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Patricia Tsouros Oct 2013
Stumbled in
mind & soul
I had no idea
that night would
would lead
to shattered scene**

epictails Aug 2015
Dig yourself
but not too much
or you'll be setting a* **grave
Haven't written in so many days though that is all I think about. No rhymes or ideas come no matter how much coffee I drink.
Culpoetry Feb 2014
13/2/2014 Scraps

My brain chemistry is imbalanced:
Add another conflict and I'll combust.
Bitter still with a sense of mistrust. #poetry #micropoetry

My eyes aren't for appreciating
The silver lining in your carefully crafted lies #poetry 2/3

Before you owe yourself
Another one of my favours
Consider the foundations On which I stand #poetry 1/3

A rusting of the silver lining
A shattered hourglass and microscope lens
With its' scattered shards all along
My path of life #poetry

Driving us slowly, up an avenue to death

There on death's porch
(Blood marks on death's door)
We are one breath short/
We fall and die alone #poetry #micropoetry

The bell tolls its' daily trill
Of a diminshed tone

Diminishing every thrill
A boredom that breaks bones #poetry #micropoetry
micropoems and scraps of writing from my twitter and tumblr
epictails Sep 2015
We are weak and human in all sorts of places,
hide them in all walks and spaces.
Happy birthday Kate
epictails Aug 2015
It's like something snapped in me and it took all my joy away
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
Take me to the ocean

Bring the leaping sun

Daybreak is full of diamonds

Dancing swelling tides

Make me want to write
Heather Mirassou Oct 2017
October is a beggar

Knocking on doors

Snatching golden leaves

In Autumn
epictails Sep 2015
You can spot the genius with his boat of questions
among a sea of answers.*

I used to think being intelligent is knowing. Incorrect. Knowing is merely absorbing information and the ones biologically gifted with expansive memory capacities have an advantage then. But true intelligence is understanding. True genius asks when nobody else would. True genius hears an answer but do not agree to it immediately. True genius sees no harm in being called naive for prying. True genius  believes there are many truths so they challenge those already accepted. Those who have explored their minds and know deeply that it is ever unfathomable.
your soul
a purple field
of dreams
dewy flowers
outpouring love
its covering
uprooting weariness
uplifting the spirit
epictails Sep 2015
You talk so much of love
but do nothing to keep it
Gathering my thoughts and insights and posting them here. Tbh I'm getting sloppier and uninspired. I drank coffee today despite making a resolution that for a week I'll stop. This is to reduce the anxiety I feel every single day when I wake up (they say no caffeine bec it works).But I slipped today because I need to be productive. I was still anxious when I woke up just before lunch but maybe I can make this an every other day thing?
epictails Aug 2015
Isn't it strange?
You've been living with yourself all this while
But you can't even figure out who you are.
Let's be honest here. I know myself completely but there are some parts of myself that make me feel so frustrated. So no one really has the right to call out on our ******* because who knows who we really are.
epictails Aug 2015
You are loose in places unscrewed as a child.

— The End —