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Lewis Hyden
18/M/London, UK    Cyberpunk author and recovering ice tea junkie.


Alber Jul 2017
A basketball playing professor of law
Took advantage of an opportunity he saw
He ran as a Hyde Park resident
And became our celebrated president.

Hyde Park the home of Argonne lab and the U of C
Fathered many Nobel Prize winners and nominees to be
More than Harvard, they cared not it would seem
They claimed to have a better football team.  

I'll have to renew my loaner card
Obama placed his library in our backyard
His presidential record there for all to see
What a waste, says Donald Trump
He doesn't mention me.
Glenn Gonzales May 2016
When you catch the different sides,
You might not realize the immediate difference.
Open up your eyes and ears or else you’ll probably miss it.
It’s inside of me, and you could try and see
The 5 degrees that separate the Jekyll and Hyde who speak.
One man he’s poet, the world loves it and are quick to show it.
The other man, he’s a rapper who barely gets any notice.
The focus is the content and the structure of the logic
Both men in their own way are trying to muster up some knowledge
College for  the people in a way that can reach you.
Feed news , education and awareness of life and its evils.
Steal imagination, create a congregation, to face those who the world has misshapen.
Stationed in a single mind, find your audience and awaken
Take the ideas and preach to the attention that’s been raked in.
For both states, there’s a difference approach,
But the goals is to get you all on the same boat.  
Without the water, it’ll refuse to float.
Jekyll and Hyde, well they’ve written their own notes
Slow and steady, they’ll come when ready, focused.
The Poet he’s very soft spoken and loving,
The Rapper we’ll hes chosen to start shoving,
Making his place because the road was never paved for him.  
Engraved his name along the way, hated but he stays going.
Both men, they might meet in the long run, some would beg to differ
Will it be violence or will the heads combine quicker?
A wicker basket of ideas, fears,goals and cheers.
Where will the audiences meet and emerge the tears?
Hear this out, and to yourself I want you to decide.
Through this writing, talking to you is which side?
Has it been the poet, or is it that rapper?
Are you destined for success or has he lead you too disaster?
I guess, your future will depend on your answer.
How you align your mind, after considering the factors.
You strive to find yourself and the decision to capture.
Rapture awaits, or is it green pastures.
Jekyll...., Hyde,
Speaking now Poet or Rapper?
1886, what a mess Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
running in the dead of the night
holding a deadly secret,
A crime all in one on the run
the good and the bad of one mine
taken down in a bloodshed crime,
Hyde Killing the love of Jekyll
all alone is one an experiment that
could never be undone,
To take down the one and only Jekyll
is a true friend at the end
the horror of ****** cry's of Ivy
Suicide was only a dream,
Hyde came to take her life away
Jekyll and Hyde two in one
I believe good and evil exist in the mix
of each of us,
Fantasies are made in dreams
''Jekyll and Hyde '' is something of the
dark eating away at the mind
and the heart of two personalities of one.

- Judy Emery © 1984
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery