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Mrs Ashley Somebody
27/F/No longer wandering :)    Joined September 14, 2013. | Changed my meds and now I think I'm back to how I was before my writer's block—will I be writing ...
Awesome Annie
32/F/Batesville Indiana    I breathe poetry it seems.....I love getting lost in it. Pen in hand or reading others art.
Another place    here lies some poems


Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2018
Some people are born blessed
yet always stressed
Others have less
but are happy nevertheless.

Some people are bystanders
having nothing to do with things
And some are mere followers
Getting on every bandwagon's wings.

Some people are born leaders
Persuasive, charismatic and zealous
And some are just whistleblowers
Loud, insensitive and callous.

Some people are so weak
Unable to do a thing
Some are just meek
Able to bear anything.

Some are bright
Some love to fight
because they love to be right
Some are strong
and never want to be wrong.

Some people are slow
and love to lay low
Some are lucky
and have everything okay...

Some are frisky
Some are *****
Some are risky
Some are very cold
Some are old
And some are bold
Some are very casual
And others are ******
Some people are wise
And others are very nice
Some are real
Some are cruel
Some are sad
Some are bad
Some are lazy
Some are crazy
Some are intelligent
Some are insolent
Some are consistent
Some are insistent
Some are resilient
Some are proud
Some are loud
Some are useful
Some are wasteful
Some are playful
Some are careful
Some are powerful
Some are thoughtful
Some are hateful
Some are prayerful
Some are beautiful
Some are sinful
Some are creative
Some are sportive
Some are positive
Some are supportive
Some are destructive
Some are selective
Some are talkative
Some are argumentative
Some are competitive
Some are combative
Some are abusive
Some are active
Some are loquacious
Some are disastrous
Some are malicious
Some are boisterous
Some are industrious
Some are adventurous
Some are religious
Some curious
Some gracious
Some are serious
Some are moderate
Some are considerate
Some are blessed
Some are cursed
Some are alcoholic
Some are workaholic
Some are visionaries
Some are missionaries
Some are radicals
Some are rascals
Some people are sweet
Some love the streets
Some are hustlers
Some are smugglers
Some are wealthy
Some are healthy
Some love the pills
Some love to chill.

Some are black
Some are white

Some people are ugly
some are pretty
But it's ok
Some were born that way

Some people are well traveled
Some are just locals

Some people are gays
Others are straight

Some are short
Some are tall

Some are social
and some aren't

Some are educated
Some are illiterate

Some are from the north
Some are from the south

Some are born writers
Some are avid readers

Many will like this
and many will hate it.

We are all children of a God
Who prefers peace as His byword.
God, the grandmaster of creation,
Who specializes in perfection,
Designed this beautiful universal community
Using the blueprint of diversity.
One thing is certain
Even though we are different people
from different places
and different races,
we will all die someday
Such is life
One world!
One world different people
Some women will scribble your name in schoolbooks
but never spit it out loud.
Some women float away like dandelions.
Some women bubble so much they spill
over the side of your cup of coffee.
Some women will leave a minty taste
under your tongue.
Some women say they hate you but they don’t.
Some women are constructed out of paper.
Some women copy others to make themselves feel good.
Some women are as a juicy as a pineapple
everybody wants the very next drop.
Some women will call you and say wrong number sorry.
Some women win without as much as a line of sweat
on their skulls.
Some women carry names inside their jean pockets.
Some women want diamonds.
Some women loathe other women but never explain why.
Some women will tear you open like it’s Christmas.
Some women live as if on the edge of a cliff.
Some women want thin.
Some women like big.
Some women won’t care if you don’t party hard.
Some women dance so well you will fall
underneath the flashing disco lights.
Some women have you as their favourite headache.
Some women teach better than any professor.
Some women hate the size of their *******.
Some women swipe husbands and keep a tally
below the floorboards where no-one has to know.
Some women have been singed
you could set them alight.
Some women won’t do what you want them to.
Some women count stars until they lose count.
Some women click their heels and make a wish or ten.
Some women can see their futures glistening
in the corners of their eyes.
Some women **** men with their lipstick.
Some women know with just one look.
Some women squeal as though
a toaster has been tossed in the bathtub.
Some women want three words three syllables
to swirl manically through their veins.
Some women would prefer it if you split the bill.
Some women choose click-flicks over ***.
Some women cheat when playing Monopoly.
Some women are left-handed and until
they write the wedding invitations you won’t even know.
Some women are fake outside but real inside.
Some women judge books by their covers.
Some women bleed red if they’re feeling blue.
Some women prefer Pepsi over Coke.
Some women drive wildly because they can.
Some women turn bad when they get drunk
they won’t remember but you’ll never forget.
Some women dread the moment
anyone sees them with no clothes on.
Some women are like morphine.
Some women will watch you crawl away and laugh
the sound smacking your eardrum again and again.
Some women will treat you like their next cigarette.
Some women will offer you their Vimto hearts
beg you to keep them beating.
Written: August 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time without a great deal of thought. Not to be taken seriously. Inspired by 'The Matter' by Kim Addonizio. 'Vimto' is a carbonated fruit-flavoured drink from England. All feedback welcome. Please see my home page on here for a link to my Facebook writing page.
NOTE: Many of my older poems will be removed from HP in the coming months.