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e goforth
United States   
Mason Kayne Goforth
Texas    if you don't feed your demons, then your demons eat you,
Ashlie Forth
Colorado    I enjoy writing poetry and I love hearing ANY feedback negative or positive please follow, I'd love to share my work and better myself.


Erika Castaldo Dec 2015
I sit and swing
Back and forth, Back and forth
as I hear the screaming of my sister
playing in my head all over again.

I hear the sound of
her bones breaking as his
foot connects with her leg.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

I hear his tone change
from violent to pained
as he apologizes and tells her
he loves her.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

I hear her beg for forgiveness
and promise him that she
will never try and leave him again.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

I push with more force
as I see the images in my mind.

Back and forth, Back and forth.
I see her and my niece
coming to dinner with bruises
they had tried to hide.

Back and forth, back and forth.

I see him glare at her
and put his hand on her shoulder
to pull her back
whenever she tries to speak
to another man.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

I see her in the hospital bed,
countless tubes and wires coming out of her
trying to keep her alive.

Back and forth, Back and forth.

I sit and swing
Back and forth, Back and forth
and stare at the sea of black down the hill.
the only color comes from a bouquet of wet
flowers on the fresh grave.

Back and forth, back and forth.
Back and forth
Beads of sweat
Back and forth
Feeling wet
Back and forth
What to wear
Back and forth
Why do I care
Back and forth
Dark clouds above
Back and forth
Exploring love
Back and forth
Drinks at the bar
Back and forth
Puff that cigar
Back and forth
Doctor, scientist or MP
Back and forth
Which one can I be
Back and forth
Fathers design
Back and forth
Wallow in wine
Back and forth
Oppression is slower
Back and forth
I’m just a rower