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Charles T Chitsungo
I like poetry, and looking Julia Rose on here. You should look her up! Kk that's all. ;)


cschally  Sep 2011
Baby Girl
cschally Sep 2011
Welcome to the world, baby girl
7 pounds, 6 ounces, baby girl
Full of smiles, baby girl
But those smiles will soon turn into tears, baby girl
Taking your first steps and saying your first words, baby girl
Ignorance is bliss, baby girl
You’re not a baby anymore, little girl
You’re growing up, little girl
In suburbia heaven, little girl
Where all your secrets are shut behind closed doors, little girl
With a family all your own,
A mommy, a daddy and an older brother, little girl
And nobody knows your secret, little girl
Nobody knows the pain you live with, little girl
Nobody knows that...
Daddy hits you when you don’t read your book and
Daddy hits you when you don’t clear your plate and
Daddy hits you when you tell him to stop hitting your brother.
A few years pass but things never change and the scars never fade and the bruises never wane.
Daddy hits you when you don’t do the laundry and
Daddy hits you when you don’t do what you’re told and
Daddy hits you when you try to apologize.
A few years pass but things never change and the scars never fade and the bruises never wane.
Daddy hits you when he sees your report card and
Daddy hits you when you try to explain that it’s his fault and
Daddy hits you when he doesn’t understand.
A few years pass but things never change and the scars never fade and the bruises never wane.
Daddy hits you when you take the car without permission and
Daddy hits you when you have an attitude and
Daddy hits you when he tells you that you’re a disappointment.
But one day, baby girl, daddy hits you, and you fight back.
This was my first spoken word piece I ever wrote, let me know what you think! :]
Ella Blue Poet Aug 2015
The girl standing in the cold winter air
Her long hair wet and her feet are bare
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Her garden was sunny, not a cloud in the sky
But now it's raining, lightning forming up high
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

All her friends run to their homes
While the little girl stands in the rain alone
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

She runs around and tries getting inside
All the doors are locked, there's no where to hide
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

She has nothing more to do but run and get warm
The girl doesn't know what to do in a storm
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

The girl is freezing, to her it's unbearable
What happened next was truly terrible
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Her running was something of a maniac
And suddenly lightning struck her back
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

And where her body lay, death looms
While her friends sleep peacefully in their bedrooms
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

And in her coffin she lies today
All she wanted to do was go out and play
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
Thunder and lightning making a horrible sound

Now listen here, don't run in a storm
Else you will leave this earth in a ghostly form
The water falling down hits ******* the ground
And it falls on the girl who isn't making a sound.
Angel Chester Aug 2014
Don't judge me by that
I am not a *** head
But i will smoke on occasion
And i have found out
That in fact ****, is my best friend
After one hit,
I'll crack a smile
After the weeks I've been frowning
From this constant depression
After two hits,
Even the commercials on TV make me laugh
When i haven't been able to find humor in anything
After three hits,
I become hungry
Even though i haven't had an appetite
For a very long time
After four hits,
I feel a sudden lightness
Finally relieving me
Of all the sadness and stress weighing me down
After five hits,
I find confidence in myself
And do anything
It feels good to stop hiding behind others
After six hits,
I'll start to sing and dance
And i don't care who sees me
After seven hits,
I feel like superman
Even though my body's always drained
After eight hits,
I realize I'm somebody
Even though the world makes me feel like I'm nobody
After nine hits,
I get a little crazy
And don't care about "following the rules"
After ten hits,
I forget about all the pain
I have in my heart
And after its all gone
I fall asleep quickly
And stay asleep
After being awake for days
So yes,
**** is my best friend.
#happiness #herbs #friends #love <3