit and leaves.

So what am I.

The picker of fruit?
Spreader of pollen?
Maybe a tree, a bush?

You can,
And will
Exist without me.

This is an understatement.

Rather, you are a red giant,
A star ready to blow, expand.


The elements for life.
I am simply other star-dust.
Maybe our gravity will meet.
Drifton A Way Oct 2022
I’m a Dog let out the yard going full gung ***
Like HapPenis is hard, where you wanna go?
Chase your twin flame soul an do the research
Dinosauring through the hole,birdodg on perch

The Mountain top song has never been sang
So stand tall like Lurch,ask the universal rang
Let it rain like King Kong, ******* in the wind
Donating organs in Church, unorginally sinned

Akin to Cain or if your Able then begin again
Return to sendher to the stable, it ain’t broken
Thank god, for this bountiful table, hey men
She just lost her label, alert the next of kin

Biblically speaking I believe they all dig karma
Blasphemous seeking, pill popping big pharma
We just need the escape,heavy-binded by fear
It’s Superman’s cape! Heaven is blinding HERE

Close your eyes and just meditate
Absolve your lies it’s not too late
But once you do try to open your mind
You’ll ask not why, but be One and kind
Shake off that repugnant rust, and embrace the euphoric crystallized spacedust, it feels like love but looks like lust, fits like a glove and where we’re going,  it’s a must.
Arlo Disarray Dec 2015
The seams between the earth and space are breaking
The stars are pouring down so hard from what's left of the sky
They're crashing down and making lights in the dirt,
flashing cheesy smiles at all the passersby

I'm much too large for my old childhood raincoat
My galoshes have holes in the bottoms and sides,
and my feet are too soaked to take another step, tonight
I'm drenched in specs of spacedust
And I've become part of the night

I've been spoken to a time or twice about life and all that makes it nice
But I've been staring at this sky for so long that I can't remember anything else
The neon signs in space keep saying different things to me and lying to my face
They're telling me to go a million different directions at the same time
And I'm lost within a spiraling circle knowing the path has no definite end in sight